The Warning

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Vivian walked through the dark forest, searching for her nieces and nephew and their friends. She knew things were getting bad. Judar had finally awakened. Jade was probably under his spell... again. Vivian gritted her teeth angrily as she clutched the dragon pendant tightly. She had to find them. She was now staring at the once beautiful waterfall, now dark, cold, depressing. Vivian walked through the now black waters of the waterfall and walked inside the cave. There stood Layla. Layla's blonde hair was a mess and she had dark bags under her eyes. There was a floating lacrima near her showing images of the kids and what had happened to them.  A tracking lacrima.

"He got them." Layla said, tears flowing down her eyes. "All my hard work, down the drain. Just like that. I finally managed to keep him out of my kids head and he got them back!!!" Layla was now full out crying.

"Only Jade, Layla. Only Jade. He has her under his spell again. At first, he had all of us but Lucy." Vivian said calmly.

"He was the reason Jade tried to destroy Fairy Tail. He was the reason why Phantom Lord attacked Fairy Tail. He was the reason Nirvana happened. He was the reason the gates to Edolas opened, sucking in Fairy Tail inside. He was the reason Zeref is cursed. He was the reason Lucy left Fairy Tail. We were under his CONTROL!!!" Layla exclaimed as she began to pace around the cave.

"I know. Which is why I came up with a theory." Vivian said softly.

"And what is that?"

"We must contact the Kingdom of Sindria. Ask the king there to send in his Magi to help us. And if that doesn't work, I have a backup plan. We use the dragon pendant on him"

"Sindria's magi? Will he help?"

"Of course. I know he will. He is, after all, Aladdin."


 Sindria. A beautiful kingdom with a silly king.  Sindria is a large island with several smaller islands surrounding it. It is also surrounded by a tall rock wall. In the middle of this island is a castle in to which the king currently resides. King Sinbad, the ruler of Sindria was currently sitting at his desk signing official documents of the government. As he worked, a certain blue haired magi came running into the office, followed by Ja'far, Morgiana, and Alibaba.

"King Sinbad! We have terrible news." Aladdin said, urgency in his voice.

Sinbad looked up from the documents. He grinned. "Sup guys. What's the news. It can't be that bad."

Ja'far scoffed. "This news is an utter most importance. It's Judar. He has awakened. Now he is spreading his darkness everywhere in the Kingdom of Fiore."

Sinbad's eyes widened as he shot up out of his chair. "WHAT!?"

"Yeah, I heard he captured a bunch of these people called 'mages'. Whatever that is." It was  Alibaba that had spoken. His blonde hair falling into his golden eyes.

"Sinbad, what do we do now?" Morgiana asked worriedly. "If we  don't do anything, a lot of people could die."

"Right." Sinbad agreed before his golden eyes darkened. He sat back down and got lost into his thoughts. Judar. That dark magi was the main reason many people died in his own kingdom. Havoc, war, depression. All of that came from Judar. Now he was trying to plunge Fiore into darkness. He won't let that happen. Not another kingdom will fall from Judar, again. He thought about the Kou Empire. Maybe they could help as well. After all, Judar was their magi.

"Aladdin, I'm sending you, Alibaba, Morgiana and  Ja'far to Fiore. I will come a little later. I need you to warn King Toma of what is to come. Tell him to gather all the guilds of his kingdom. Tell him he will be going to war with Judar. He will have the help of Sindria and possibly the Kou Empire." Sinbad said as he shooed his companions out the door. "I will also send my Eight Generals with you. Oh and by the way, how do you know about Judar."

"A woman named Vivian called us. She's a Fiore citizen. Her nieces and nephew and their friends were captured by Judar, so she called us." replied Aladdin. 

Sinbad nodded. "Alright. Go on." the king watched as they left before turning to look out the windows. "Vivian, huh? Why does that name sound familiar?"


Alibaba was with Aladdin and Ja'far, riding on Aladdin's magic carpet. Morgiana had decided that it would be faster for her to get to Fiore if she ran. To be honest, that girl is fast and unbelievably strong. The eight generals were on sailing on a speed boat. They'd get to fiore in less then thirty minutes.

"How long till we get to Fiore?" Alibaba asked as he fiddled with his knife where Amon resided.

"Less then an hour." Ja'far answered stiffly, his black eyes firm. He had his red wires with him as usual. His wires was his household vessel, Bararaq Sei.

Alibaba sighed and nodded. "Alright." His thoughts went to the mages that was captured by Judar. He really hoped that they would be alright. He knew that Judar had at least one mage under his control and Alibaba couldn't help but feel anger. Why? Why would Judar do all of this? What was he trying to gain out of all this?

"Alibaba, don't worry. We'll warn the king on what's happening and we will be able to save those that were captured. We'll defeat Judar once and for all. So cheer up, 'kay?" Aladdin said with a smile.

Alibaba stared before he grinned. "Right. We'll beat Judar. We can do it!"

Ja'far glanced at the two boys before he turned away from the boys. "Let us all hope we'll be able to beat Judar. Let us all hope." he whispered.


King Toma of Fiore was sitting in his room thinking about how weird the atmosphere had gotten. It felt, dark. A knock sounded on his door.

"Come in." King Toma said softly.

A guard came through the door. He bowed to the king of Fiore. "King Sinbad has sent us his Eight Generals and a few others to talk to you and princess Hisui."

"Sinbad? Well that's a first. What do they wish to speak about?" King Toma asked as he farrowed his eyes. Why did Sinbad send his Generals?

"They say they come with a warning. Something big is about to happen here in Fiore."

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