Chapter 11

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Ichiru was not heartless like other vampires. He can never forgive them nor give them a chance; mercy if he finds them in red handed. He will continue to target every vampire in this world and track them down so that when the time comes every culprit will perish and turn into ashes.

There in his arms he had the same creature, a vampire, but yet he find himself in deep thought of guilt. He might not be heartless but still he was not ready to forgive vampires. In his eyes every vampire is same but she who has just arrived is slowly and surprisingly invading the guard barrier which Ichiru created.

He sighed as he thought he might face some problems with Head Master if he leaves Yuuka on the ground lying outside the dorm entrance door. He carried Yuuka in his arms and walked to her dorm room. It was his first time visiting Night Class Dorm room. As he successfully reached her room, he knocked the door with his leg. Loud enough to think someone was kicking the door. Then and there he found himself opening the door by the force he used against the door.

He saw the room was empty which helped him more to be comfortable in placing unconscious Yuuka on the bed.

“Funny to think that someone who was treating Yuuka quite aggressively got a little pain in his heart to get into her room safely!” Ichiru hears a sound of someone chuckling behind his back and turns around.

“Oh, if it is not Mayuri,” Ichiru gives a fake smile, “so how does it feel to be Yuuka's pet? Ops! My bad! Yuuka told me you are her friend, well if I am not mistaken.”

“Will you stop being overdramatic? It is nauseating! Just place Yuuka on her bed which is on the right side and leave.” Mayuri says radiating hatred for him.

Ichiru places Yuuka on the bed and turns to Mayuri, “It should be me who should feel nauseous since vampires are filling up this place.”

“Oh really! Why don't you feel irritated and anger on yourself for turning into vampire?” Mayuri disputes smugly. “I am not trying to kill you since my friend here will be angry if I did but listen here Level E, if I see you almost killed her for taking her blood, I will kill you.”

“We will see.” With that Ichiru leaves the dorm whereas Mayuri standing in her room sees from window Ichiru leaving. As soon as she sees Ichiru out of the site, she turns her gaze on unconscious Yuuka.

“Why do you have to do this, Yuuka? What are you trying to seek?” Mayuri with a sad face whispers before kissing her forehead and take her turn to sleep.


Yuuka sitting at her study table she was trying to sketch eyes. She decided to sketch an eye for her project and decorate it with carbon wires. No matter how many times she tries to draw someone's eye. She finds herself sketching Ichiru's lilac lonely eyes. Time was limited to her. Sketching was not the problem which was time consuming. It was giving all of her emotions and feelings in the sketch. On the other hand, if the sketching was done, it would be the decoration with carbon wires which would be the problem of maintaining time.

She felt exhaustion from all this thinking going in her head. The sun was still bright tanning outside world. She dressed herself in black pants and shirt. On her way towards the exit dorm gate, she sees a girl taller than she is with toffee colored hair that falls her back while she has messy bangs framing her forehead. Yuuka finds herself eager to talk to her since the girl in front of her is another member of Night Class and yet she didn't talk with anyone except Yuki and Kaname.

“Hi!” Yuuka greets the girl loud enough to let the girl hear her.

The girl turns to her, giving the attention Yuuka hoped for, “Hello.”

“So you are...?” Yuuka was unsure on how to interact with her since when she finally stood in front of the girl Yuuka felt quite short.

“I am Ruka.” The girl named Runs introduces herself.

“And I am Hanabusa.” The voice caught the two girls off guard.

Yuuka notices a fairly tall with golden-blond hair and electric blue eyes. “So what are you girls doing here?”

Before Ruka could answer, Hanabusa went to a different topic, “Well Miss. Yuuka, right?”

Yuuka nodded not giving her a chance to let her speak, “Well you didn't come and joined us in the morning to attract Day Class Students. Are you ok?”


“Are you sure?” Hanabusa asks her trying to get deeply involved with certain topic.

Yuuka frowns. “I mean after the erotic bite from Ichiru and intense converse, are you feeling alright?”

Hanabusa didn't let Yuuka to reply instead he moves some strains of Yuuka's hair which was covering the neck and let the bite mark get revealed. “Why aren't you healed yet? Are you truly a vampire?”

“What kind of question is that, Hanabusa?” Yuuka asks.

“I see, kitten doesn't know how to respect-” Hanabusa couldn't complete his sentence when he saw dark pink eyes glowing.

Normally, vampires have red eyes when they are hungry for blood but what did Yuuka possess to have pink eyes?

“A mere vampire below me instructs me to respect me and too by calling me a kitten.” Yuuka's voice held anger but her face was expressionless same as what pureblood is supposed to do.

Without their knowledge of their surroundings, Kaname, Yuki, Mayuri and other vampires surrounded them as they felt something was going on downstairs.

Before Kaname could do something Yuuka closed her eyes and made her back to normal. “I suppose we are done here. I hope we can be friends since you look interesting compared to other vampires, Aido.”

Yuuka left the dorm without having glance on others. As soon as she closed the door, she leaned on the door and sighed in relief. She had the accurate information on Aido's family. They were the right hand of Kuran's family but something about them makes Yuuka feel fishy.

“Taking a chance of catching a prey without anyone giving attention to you, eh?”

“I must say you do have creative imagination Ichiru but still it is an utter nonsense.” Yuuka sighs without looking at Ichiru.

“I don't need your criticism and be a pointer.” Ichiru grits his teeth and with a sudden movement catching Yuuka off guard, he grips her hand and pulls her as he starts walking.

“What are you doing?! Leave my hand.” Yuuka struggles and tries to pull her hand from his grasp. Ichiru didn't care and walked towards the storeroom.

As soon as they reach the store room, he pushes Yuuka against the wall and cages her in his arms. Yuuka was inexperienced with this situation but little did she know what happens is what is not supposed to.

“Ichiru, leave me.” Yuuka was trying her best to escape but Ichiru with a fury face pushes Yuuka against the wall hard and leans towards he ears and says the word which shivered Yuuka and moisture her eyes with tears.

“Let me have what you are supposed to lend. Let me break what is mine which is you.”

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