
435 20 15

I'm so pissed omfg, wattpad is messing with me.
They keep completely changing my sentences like what kind of sorcery is this?
I can write a sentence and the next day when I edit it, the WHOLE SENTANCE WOULD CHANGE. What the heck?¿

So I spent one whole hour trying to fix this book, along with MY NEW BOOK "LONELY", WHICH IS A NCT JAEHYUN FANFIC.
totally not shamelessly promoting my book.
Btw, the wattpad messing with my books thing screwed my new book more than this one so there might still be a lot of mistakes.


"Hey, Eunbi!" Minhee chirped.

Seriously, how could she be so happy and excited all the time?

She ran up to me, pulling me into a short hug.

"Hey," I replied.

"Guess what? I got you these!" She took a bag out, inside was a sky blue dress.

"You really didn't need to, Minhee," I rejected her offer kindly.

Why is she so nice? Seriously, it may just be how paranoid I am but she is a little bit too nice to be normal. First the bubble tea, now a stunning dress? Even someone dumb would know that that dress cost a bomb.

"But I thought you would look great in it, so I bought it for you! It would be a waste if you don't wear it outside!"

"You bought it, you should be the one wearing it, I think it suits you more," I tried reasoning with her, I would feel guilty for taking her gift thought I don't really like her.

She frowned, giving me cute puppy dog eyes, stuffing the bag in hands.

"Just take it, okay? Or else I will feel sad,"

I stuffed the bag into my bag, thanking her for the gift. Yet I still can't get over the fact of her giving me this dress, it looks branded, too.

Maybe I should stop getting so suspicious...



"AFTER SCHOOL WITH EUNBI," Minhee shouted, an arm around Eunbi's shoulders.

"I now understand how it feels like to be third wheeled," I  joked.

"Fine, lover boy, you can have her," Minhee said, distancing herself from Eunbi.

We went to a restaurant, ordering some lunch.

"I need to go to the restroom," Eunbi excused herself from the table, leaving me and Minhee alone.

"So... Have you made a move on her?" Minhee asked.

I shook my head.

"I still like you," she said calmly, sipping on her strawberry milkshake.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief, not knowing what else to say.

She rolled her eyes, "You need me to say that again?"

"I mean... you know I like Eunbi right?"

"Just wanted to get that off my chest. Besides, not like you will stand a chance with her anyways,"

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused at what she just told me.

'not like you will stand a chance with her anyways'

I couldn't help but start to panic.

"What do you mean, Minhee?"

"I heard she dreamt about being the president of student council ever since she stepped foot into this school. How cute," she said, sly smile on her face.

"You are my friend, Minhee. I don't know what you intend to do but please, you don't need to take this path," I lowered my pride, trying to get her to stop whatever she planned to do, but I knew it would not work.

"Friend? Too bad I want more than that. You have a choice, Eunwoo, date me, or I will slowly take everything she has away from her. What do you want me to take from her first? There are so many ways I can slowly torture her and crush her into bits,"

The menacing smile I saw was nothing like the smile I'm used to seeing. The look of evil and vengeance was in place of her cheerful facade.

No, this isn't the Minhee I know.

"Please, Minhee, you aren't like this. You were never like this. You weren't like this two years ago, even after I rejected you,"

"That Minhee is gone. I guess she realised how there is no benefits of playing the good girl. Sometimes, we just have to fight for what's meant to be ours--"

"And this time, I'm not gonna let go for the sake of anyone else,"

She placed the cost of her milkshake on the table, I watching as she struts off.

"Earth to Eunwoo,"

I snapped back into reality, lot realising that Eunbi is back.

"Where's Minhee?"

"S-she had urgent business to attend to," I came up with a lie.

"Aww, that's a pity. And what happened to you? You are sweating a lot. Are you sick?"

I shook my head.

Soon, our orders arrived, I staring at Eunbi as she ate her spaghetti, not bothering about how my food was about to turn cold.

"I'm sorry, Eunbi. I'm so sorry for getting you into my mess," I muttered under my breath.

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