Chapter 1

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“Juri...Juri. Calm down!”

“No! I want you to find that coffin. It doesn't matter whether she is dead or alive. I want you to find her!” Juri yells.

Haruka hugs Juri. “Dear, we have another daughter named Yuki. Let's move on and get prepared for future.”


“Sshhh...Juri. Calm down!” Haruka cups her face, “Let's stop and move on. You are pure blood and pure blood doesn't cry in front of others. Despite the fact for not allowing to cry in front of others, you are scaring Yuki. Now do you want another daughter of ours to be suffered?”

It made her eyes get wider. “No!”

She forces a smile on her face. “That's it!” Haruka smiled along with her.

Juri quickly makes herself recovered. “Yuki! Yuki! Where are you?”

Yuki, twin sister of Yuuka, enters the room and runs to her mother. “Mom!”

“Now! Now! Where are my kisses?” Juri asks and Yuki wasting no time starts to kiss Juri on the cheek.

“What were you doing, Yuki?” Juri asks.

“I was playing with Brother Kaname. Mom, are you alright? You were crying...”

“No, dear I was not crying. I was whining.”


“Yes, whining. Your father doesn't let me have ice-cream.”

“Dad! I want you to bring ice-cream for mom!” Yuki orders her father naively.

Haruka was caught off guard by two women infront of him. “Now!” Yuki yells.

“Yes! Yes!” Haruka steps outside the room and orders one of his maid to make ice-cream.

On the other side, Yuuka wakes up. The first thing she sees above her was white ceiling, turning to her right she noticed a man sleeping on the couch, sitting and keeping the book on his chest. He had a pale skin and long white hair. “Hello?”

Man before her opens his eyes and looks at the clueless girl. “Seems you have awakened?”

The first thing that catches Yuuka's eyes were the mysterious man's eyes. He had golden eyes. “Beautiful!”


“Your eyes, they are quite beautiful.”

“Nothing is special. It depends on how people take it.” He sighs as he notices Yuuka didn't understand what he meant. “Well then, I am Karl Heinz. What is your name?”

“My” Yuuka starts to struggle to remember her name which made Karl Heinz pleased. “I assume you forgot your name.”

“What's the last thing you remember?” Karl asks.

“Blank.” Yuuka replies in an instant.

“ are my daughter.” He states. “And your name is Yuuka Ayumi Sakamaki.”

“Are you my father?”

“That's what I said.”

“So I call you papa.”

“Yes, my dear. Papa.”

Karl Heinz walks towards her and uses his power to make her fall in asleep. He knew it was overwhelming for her. Karl Heinz tried his best to remove her memories and was successful in doing so. He wasted no time and orders his Butler to get the car ready. He took Yuuka in his arms and reached his mansion by car. Karl didn't wake Yuuka up instead he carried her to mansion. As soon as the door opens, Cordelia, his first wife walks towards him and greets him. “Welcome home...oh my! Who is this little girl? Karl don't you dare to say you cheated on me.”

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