Chapter Thirty Three

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     A sense of relief washed over me as I looked over at Cole's angry form. I feared what Jai would do if I was left alone with him much longer. He had already injured his mate and child without battering an eyelid. Jai however, just seemed amused by Cole's entrance.

"Well well, if it isn't big, bad head Alpha King. Have you come to tell me off, are you going to punish me for what I have done?" Jai said, his wide eyes making him look crazy.

"Jai you have gone too far. Now hand over Ray now!" Cole growled.

I watched as Cole's chest rose and fell violently as he got more outraged. His limbs were trembling and his muscles tensed as his wolf fought for control. I mentally pleaded for Cole to look at me; I knew though, if he did he would lose it completely. Plus Jai would use it to his advantage, playing on Cole's emotions. I stayed silent as the two males stared each other down, primal growls reverberating in their chests. The tension in the room was so thick it was suffocating.

"Hand her over Jai, now!" Cole roared fiercely, his body shaking more than before.

Jai did nothing but hysterically laugh, so much so that tears came to his eyes.

"This is no laughing matter!" Coles roared, growing more enraged.

"Oh but it is, Big bad Alpha King so desperate to get his hands on my sloppy seconds." he laughed, making Cole growl louder. "Down boy, does the truth hurt? Does it sting knowing my cock was buried deep inside her? Does it kill you knowing that she loved every second of it?" Jai continued, grinning sadistically.

Cole had heard enough and lunged at him, knocking him to the ground. I screamed as they rolled across the floor, the sounds coming from them sounding demonic. After a few moments Cole ended up being on top, his hand gripped around Jai's throat. Jai struggled against him, his elongated nails clawing at Cole's arms. Despite the blood running down from the wound, Cole was focused on Jai.

"Submit!" Cole growled, his voice sounding animalistic.

"Never!" Jai spat.

"Submit!" Cole repeated slamming Jai's head into the floor forcefully.

"Now why would I want to do that? You're no Alpha of Alpha's when you can never have an heir." Jai replied smirking, his voice strained to it limit.

Cole's body visibly slackened, my heart ached knowing that Jai spoke the truth. Cole would never have his heir and it was all my fault.

"She'll never have your pups growing inside her but she had mine. Just another thing I've had of yours. If it weren't for that little whore, then her stomach would be swollen still now. My pup would be growing and moving inside of her and more importantly, she'd be mine." Jai said smugly.

"Shut up Jai!" I cried.

His words reopened old wounds, the memory of discovering my pregnancy and our time together before Carrie's little announcement. My head was spinning, was he right, would I be with him right now if it wasn't for Carrie? Would I have given myself to him completely without ever finding Cole? The thought of life without Cole was heart-breaking but what hurts more, was it was almost reality. I slowly lifted my head and looked over at Cole, my eyes instantly finding his. He looked deflated as he looked back at me, he could see the confusion in my eyes. A single tear rolled down my cheek knowing that I had hurt him once again. As we focused on each other, Jai saw his opening. He slashed his nails straight through the flesh of Cole's bare chest, just above his heart, before throwing him clear across the room. I screamed as Cole's body collided with Jai's big, heavy, wooden chest of drawers. Cole hissed loudly, the force shaking the entire unit. Everything on top of it was sent flying, even the candles found their way to the ground. As they touched a pile of clothes nearby the flames took, creating a small fire. My heart stopped as the flames grew so close to Cole's motionless body. I tried to shuffle myself closer to him but I couldn't, my tears were streaming as the flames steadily grew closer and closer to him.

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