Chapter Twenty

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     As our lips parted, due to my desperate need for oxygen, I found we were lying on my bed. How or when we got there, I had no idea. My mind was in a blissful haze, thanks to Cole's passionate lips. I smiled up at him, running my hand along his cheek. I loved the way his stubble felt against my skin, rough but nice, just like Cole. As my hand neared his mouth he turned his face to kiss it, sending my hand ablaze. I had never felt more at home than I did right now, here in his arms. He leaned over and left a sweet kiss on my forehead before pulling himself off of my bed. I quickly scurried off the bed not wanting him to leave. I grabbed his arm as he reached out for my door handle.

"Cole please don't leave me. Stay, please?" I pleaded.

"You need to rest Strawberries and I can't guarantee that I'd be able to control myself if I stayed." he replied, turning to look at me with sad eyes.

"I'll take my chances, please Cole I don't want to be alone. You promised you wouldn't leave me." I pleaded again, wrapping my arms around his waist holding him tight.

"I'll be right down the hall, I won't be far." He said placing his hand on my cheek.

Hearing enough I slapped his hand off of me and walked over to my window, keeping my back to him.

"Whatever Cole I get it, just fucking go already!" I snapped.

I heard him sigh loudly behind me, I could tell he was getting irritated with me but I had had enough. One minute he is all over me and the next he can't wait to get away from me. He was giving me bloody whiplash. I gasped as I felt his hands grab my shoulders, spinning me around and pinning me up to the nearest wall.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that Ray, you are starting to seriously test my patience!" he growled at me, pressing himself into my body.

The power and dominance in his voice had me going weak at the knees, my core aching painfully for him. A devilish smirk graced my lips as I stared up at him with hooded eyes.

"Or what?" I replied, praying I'd hear him growl at me once more.

"Ray I'm warning you!" he snarled, making me moan quietly.

His eyes grew wide as he took in my reaction, I could only imagine how strong the scent of my arousal was right now. Another growl rumbled deep within his chest, sending vibration through my body. Unlike his other growls, this was one of pleasure but regardless I still found myself moaning even louder. I closed my eyes and squeezed my thighs tight as I felt his rock hard manhood digging into me.

"Oh my god Cole." I moaned, biting my lower lip.

He ran the tip of his nose up the column of my neck, making my whole body shudder. I could feel my heart racing in my chest and my breaths were becoming more of a pant. All I wanted was to feel his lips on my skin. I wanted him to take me right here, right now up against this wall. I wanted him to dominate me and take me roughly, to take me to heights I had never known.

"Mmmm, say my name again Strawberries." He demanded, making me instantly wet.

"Cole. Oh god Cole." I answered, opening my eyes.

"You have no idea how good my name sounds coming from your lips." He said, leaning forward taking my bottom lip between his teeth.

I moaned once more, making a growl of pleasure rumble through his chest.

"God you smell so good and the sound of you moaning. Mmmm, your making me so hard right now." He moaned as he gripped onto my backside, lifting me off the floor making me wrap my legs around his waist. "We really should stop before I get too carried away." he said against my neck, as he started grinding himself against me.

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