Chapter Thirty

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     I was woken from my slumber by the sound of movement in my room. It automatically brought back flash backs of Jai. I sat bolt upright and flicked on my bedside lamp, ready to attack the intruder. What I saw though made me instantly relax. I found Cole struggling to get out of his trousers as he walked out of my en suite bathroom. Looking at him it was pretty clear he was intoxicated, which for a male his size would have taken an immense amount of alcohol. I glanced over at my alarm clock I saw it was close to two in the morning, which only strengthened my belief that he had drunk quite a lot.

"Well, well Alpha King. I do believe you're drunk." I said smirking as I crossed my arms over my chest.

Judging by the way he jumped out of his skin, he obviously hadn't noticed me or the fact the light was on. He tried to steady himself but failed miserably, landing flat on his face with a loud thud.

"Fuck!" he groaned as he struggled to get back on his feet.

"Tut tut Cole, what sort of language is that for a Head Alpha to use?" I said giggling.

"Don't start that again missy or I'll get you over my knee and spank your pretty little arse." He threatened as he staggered towards the bed, collapsing on the mattress when his legs hit it.

"I'd like to see you try in your current condition." I replied smugly.

"You're right, I'm fucked." He said lifting his head up from the duvet.

I couldn't help but chuckle as he crawled up the bed towards me. Once his head landed on the pillow beside me, I laid back down and rolled towards him. I couldn't help but smile at his adorable sleep filled eyes. He had a contented grin on his face that made him look at least ten years younger, like the awkward teenager I remembered when I was seven, instead of his twenty four years. It took me back to my youth, when I secretly fancied him. Back then he was more awkward and less confident of himself, yet he still managed to attract a lot of attention from the females. Things made a lot more sense now when I look back at it, the way he always seemed uncomfortable around me, yet he was never far away. I always used to find myself drawn to him, if only I knew then what I know now. I wish he would have said something about us back then but at the same time I understood. How weird must it have been to have feelings for a mere child, finding the person your destined to spend your life with when you're still a child yourself. None of that mattered though, we're together now and nothing is going to change that. Ours is a love that will last forever and always. I chuckled again when a loud snore filled the room, I leaned forward and kissed his cheek before rolling over. I turned off the lamp and went back to sleep.

Humming, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a big, red, fluffy towel. I quickly brushed my teeth before heading back into my room. I smiled as I saw Cole was still sprawled out on the bed. Somehow during the night he seemed to have managed to pull his boxers down on one side. So right now he had one arse cheek hanging out. One things for sure, I definitely wouldn't be able to take him seriously for the rest of the day. I chucked my towel in the laundry basket and strolled over to my chest of drawers. Knowing I would have Cole around I felt the need for some slightly more sexy underwear today. Rummaging around in my underwear draw, I finally found what I was looking for. I stepped into the red and black lace thong and slowly slipped it up my thighs, before putting on the matching balconette bra. Hearing a groan from behind me I quickly turned towards the bed.

"You're killing me woman, I swear." Cole said making me chuckle.

"How's your head this morning?" I asked ignoring his last statement.

"Pounding. If you don't put anymore clothes on I might have to give you a pounding too." He answered trying to laugh but it came out sounding quite pained.

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