The Rescue

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"It is time to save the mages of Fiore. Judar thinks he got everything won, but what he doesn't know, is that we have a weapon. Someone who can destroy him. All we have to do is awaken the rest of her powers." King Toma stood on top of a podium, a fierce and serious look on his face.

The guilds all cheered and some raised their weapons to the sky. Sinbad looked around and noticed that the citizens of Fiore had gathered around and was cheering as well. Kouen gritted his teeth, his hands clinched in fist as he stared at the forest before him. If Judar thinks that he has it all set, then he needs to think again.

Mirajane Strauss stood with her team, a dangerous aura around her. Her bestfriend and sister was with the monster in that forest. She will save her. She will save them all.

Juvia stared blankly ahead of her. Her thoughts were occupied. Lucy. Her her sister and bestfriend was stuck down with a magi who wanted to destroy the world and turn everything into nothing. Dark, cold, foggy. Juvia will not let that happen. She will help stop Judar. She made a promise to protect Lucy. She will keep that promise.

"It's time to go. Lets protect everything that we believe in. Lets protect the mages captured and under Judar's spell!"


Midnight stared at the brown ceiling above him. Lisanna was on the other side of the cell, staring at the walls before her. Midnight looked at the metal bars with blank red eyes, his thoughts preoccupied.

Lucy. He wondered how she was doing. Was she okay? Was she hurt? Did she need anything? Soon enough, Midnight was plagued with thoughts of Lucy. He gritted his teeth. He had to find a way out of the cell he was in. But how was he suppose to do that when he couldn't even use his magic? Midnight groaned. Dam it all to Tartarus.

Lisanna stared at the decaying wall in front of her, tears rolling down her eyes. She wanted to go home. She wanted to see Lucy and Aaron. She wanted to see her big sister again. But most of all, she wanted to beat Jade to hell and back. Lisanna's tears turned into angry ones. Why did Jade betray them? Why did she have to ruin everything? Just when things were calming down. Why did Jade have to hurt Lucy so many times in just a few months? Why was she so keen on being evil or whatever she was? Lisanna didn't know what side Jade was on anymore. But what she did know, was that Jade will pay for deceiving her friends once again.

Suddenly a sound was heard. It sounded like growling.

Lisanna looked over to where Midnight was and saw that he was staring at the iron bars caging them in. She watched the bars as they were sliced into pieces.

Someone came in. A demon with white hair and blue eyes.



Jade stared at the dark, black sky above her. Her golden-orange eyes that were once filled with life, now blank and emotionless. The spell Judar had on her was powerful, more so than the spell he put on Mitsu and the rest of the Heartfilia family. Jade's lips moved but no sound came out. Struggling. She was struggling to fight the spell cast upon her. If only she was stronger, if only her mind had been stronger. She had to many insecurities that she never faced head on. Now she was paying for it.

"Jade Heartfilia?" A voice asked from behind her.

Jade turned around, her blank and lifeless eyes stared into the amber eyes of a king. The eight people behind him all had an aura around them that screamed dangerous.

"We are here to lift the spell Judar put on you."


Jasmine paced around the cell she was in. Her eyes twitched and her hands were clinched tightly in fists. She hadn't found a single way of getting out of the cell that she and her friends were in and now she was pissed. 

Melony watched Jasmine with large eyes before she stood up and stopped the black haired girl from doing anymore pacing. "Jasmine-sama. Please calm down. We'll get out of here eventually."

Jasmine looked down at the blonde little girl who remined her of a younger version of Lucy. She sighed. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

Melony smiled and Amber bounced up, joining the conversation. "Yeah!" she exclaimed. "When we get out of here, we're gonna kick some butt. Jade's and whoever she works for."

Cobra winced. "Please Amber, stop yelling. You're too loud."

Amber blushed. "S-sorry Cobra."



"My real name is Erik. So call me Erik."

"Really? Okay...Erik"

Aaron stared for awhile before smirking. He could already see love blooming for those two but...he could tell that a certain person did not seem happy about it. Briana looked on with sparkling blue eyes and giggled but froze when she felt a dark aura coming off of Imitatia. Briana turned to see Imitatia glaring at Amber. With a slight chuckle, Briana pushed Imitatia towards Erik.

"Go get him, tiger."

Imitatia's face burned a bright red before she went over to him and Briana couldn't help but grin. Love triangle, indeed.

Jasmine stared at Melony who was playing with the flower in her hair and was about to say something when a banging sound echoed throughout the cells.


The bars exploded into tiny pieces and footsteps were heard.

"Gi-hi. Looks like we found somebody."
Lucy stared at the iron bars before her. She was trying to figure out how to break the bars while thw others tried coming up with a plan to get out of the cell.

Lucy pursed her lips. Her mind coming up with ways to get the bars down without magic. No magic equals no easy way out. So if she had something to dig up the ground to get to the other side.

Orlando walked up to her. "Did you find anything?" He asked.

Lucy shook her head. "No nothing."

Darian perked up, his eyes on the bars before his eyes widened. He stood up from his sitting position and tried to reach Lucy and Orlando.

"Guys! Look out!"


The bars were sliced in an x shape before exploding everywhere. Lucy and Orlando managed to get away from the iron bars but the two fell onto the ground.

Footsteps sounded and voices were heard.

"Well. It seems we found the prisoners."

"So it seems. Hello Lucy."

Mitsu massaged his temples in utter annoyance. Racer had been purposely getting on his nerves for the last 24 hours. But...he will not let that pointy, nosed freak win. Two can play this game. The stupid boy was bragging about how fast he is and all that nonsense.

"Racer, if you don't shut up, I will slit your fucking throat." Mitsu growled.

Racer scowled at him. "As if you can do anything."

The demon slayer narrowed his eyes. "Oh really? That's what you think? Well then, let me prove to you that I have the guts to do so."

Mitsu stalked up tp Racer with a fire in his eyes. He was about to strangle the idiot when a voice sounded through the cell.

"Please stop."

Mitsu, Racer, Hoteye, Milo, and Malik turned to see a bunch of people inside the cell. The iron bars were broken and spread out across the ground.

The person who spoke had shoulder length red hair and eyes. He was tall and had the aura of a king or emperor. Next to him was a boy around 15 years of age with maroon hair and eyes. The two people next to him looked the same as well. Then, behind them, were two blacked hair people. A boy and a girl. Both had blue eyes. All in all, they looked like royalty.

Mitsu looked at them, not feeling anything towards the people in front of him. Heck. He didn't even know  them.

"Who are you?" He asked.

The man with the shoulder length red hair smirked. "We are the ones who will be freeing you from these cells."

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