Chapter Eight

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     I had already figured out what was going on but hearing the words from her lips didn't make it any easier. I stood behind Jai silently, watching as his body tensed. I could tell by the way his body began to tremble that he was not taking the news well. It was killing me to think this could be possible but I knew deep down that she was telling the truth. She had an air of Alpha authority lingering around her, an authority she'd only possess if she was indeed carrying an Alpha child. I now know what she meant at the party when she said orders could be changed.

"Lies, it's all lies," Jai shouted.

"Jai she speaks the truth. Deep down you know she is, you can sense the child just as everyone else here can." I spoke calmly, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"No. No it can't be. That can't be my child, it just can't be." Jai said shaking still.

"Jai listen to your heart, the child is yours." I said taking a step away from him.

Noticing my distance he spun around to face me. He reached out to grab hold of my arm but I moved away before he could touch me. It killed me to do so but I knew I had to let him go, he was no longer mine.

"Ray don't walk away from me, you're mine. I will not lose you, not now that I have finally got you." Jai growled, his possessiveness scaring me slightly.

"Jai you don't have me, not anymore. You have Carrie and your unborn child." I replied as calmly as I could, backing away again and heading for Chris and the guys.

"That thing growing inside her is not mine, it can't be mine. It just can't be mine. We're supposed to be together, we're meant for each other." he growled.

"Jai the child is yours, you know it is now grow a set and man up." I growled back at him, starting to lose my controlled appearance.

"Then let me mark you and the baby will be gone and we can still be together." he said walking towards me.

Hearing that he would be willing to kill his unborn child made something inside me snap. Marching up to him I slapped him around the face as hard as I could, sickened by the man he was becoming in front of me.

"Don't you dare speak of such things Jai, I may not like the bitch but what's done is done." I spat glancing over at a pouting Carrie. "She does carry your child and you will love it the moment you lay eyes on it. Even as we speak now I know deep down you already love your child, just like any other father would. So just grow up, if you really wanted to be with me, you would have kept it in your pants or covered it up." I snapped at him.

"Raynie-Fay I think that's enough thank you." Charlie said stepping towards us. "I may not agree with my sons reckless actions but he is still your future Alpha. I cannot allow you to speak to him like that."

"Sorry Alpha." I apologised through gritted teeth.

Bowing at him slightly, I turned and walked back towards the house. I couldn't just stand around with everyone looking at me, pretending that I was ok with this when I wasn't. If I stayed I'd only cause more of a scene. I could hear Jai screaming my name behind me but I shut it out, not wanting to cause myself any more pain than what I was in already. My world was coming crashing down around me.

I spent the rest of the day locked up in my room, feeling completely numb. Not so long ago I didn't even want to become Luna and be Jai's mate but now it was taken away from me, I longed for it. What was I going to do now? All my life I was told that I would one day become Luna. What was I supposed to do now, just sit around watching someone else live my life, watch another women give him the pups that I was supposed to give him? What scared me the most was that part of me felt relieved by the whole situation, like a weight had been lifted off me. I was snapped from my thoughts when I heard shouting coming from outside my door.

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