Chapter 2

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Though Yuuka was introduced to her brothers who were 2 to 4 years older than her, she was not yet comfortable around them. Whenever she is being faced with her brothers, she either hides behind her mothers or father. Brothers were frustrated by her impulsive behavior. She was also new to them. All these years, brothers stayed, played, joked around together at each other's back but suddenly they were introduced to their sister. Yuuka's introduction was fine but after that Yuuka started to keep her distance and the brothers doesn't have any clue on what to do and what she wanted or expect from them.

“Man, marshmallow is again keeping herself hidden from me.” Ayato complained. “I just wanted to play football with her.”

“Stupid. Who plays football with a girl?” Laito frowns. “However, it's true she is keeping herself hidden around me too.”

“Teddy is wondering why she is afraid of us.” Kanato asks while he keeps himself distracted by playing with his teddy.

“I think we should do something.” Shu suggests and other five was shaken by him. Shu never suggests something to someone even though the person is dying or is in trouble. “There is no time to be shocked. Time is running out and I don't want her to hate or run away from us. As an elder brother it's my duty to try solving my sister's problem and suggest her solutions.”

“Lies.” Reiji says and fixes his glasses. “You never care about anyone.”

Shu stays silent and takes his time and spoke, “That's true. If it's you guys, I will not hesitate to ignore and avoid you at your bad times but if it's Yuuka then you, me and everyone in this room know we will be helping Yuuka.”

Reiji just narrowed his eyes at him. “What do you suggest? What should we do?”

“That decision part I will pass it on someone.” Shu says and Reiji tusks.

“My teddy says we should do what we always do.” Kanato says and nuzzles his teddy.

“It is not going anywhere. I have my swordsmanship practice. I prefer an organized decision.” Subaru says and leaves.

In the meantime, the boys were trying their hardest to find a solution except Shu. He was lying on the couch, earphone in his ears and listening to the songs through his mini MP3.

“My, my, no matter whatever ideas we think to make our little doll love us it doesn't seem the right one.” Laito sighs as he says.

Time skips and Subaru returns home from his swordsmanship practice. He enters the living room and sees Yuuka sitting alone by herself. At first, Subaru thought to ignore her and walk away but then he couldn't instead he made his way towards her. The nearer Subaru gets Yuuka notices. Yuuka raises her head and instead of looking at him, her eyes went to the sword in his hand. It was covered with sword cover. Yuuka walks towards him and was trying to grab sword away from his hand but Subaru stayed frozen didn't move nor argued as he usually does.

Yuuka stops struggling when she notices it was not going to work. Yuuka lifted her head up and looks at him. “Brother Su...Su...” Yuuka struggles with his name but still he was happy with the fact at least Yuuka called him brother. “Subaru.” Subaru reminds her. Yuuka nods her head and repeats his name after him.

“I want to play.” She says.

“With my sword?” Subaru asks and she nods. “You will get hurt.”

She shook her head. “You will teach me how to.”

At that moment he got what Kanato meant about 'do what we always do'. Subaru was very glad that his sister was asking him to train her with swords. He laughed loudly when Yuuka couldn't handle the weight of the sword and fell on the floor. She looked like a hopeless lamb. “I think we should first start with wooden sword.”

“No! First sword.” Yuuka says stubbornly trying to imply to the sword she was carrying.

Subaru sighs as he knew he didn't have any option but to accept what she wanted. Slowly and playfully Subaru teaches her and Yuuka seems to be comfortable around him. “Brother Subaru, I am hungry.”

Subaru was caught off guard. “Umm...let's go to papa.” He suggests and Yuuka nods in agreement.

Subaru and Yuuka walked together to Karl. “Father, Yuuka is hungry.”

Karl nods. Subaru thought she was going to be fed blood but no. Karl gave her foods what normal human have. Yuuka finishes her snacks and runs to Subaru giving him a kiss on his cheek. Subaru blushes at her sudden kiss. “Brother Subaru.” Though she took her time to say his name, he was happy that Yuuka at least said his name perfectly in the end. “I will play swords tomorrow.” She utters and ran away.

He nods despite the fact Yuuka was not around his surrounding or watching him doing. Subaru turns his attention to Karl. “Father, I wanted to ask you something regarding Yuuka.”

“Go on.” Karl says while he keeps working something related to his usual work.

“Why Yuuka was not fed blood when she was hungry?”

Karl raises his head to see Subaru confused. “Because she never had been fed one.”

Subaru was surprised to know a vampire, doesn't matter whether she is pure blood or turned vampire, Yuuka was not fed. “Why?”

“Because if she does she will awaken her monstrous power she can be quite  harmful.”

“She might die without blood being fed to her.” Subaru says.

“No she won't.” Karl says. “She will eat human food and will never be fed blood.”

Subaru nods and when he turns around to leave he saw Ayato, Kanato, Laito and Shu lying on the couch in Karl's office and Reiji standing beside him. Subaru didn't even sense them.

“Father, are you implying we will have to keep the fact she is a vampire and we are vampire away from her?”

“No! The more she learns about our lives will be better. We dont want to have problems in future.” Karl clarifies.

Boys nod and suddenly Yuuka comes in the room. “Brother Subaru!” She jumps on him. Subaru couldn't control himself and fell on the ground along with Yuuka on him infront of others. Yuuka suddenly started to play with his silver light-lavender whitish hair. “Soft! Soft!”

Then and there everyone started to laugh instead of getting jealous on Subaru.

“Kanato, teddy was at least right in the end.” Ayato says.

“Teddy is always correct.” Kanato pouts.

“Well then it is decided we will just do what we always do.” Reiji says while everyone's attention was on Yuuka on Subaru playing with his hair.

“Well I will take my time with little doll to call me Brother Laito. Oh my! It seems-” Laito wasn't able to finish his perverted portrays.

“That's it! I will be the best brother to Yuuka.” Ayato declares and everyone in the room stares at him.

“Sorry, but I don't think it is happening any sooner.” Reiji adds.

“Noisy as ever but won't be able to do anything in the end.” Shu mutters.

“Little doll will only love me.” Laito says and Subaru turns his attention to Laito giving him disgusted look.

“Teddy says it's a long way to go.” Kanato says clenching his teddy in his arms.

It was true. It truly was a long way to protect her, make her smile, to be her reliable brother.

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