Chapter Twenty Seven

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     I slowly woke up, sweating like mad. I tried to move but I was pinned down by Cole's arm. I rolled over and looked over at his strong, handsome face. Memories from last night came flooding back to me, his hands on my body and his lips on my skin. Just the thought of it had me almost moaning out load. Not wanting this moment to end, I laid my head down on his chest and closed my eyes once more but the perfect moment was shattered when my stomach growled loudly. Knowing if I stayed here it would only get louder until the point it would wake him up; I skilfully untangled myself from his arms. Walking across the room I picked up his boxer shorts and pulled them on. Grabbing a hairband from my chest of drawers, I bunched one side of the waist band and wrapped the hairband around it. Getting closer to the door I spotted his shirt and picked it up too. I slid my arms in the sleeves and suddenly remembered I had ripped all the buttons off. I took hold of the ends and tied them under my bust, of course the neck line was significantly low but I didn't care, I was surrounded by his scent. I quietly crept out of the room, made my way down stairs and headed for the kitchen. The house was dark and silent; judging by the lack of light outside, it had to be the early hours of the morning. Turning on the light as I stepped inside the kitchen, I grabbed the kettle and filled it before putting it on to boil. I quickly went through the cupboards looking for something to nibble on. Not finding anything I fancied, I grabbed a couple of slices of bread and popped them in the toaster. I picked up a mug off the shelf and pulled a tea bag out of the tin. Once the kettle had finished boiling I poured the water in the mug and dropped in the tea bag, leaving it to stew. I strolled over to fridge humming with a smile on my face, grabbed out the milk and poured a little in my mug before putting it back. I strained the tea bag and grabbed my toast as it popped. Getting a plate and some chocolate spread, I finished making my Breakfast. Picking up my food and drink I walked over to the kitchen island and sat on one of the stools. Picking up my steaming mug, with both hands, I brought it to my lips and sipped the heavenly fluid.

"Mmmm, I needed that." I said out loud to myself.

"I bet you do." Celeste said as she walked in wearing one of Chris's t-shirts, with a hint of laughter to her voice. "Good morning Luna." She continued as she walked over to the kettle and grabbed herself a mug.

"Right back at you." I said smiling over at her.

"I'm no Luna." She replied making herself a coffee.

"Not yet but once you're mated you will be." I said before taking a big sip of my tea.

"Well Chris has still got to have the 'chat' with Cole. God knows how that will go." She replied rolling her eyes as she sat on the stool opposite me.

"I'll have a word with him." I replied smiling sweetly at her.

"Thanks Ray but that's ok." She said before taking a mouthful of coffee.

"Good morning Bitches!" Helena said grinning from ear to ear as she skipped into the kitchen.

As soon as she came closer to me and her scent hit me, it became pretty clear what had her so happy, the mark on her neck was a pretty good indication as well. I shook my head as I sipped my tea again.

"Morning Helena, did you have a good night?" I asked smirking.

"Mmmm god yes, best night of my life but you know all about that now don't you strawberry crumble." She said giggling as my face grew red. "You made breakfast? Thanks I'm famished." She said with a wink as she grabbed a slice of my toast.

"Hey that's mine, get your own bloody toast." I said pouting; I was starving after last night.

"You can have it if you want." She said as she licked a load of chocolate spread off.

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