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"Who are you?"

"I'm Aaron Strauss. A winter god slayer."


Lucy stepped back in shock. Strauss!? His last name is Strauss!? Is he related to Mira, Elfman and Lisanna some how? Lucy stared at Aaron. He didn't look like the Strauss siblings, with his light green hair and blueish green eyes. He was cute though. Wait. What? She shook her head to clear her thoughts.

"Aaron Strauss? That is your name?" Lucy's mom asked. Lucy blinked before turning to look at Hiyori. She had a frown on her face.

Aaron stared at the woman in front  of him. She looked like an older version of the other girl, who was standing next to a pink haired girl with serious, dark blue eyed, tall girl.

Aaron smiled. "Yes, that is my name. I have known that name since I was young. Five years old to be exact. My siblings, I haven't seen them since I was seven. They left me alone with my parents until I ran away at age twelve." He replied.

Lucy looked away from Hiyori, since the two were having a silent conversation with their hands. "Who were your siblings?" She asked, curiosity was heard in her voice.

"Mirajane, Elfman, and Lisanna Strauss. They are my older siblings. Although I haven't seen them in a while. Six years, to be exact." Aaron replied softly. Lucy blinked. She knew it. She was right. Fairy Tail's Strauss siblings had a little brother. But, she felt bad for Aaron, considering that Lisanna is his older sister. She's a total fake.

"Oh. Okay then. Just to let you, your siblings are fine." With that she turned to her mother.

"Mom, I'm going for a walk. I-I need to clear my head." Lucy said. Lucy walked out of the cave and began to wonder around the forest. Her thoughts on Fairy Tail and how much she had sacrificed for them and yet they didn't appreciate her or her wonderful spirits. They called her weak. I'm not weak. They said she hide behind her spirits. No, I fight with them. Lucy's eyes began to glow as she thought about the first celestial key she'd ever gotten. Aquarius. Now her key was broken because of a sacrifice that no one really cared for.

Lucy was about to climb a near by tree when she heard a crashing sound and a screech. Being the curious girl that she is, she followed the sounds of fighting. Lucy got to the clearings of an open space and what she saw, both frightened and amazed her. Her brother, Mitsu, was fighting a fire demon. She watched as her brother fought a man surrounded by fire. The magical powers they held was intense.

Mitsu was fighting the demon man with all his might. "Poison demon's dark claws!!!"

Kasai, the fire demon in his human form, screamed as a bunch of shadowy claws, dripping with purple goo scratched him. 

Kasai hissed. "Not bad for a pathetic demon slayer like you." He licked his lips. "I will enjoy killing you."

Mitsu scoffed. "Yeah right. As if the likes of you can kill me. DEMON." He smirked and couldn't help but laugh as Kasai's face turned red with rage. 

Kasai roared, which was weird considering that he was in his human form, and charged at Mitsu. Mitsu dodged the fiery attack of the demon. Flapping his wings, Mitsu used his his demon slaying power and the poison went everywhere.

"Poison Demon's Acid Tornado!!!" Purple and black mist wrapped around each other creating a massive tornado that hit Kasai head on. The fire demon screamed before collapsing to the ground.

Kasai choked. "H-how? I'm a demon. I can't die. W-what did you do to me?"

Mitsu floated to the ground. "You may be a demon, but I'm a demon slayer. I kill demons you idiot and I also consume the powers of the demons that I kill. So your power is now mine."

Kasai's eyes widened. "WHAT!? YOU!!! TAKE MY POWERS!? NOOOOO!!!"  

"Yep, now goodbye you pathetic demon. Last spell I'm gonna use on you."

Kasai tried to stand but it was of no use. He couldn't stand so instead, he started to crawl away but Mitsu was faster with his demon spell.


Lucy's eyes widened as the wind began to blow extremely hard and the sky turned black and purple. A whirlpool of poisonous flames came from the black hole that suddenly appeared from the sky and lashed out towards Kasai who screamed, well, more like screeched. Soon Kasai was nothing but ash.

When the sky went back to normal and the wind stopped, Mitsu floated down to the ground

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When the sky went back to normal and the wind stopped, Mitsu floated down to the ground. He chuckled, "And he said he was going to kill me. What a joke." Mitsu laughed as he waved his hand and the clearing he was in fixed itself up.

Lucy put her hands towards her mouth. She couldn't believe what she just saw. All she could think of was wow. Her brother was amazingly strong. Then she frowned. Why wasn't she strong? Why did she have to be so weak? Why did Natsu betray her. Was she nothing to the guild she had loved since she heard of it? Was she meant to be a failure all her life? Why? Why? Why? And as soon as those negative thoughts came to her, she began to cry.

"Lucy? Lucy? Hey Lucy, why are you crying?" A familiar voice snapped her out of her thoughts. Mitsu. Her brother sounded worried.

Lucy looked up surprised. She hadn't notice that Mitsu had spotted her. And now he was hovering above her, with a worried expression on his face. Wiping her tears away, Lucy suddenly hugged her brother.

Mitsu stepped back, shocked, before he smiled and hugged Lucy back. "I'm sorry for making you worried." said Lucy

"Why were you crying ? And you don't have to apologize." Replied Mitsu as he rubbed Lucy's hair.

"Bad thoughts. Depressing thoughts to be exact. About being weak and Fairy Tail. How I'm not strong enough to fight. I'm..... not strong enough." Lucy replied with tears starting to fall down her eyes. "I saw you fight that guy. You were really powerful and confident. Me. I'm just a celestial mage that summons spirits. I don't even know any other magic. Even if you said that I was born with other magic. I don't believe it. I can't believe it until I see and feel it. My magic."

Mitsu pulled away from his sister. "Listen Lucy. You are strong. Even if you're only a celestial mage. But you're not. You're a Celestial Goddess. Every magic in the world, you have. You just need to train. And I will help you with that. I will help you get stronger."

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