Chapter Three

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     When I reached the pack house, I slammed my way through the doors and threw by bag to the side of the stairs. I didn't care how much noise I made or whether or not I was disturbing anyone. All I cared about was releasing some of my anger before I killed someone. Stomping my way down the corridor I finally made it to the gym, shoving open the door I walked in. Heading straight for the punch bag and hit it as hard as I could, letting out a growl as I did so. I just kept hitting it over and over again, my fists were starting to ache but I didn't care. After about ten minutes, I was aware of someone's eyes on me. Stopping I turned around and saw my dad leant up against the door frame.

"Is something bothering you darling?" he asked, concern in his voice.

"Now what gave you that idea?" I replied while turning back to the punch bag and hitting it once more.

"There's no need to be sarcastic young lady." He said moving towards me. "You've been in here punching that thing for god knows how long and growling like mad. Something's up, so spill."

"It doesn't matter dad." I said punching the bag again.

"You're upset darling, of course it matters." He replied grabbing hold of it and standing in front of me.

"Just drop it dad, I don't want to talk about it." I growled at him.

"No I will not drop it. You're my only daughter and something is upsetting you, know tell me what it is!" he said in his Beta tone.

I tried to fight the order but I wasn't strong enough.

"I happened to catch the guy you want me to be mated to screwing Carrie. But it doesn't matter, ok. I'm going into heat and my hormones are all over the place. Happy now?" I ranted at him.

"I can understand your anger sweetie but you haven't exactly been helping yourself. If you don't want him going elsewhere, you need to keep him interested. Stop dressing and acting like one of the guys." He replied in an 'I told you so' tone.

"For Christ sake dad I don't care what he fucking does, it's not as though either of us want this. He can screw whoever he wants." I shouted.

"Well if you don't care, why are you in here punching your anger out?" he shouted back.

"That's just it dad, I don't fucking know." I replied.

"You've brought this on yourself Raynie-Fay. If only you made an effort everything would be different." He said shaking his head at me.

"Yes of course this is all my fault, how stupid of me not to have realised that." I replied sarcastically.

"Less of the sarcasm Raynie-Fay." He snapped back.

"Whatever dad!" I replied as I turned and walked out the room.

There was no way I was going to calm down around him; he'd only make me worse. If he wants me to make an effort then so be it, I'll give him exactly what he wants.

When I heard the guys pull up, I quickly ran into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I knew that Chris would come straight up, wanting an explanation for my absence. If he thought I was in the shower he'd leave me alone. For now anyway. As I suspected, I heard Chris calling me from downstairs and his footsteps heading up to my room.

"Ray, are you up here?" he shouted from the hallway.

He opened the door and I heard him walking around my room. After a minute or two he left again. After another five minutes had passed, I turned off the shower and stepped out of the bathroom. I was greeted by the sound of all the guys walking down the hallway towards the stairs. If I was right in my suspicions, they'd be heading straight for the pool. Walking over to my full length mirror I took one last look at myself, not completely hating what I saw. It didn't feel like me but I didn't look bad. I had curled my hair, slightly enhancing its natural wave, letting it hang loosely around my face. I somehow manage to put some make-up on successfully. I didn't go mad, I just put on some lip gloss, eye liner, eye shadow and waterproof mascara. I looked down at my slim, toned body in the tiny black bikini my dad had bought me two years ago. It was fair to say I had grown a little since he had bought it, it barely covered anything but that was the plan. Happy with the end result I took a big breath and headed out of my room, grabbing my towel on the way. As I made my way towards the outdoor pool, I passed several pack members. All of them eyed me up like I was candy, at least I knew this look was working no matter how much I hated it. It made me chuckle as a couple of people didn't even recognise me at first, the looks on their faces when they did though was priceless. As I reached the French doors, which led to the garden, I could see the guys goofing around and pushing each other into the pool. After one last deep breath I stepped out of the doors. As soon as I stepped out, their eyes were on me. They were all looking at me in shock and disbelief; Chris kept an eye on the guys as they watched me.

"Hi guys." I said, ignoring their stares as I walked around the pool to the lawn.

I placed down my towel and laid down, soaking in the sun. I tried not to laugh as I sensed the guy's eyes still on me. After a minute or two, I sensed Chris walking over.

"Hi bro how can I help you?" I asked, smiling at him and propping myself up onto my elbows.

"Ray, what the hell you are doing?" he asked, trying to shield me from the guys.

"Sunbathing, what does it look like I'm doing?" I answered smiling at him still.

"Ray what's going on? Why did you leave school early and why are you dressed like that?" he asked, motioning to my near non-existent swimwear.

I watched as the guys climbed out of the pool and slowly headed towards us. Jai stayed at the back of the group but kept his eyes firmly on me.

"I left because something just made me feel sick all of a sudden." I said glancing at Jai as he rolled his eyes at me. "As for now, well I was feeling really hot." I said rolling onto my side biting my bottom lip. "What do you think Jared, do I look hot?" I asked him as he was the closest to Jai.

"I'd say you look smoking hot." He replied, receiving a growl from both Jai and my brother. "Sorry bro but look at her, can you really blame me?" he quickly added looking at Chris.

"Ray cover yourself up, now!" he growled at me quietly.

"You know what Chris, I don't think I will." I said rolling back onto my back. "Now run along children." I said as I waved them off.

I heard Chris huff away, he knew he wasn't going to be able to make me do as he said; if dad couldn't there was no way he'd be able too. I could hear the guys splashing around again but there was still one set of eyes on me. Knowing exactly who it was I turn onto my front and undid the straps of my bikini top. Resting my head on my hands, facing the guys, I watched as Jai's jaw tensed as he stared at me. Knowing that I was getting under his skin, I decided to turn it up a notch, noticing a bottle of sun cream by the side of the pool.

"Hey Markus could you do a girl favour and rub some sun cream on my back?" I asked, smiling and batting my eyelashes at him.

"Sure thing Ray." Markus replied eagerly, jumping out the pool and grabbing the sun cream as he ran over.

He leant down beside me and squirted a little bit of cream between my shoulder blades.

"Mmmm that feels so good Markus." I moaned as I looked directly at Jai. "Do you think you could rub it in a little lower too?"

I didn't have to lie too much about it feeling good because it was, it was feeling really good. With my heat coming on my skin was super sensitive and this was driving me wild. I couldn't stop myself from moaning again but it was short lived, as Markus's hands were suddenly ripped off of me. Before I knew it Jai was dragging me up from the floor and into the pack house. I put my hand over my chest to try and cover myself. Once we entered his father's empty study he pinned me up against the wall.

"What the fuck do you think you're playing at?" he growled at me.

"What can I say Jai, paybacks a bitch!" 

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