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"Honey!" Nick yells from the kitchen of their small cottage in the woods of Ferryport Landing. "Where's the chicken knife?"

"It's in the drawer on the left of the fridge!" Sabrina yells from their bedroom as she fixes her hair before heading down stairs to meet up with her husband in the kitchen for date night. When she gets down stairs she finds a candle lit dining room and freshly cooked chicken with gravy. 'Gravy' she thinks as her mind flashes back to her childhood days spent wandering around in the woods with Puck and Daphane. Her favorite phrase, she thought as she was drawn back to the present when Nick said to her something.

"What was that?" she asked

"I said you look beautiful tonight."

"Thanks. It smells really good by the way. Shall we dig in?"

"After you ma'dam."

Sabrina sits down and cuts up the chicken, and puts a small piece of into her mouth. When it hits her tongue a vile and sour taste invades her mouth. "Um Nick, honey, the chicken is sour."

"Hmm let me taste it" As he taste the chicken his face contorts to a pucker and he runs to the kitchen sink to rinse his mouth out. "Okay, I agree lets order a pizza."

"Agreed."  she said as she started to clean up the messed up dinner as Nick ordered the pizza.


"Red's Pizzeria. How may help you?"

"Yes, hi, may I get a half cheese half pepperoni 16 inch pizza?"

"A 16 inch half cheese half pepperoni pizza. Anything else?"

"No that will be all."

"Okay, I still need an address and a name sir."

"1213 Old Forest Drive. It's two doors down from Relda Grimm's house. Do you know where that is?"

"Yes, and a name?"

"Nick Dalton."

"Okay thank you. The pizza will be there in 20 minutes."

"Okay thank you."

"Hey Puck you have a delivery for a Nick Dalton two doors down from Relda Grimm."

"Wait did you say Relda Grimm?"

"Yes now hurry up,"


'Knock Knock'

"Sabrina can you get that I left the money by the door"

"Sure. Be right there!" Sabrina yells at the door. Sabrina opens the door and has to take a double take. In front of her stands non-other then Puck.


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