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Lucy stared at the black haired boy in complete shock. There he was, the boy she met on one of her many solo missions when she was at Fairy Tail. When everyone started to ignore her. She remembered the mission she took, to defeat a black demon, s-class. Reward: 900 million jewel and 4 demons keys along with 20 angel keys. She took the mission just for the keys. While on that mission, she was having a little trouble fighting the demon, since it was a fire and earth demon. She had been just about to summon Loke when he appeared. His long black hair flowing behind him like a river. He had sliced the demon in half with just a swipe of his sword. He helped her and for that, she thanked him. When it was time to get the reward, she gave it to him. The jewels. Even though he had refused she still made him take the money and have her keep the keys. That was literally the only thing she wanted when she took the job. It was only that one fateful meeting that she gained 24 powerful gate keys. Now he was in front of her, with a shock look on his face even after he attacked her out of fear or whatever it was.

"Lucy. It's been like what? A year since we last saw each other?" Orlando said with a smile. He then rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry for attacking you by the way. Thought you were some type of spy left in here or something. My mistake."

Lucy smiled at him. "Apology accepted and yes its been a year since we last saw each other. Still have the 900 million jewel with you or did waste it in a day?" She teased him and laughed at his now red face.

"Well I only spent about 200 million jewel for a few necessities and a few luxuries here and there. So I have about 700 million left back at my place."

Lucy chuckled. "I see. Well I still have my keys but I don't use them as much as I used too unless I really need to."

Orlando grinned. "That's cool, I'm starting a new weapons obsession. I'm kind of into Spears now and swords. I'm also starting to use duel swords too."

Lucy looked around the cell before looking back at Orlando. "That's nice, glad you're doing more weapons. Also, mind introducing me to  the ever so quiet peers behind you?"

Orlando blinked before looking behind him where there were a few teens behind him and 4 kids. "Oh...they must have slipped my mind when I saw you. My bad."

"Slipped your mind. Really? Do you not care about us at all?" Asked a boy around the age of 17 with blonde hair and gold eyes. There were guns strapped up to his waist and he looked...sleepy.

Orlando blenched and stuttered. "Wha.... I do care. I just got distracted, is all." He was being sheepish as he looked at the boy. He then turned to Lucy.

"This is my friend. His name is Justin Hall and he's a gun mage. "Justin waved before turning away with a blush on his face. 

He's like Alzack and Bisca. Lucy thought to herself.

Orlando continued the introductions. He pointed to a girl with purple and gold hair and gold eyes. "This is Rachel Lock-Heart. She's a Water Dragon Slayer."

Rachel smiled at Lucy. "Hello. It's nice to meet you."

Lucy nodded her head. "Likewise. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Orlando smiled. He had a feeling that Lucy and Rachel will get along quite well. He turned towards two boys with red hair and green eyes and a boy with pink hair and hazel eyes. They all looked like brothers.

"This is Isaiah, Xavier, and Darian Dragneel. They all use fire magic but the twins are angel slayers and Isaiah is a Phoenix slayer."

Xavier Dragneel was the one with the shoulder length pink hair and hazel eyes. He was the White Fire Angel Slayer. Darian Dragneel was the boy with the green eyes and shoulder length red hair and he was the Black Fire Angel Slayer and was the twin brother of Xavier. Isaiah Dragneel had the ear length dark red hair and darker green eyes than his little brother and had a scar on his left cheek.

"Hi, nice to meet you Lucy-nee. You're really pretty." stated Xavier with an adorable smile. He was like around the age of 15.

Lucy cooed at his adorableness and thought about Natsu. These three boys must be his brothers because of the same last name and all. Plus, they kind of look like  him, but only a little. "Nice to meet you too, Xavier. And thank you, I think you're quite handsome yourself and extremely adorable."

Xavier blushed shyly while Isaiah smirked. Darian rolled his eyes before pulling his twin away from Lucy. "Nice to meet you Princess Lucy. Can I be your knight in shining armor?" He asked cheekily.

Funny. He's another Loke. Lucy thought with a smile. Speaking of Loke, I hasn't summoned any of my spirits in over a year. Uh-oh. She'll do that once she figures out an escape root out of here.

"Nice to meet you too and I already have a knight in shining armor. And I'm not a princess, so you don't have to call me that." Lucy laughed softly. Although, Loke, Virgo and her other spirits love calling her princess for some reason.

"How do you do, miss. It's an honor to meet the famous Lucy that Orlando always talks about. And trust me, he never stops talking about you." Isaiah said with a gentle like smile.

Orlando's face turned red. The Shadow Requip mage became a stuttering mess. "W-w-wha...I don't always  talk about Lucy. We only met once when we were in the forest. And stayed with each other for about 10 hours before she had to leave back to that dumb donkey guild Fairy Tail. God that guild is annoying."

"Ha-ha and preach to the Fairies being dumb donkeys  or assholes . It doesn't matter, your pick." Said a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. She looked at Lucy and smiled. "Yo, the names Azian Miller and I'm use Nature Makers Magic and I am a  Nature Phoenix Slayer. It's cool to meet you."

Lucy grinned. She had a feeling this girl was in to pranks and is a troublemaker even with her outlook in appearance. "Nice to meet you too, Azian."

Orlando grinned. "Well, that's all of us for now, so lets figure out how we can escape this dump."

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