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It was the day when Yuuka was meant to die. Yuuka was someone who was unknown to the scenario she was in. It was meant to be terrifying for her but she was uninformed which made her less likely to care for what will happen to her the moment the moon gleams on her. She had a teddy with her which she grabbed tightly. Though she was uninformed, the feeling of hatred was radiating from everyone which made her feel scared. She looked everywhere but the only thing she saw was hatred and fear.

Last 5 years of her life was nothing but a list of wishes she made. What she mainly wished for was to step outside of her room and feel the freedom of air, water, earth, field and so on. The wish for stepping outside from the room might be fulfilled but what happens next was what she feared and wished to never happen and that is, Be killed.

She was a child about 6 years old and all she had done was be in her room and talk with a maid named, Misaki. To her the maid was a friend, a loving mother figure and a teacher to teach her what to do and what not to. For the first time she meets her parents and the moment she sees them they declares her execution in front of her. The word 'execution' was something she was unheard of but she was ensured the word itself meant death. Death without opinion given to the person, who will be executed with the due time and due time meant the time moon gleams on her. She smiled and looked up to the moon and what she noticed was a beautiful site she always heard from her maid, Misaki. The moon is moon and no one in the planet and galaxy compares it. It truly was a fascinating site.

For the last time she decides to look at what was in front of her. Actually she was more interested to see the person standing in front of her. She saw Misaki crying her heart out for Yuuka and literally was begging to Juri and Haruka, Yuuka's parents, with her eyes. Next to her parents, a boy stood. He had red-brown eyes, brown hair is grown up to his collar. Yuuka became curious and for the first time she asked to someone who she was unfamiliar with. "What is your name?"

The moment she asks the situation becomes more intense but the boy didn't hesitate and replies, "Kaname Kuran."

Yuuka smiles and tells, "What a beautiful name! I wish we could have met before!"

Kaname couldn't care less and stayed silent. Yuuka snaps out from staring at Kaname when she hears her name and tells her to step forward. She inhales deeply and exhales and steps forward. She walks forward and notices coffin. Without any second thoughts, she lays down on the coffin. With a blink of an eye, what happens next is Juri closing the cover and Haruka and Kaname standing beside Juri. Sorry but it is the only way to protect the vampire kingdom and human world from destruction.

Destruction? Yuuka asks though the word was new to her but with a guess she could tell it was something related to destroy but what made Juri more shocked was Yuuka saying with a bright grin, Bye! Hope to see you again!

Even though they both knew there was no hope and no future for Yuuka, still she smiled to someone who fixed her death with one sentence. It was too late for Juri. When she came back to her senses the coffin was thrown in to the sea water. The second she sees coffin, Yuuka was in, was thrown to water Juri screams.

"Haruka! Please take her back. Take her out of that coffin! She is our daughter. Yuuka!" Juri yells making Kaname and Haruka shocked with her sudden snap. It was Juri's idea to kill Yuuka but now it seems she was the one who is starting to regret most.

"I am so sorry, Yuuka!" Juri mutters while her tears were uncontrollably falling to the ground.

Haruka walks to her, "Juri, my beloved. Please control yourself. What is done is done. Now what remains is how we take it."

"! She...she smiled at me. She hoped...hoped to see me again." Juri stutters and cries.

Kaname stayed silent like before and looked up to the sky where his eyes led on the moon. Yuuka. I wish we had met before in different dimension or situation. It is one of the curious facts you left behind about what would happen if I have adored you.

Kaname didn't even realize that he was crying until he felt his tears reaching his jaw and lips. He looks around to see his mother crying loudly on Haruka's shoulder. I am sorry! I am sorry! Juri mutters continuously.

Haruka somehow controls Juri by muttering something to her and returns to home leaving Kaname behind since he insisted to. When Kaname notices Haruka and Juri was out of the site, Kaname dives on the water without any second thoughts. Kaname starts to search the coffin under the water. He looked everywhere he possibly could but failed to find the coffin. He swam for long hours. He continued to swim until the sun started to rise. He gave up thinking the coffin may be swapped away to the other coordination of the sea. However, somewhere deep inside of him he had a hope thinking Yuuka may be rescued by someone. It may be a foolish idea to think but it can be possible. He laid on the ground and looked up to the sky. It looked bright with blue sky. For a normal vampire without protection of rings especially made for vampires to get protection from sunlight will eventually burned into ashes if the light from the sun radiates on their skin but it was other way around for a pure blood vampire. They can walk during day without protection.

He got up and returned back to his house. He made himself well prepared to hide the fact about the coffin being missing.

On the other hand, Karl Heinz, one of the royal vampire, made one of his servants to find the coffin where Yuuka was in. Karl Heinz was not a bit interested in saving Yuuka in any circumstances but after getting details about her and thinking about killing an innocent child was what made him change his decision. He knew some facts about Yuuka's power but it didn't matter to him in slightest. What he wanted to do was save this innocent child and adopt her as his daughter.

"Lord Karl, we found her. She is unconscious and alive."

"Good! I want her in my car now and wrap her with towel so that she doesn't get sick." He commanded. The male-servant nodded and followed his orders. He got in to his car and kept Yuuka's head on his lap. "Let's go! We have no business here anymore."

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That is Ichiru and Yuuka.

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