The King is Back!

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'Knock Knock'

"Sabrina can you get that I left the money by the door"

"Sure. Be right there!" Sabrina yells at the door. Sabrina opens the door and has to take a double take. In front of her stands non-other then Puck.


"Puck? You're back from traveling the world and you're now a pizza boy."

"Yeah, I got back last month." He says waiting for her to say something but she doesn't so he continues his thought "I didn't know you stayed in the town since the barrier is down. I thought you would've moved away from here by now."

"Oh, yes I guess the town kind of grew on me while you were away. Plus lots of outsiders moved in and well, I'm married now."

"Yeah, well seeing how the order was addressed to a Nick Dalton and you answered the door I kind of assumed that."

"Yeah I decide to keep my last name, Sabrina Grimm-Dalton." Puck stood there waiting for Sabrina to realize that she hadn't payed him yet. "Oh, right the order let me grab the money." she turned around and found where Nick had placed the money and made sure Nick hadn't come looking for the pizza yet. When she turns back around she finds Puck looking into her house.

"Here you go." she said taking the pizza from his hands.

"You, gave me too much." he says trying to hand some money back.

"No keep it, it's your tip." she says as she pushes the money back in his direction.

"You have a beautiful cottage, it's looks like Granny's but smaller." he says admiring the foyer of cottage.

"Thank you! I actually replicated the kitchen from Granny's house."

"Really, that's so cool! I would love to see it sometime, you know not from the door way." As he hopes to get an invite in.

"Totally. I should give you a tour at some poi-" Sabrina trails off when she hears Nick's voice from the kitchen.

"Sabrina where's the pizza, I thought is was delivered 10 minutes ago!" Nick yells as he walks towards the door from the kitchen. "Sabrina hand over the pizz-"

"Oh, hi." says Puck when he sees Nick in the doorway.

"Nick, this my best friend from my childhood Puck."

"Hey, it's nice to meet you! I've heard nothing about you." He gives the man a mischievous smile and glances to Sabrina. Her face seems to say Stop, just stop.

"Hi Puck its nice to meet you. I don't recall Sabrina ever mentioning you, ever."

"Really? Sabrina has never mentioned me? Strange?" Pucks says as he eyes Sabrina suspiciously.

"Well this has been fun hasn't it? Nick why don't you go inside and reset the table, while I say goodbye to Puck." Sabrina voice is higher than normal and her face flushes pink.

"Okay." He says reluctantly and heads back to the dining room.

Once Nick leaves Puck speaks up, "So do you have this cell phone thing I just got one last month, I'm still trying to figure out everything, but I think I've got that texting thing down."

"Yes..." she draws out the word, a question in her voice

"Lets exchange numbers, and try to catch up. Okay?" hoping she will agree.

"Why not let's catch up."

As they exchange numbers Puck can't help feeling squeamish around her like the old times. When he says goodbye to her and the door closes he can't help get the feeling that he missed out on something. Something very important to him.

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