Guess who's back, back again... (well sort of)

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So if anyone is still reading this ridiculous attempt at a fan fiction, you deserve all the awards. I wholeheartedly mean that. What I have gathered from this experience is that I am a really shitty speller and you guys are way to nice. Also I suck at grammar. But nevertheless you people for some unknown cosmic reason, want me to finish this fic. And what the people want, I shall provide. (I'm joking by the way) BUT seeing as I am kind of really embarrassed about how bad this fic is I would like to offer you guys something else. I did mention on my message board a while ago that I was considering taking this down, however I was convinced otherwise. SO I have decided that I will continue on with this story, just with a few (kinda suckish) new things. 

First, and biggest of all, I have made the decision to re-write No I'm Just Delusional, for several reasons. First and foremost being that it kinda sucked; and reading back over it I am seriously wondering how anybody has managed to read more than one chapter. I will admit that yes this is my first chaptered fan fiction, it was gonna suck, but I just think I could do so much better with it. Also it kinda went a little supernatural? If you get me. Like with Phil's whole death thing and I don't even know, I confused myself and tried to make it work but hey that will be fixed. I really want to make the characters more like the actual Dan and Phil and let's be honest, they were no where near before; I feel like I could add so much depth to them and just make them more real. Now I of all people know how frustrating it is when authors of fan fiction decide they're going to do a rewrite. It drives me insane. Hypocritical I know, I know. But this is something that I've been wanting to do for a while now. 

Second, it will be on a new story and have a new name. I'm not a 100% sure on a name at the moment but as soon as I know and it's up I'll let you guys know. I just think it will be a cleaner start. 

And last but not least, I regret to inform you that this story, will eventually be deleted. The re-write will be very very similar, just a ton better (also I will actually use spell check I promise). I'm super sorry that you'll have to (you don't have to) read it again, but I just really see no other way.

If I have missed anything and I'm sure I have, drop a comment and I'll get back to you straight away. 



No, I'm Just Delusional (Phan) RE-WRITE IN PROCESSWhere stories live. Discover now