Chapter Twenty Five

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       "Well, have you all lost your tongues? Someone need to explain this now!" Cole demanded.

The power and authority in his voice had my body trembling with want and need; I had to bite my bottom lip to stop myself from moaning out loud.

"Answer me god damn it?!" Cole roared.

This time I couldn't stop the moan from escaping my lips. At the sound, Cole's head snapped towards me, his nostrils flared.

"Ray get inside!" He growled, making me bite my bottom lip again.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jai shift back.

"Mmmm. She smells good doesn't she, she gave me a taster earlier. That's what this is all about big bad Alpha of Alpha's. You're sweet little mate sang me a tune and boy let me tell you, when she hit that high note I nearly lost myself then and there." Jai said pushing himself up onto his elbows.

"What?!" Carrie screamed.

Everyone turned to look at her but my eyes were still glued on Jai and Cole. Cole's eyes burned into me, his eyes trailing down my body furiously, stopping when he came back up to my neck. Obviously noticing the angry looking bruise, his lips peeled back from his teeth as he growled at me fiercely, making me cower back. The anger radiating off of him terrified me beyond words. I tried to plead with him with my eyes but the power coming off of him was overpowering, making me look at the ground.

"Oliver, get her inside!" he demanded.

A tall, dark haired, middle aged man walked towards me. Judging by the looks of him, I'd say he was Cole's beta, Helena's father. I had seen him before but many years ago. Before he reached me Helena had raced in front of me, guarding me.

"Helena get out of the way!" he growled.

"No daddy Ray and I are staying put." She replied placing her hands on her hips.

"Child move now, that's an order!" he shouted.

Within seconds Alec was stood beside her, growling loudly. She turned towards him and placed her hand on his chest and kissed his cheek, trying to calm him.

"Alec its ok, calm down sweetie." She said softly.

He looked towards her and sighed, nodding his head.

"What was that? Who is he?" Her father demanded, not overly frilled with the interaction between the two.

"I'm Alec Stroud; I'm your daughter's mate." Alec answered proudly, showing her father that he wasn't intimidated.

This seemed to impress Oliver as a small smirk graced his face; he nodded before turning back towards me.

"Come on little Luna, Alpha says you must go inside." Oliver said sounding slightly patronising.

This infuriated my wolf, how dare he talk to me like that? How dare he treat his future Luna like a child? Once again a surge of power flowed through me and Oliver seemed to sense it. He stiffened the air and quickly glanced at the floor. Seeing this Helena squeezed my hand supportively. Showing me, like she had from day one, that she had my back. I stood up straighter, rolled my shoulders back and held my head up high. This was my future, I was finally ready to except fully who and what I truly was.

"As your future Luna, I am telling you I am staying right here!" I said calmly.

"Yes Luna." He replied, giving me the same smirk he had given Alec, showing me I had earned his respect and loyalty.

He stepped to one side and turned back towards Cole and Jai. A growl escaped Cole's lips, making Jai laugh behind him. Hearing this Cole's head snapped back to Jai, growling louder still.

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