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Soon Sabrina's eye's shut up and she fell into a deep sleep, Puck still awake waited till she was completely asleep before he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her into his embrace. He lightly kisses her head, and whispers, "I love you." Almost on command Sabrina snuggled closer as if subconsciously she knew she wanted to be in his arms. With his arm wrapped around Sabrina, and her leaning against his chest he fell asleep, and for the first night in a month Sabrina didn't wake with a nightmare.

In the morning Sabrina and Puck got ready for the day still on the high of happiness from the night before. They hop in the car and ready towards Sheepshank: Family Law in town. When they pull up Sabrina sees a familiar car which she recognizes as Nicks. They walk into Sheepshank's and sees Nick talking to Rump. Rump has laid out the papers for Nick and Sabrina to sign.

"Ah Sabrina my favorite customer! And Puck good to see you again." Rumple says as they walks through the door.

"Hi Rump! Nice to see you again. Are we ready to get started?" Sabrina ask hoping to get this over as soon as possible.

"Yes we are all set up, Sabrina could you sit here and Nick please sit here." Rumple gestures towards the two chairs at his desk. In front of Sabrina's chair are a large stack of papers and a pen. Rumple guides them through the process, 'sign here, here, and here' he would say or 'please read this next section carefully'. Soon they got to the properties, Sabrina still owned the house so she was able to keep it, but Nick has to get all of his stuff out of the house. Nick had a separate car already so Sabrina was able to keep the other one. "Alright one last thing for you Sabrina, I need you to sign this to remove the Dalton from your name." Sabrina signs and sighs a breath of relief. "That's it you all have signed all the papers that are needed, from here I handle the rest, by the end of the month you will be officially divorced. You will get an official form from me in the mail. If you need anything else never be afraid to contact me, I won't be leaving any time soon." Rumple looks at Sabrina, blame in his eyes, she looks at him and mouth I'm sorry. Sabrina stands up and shakes Rumple's hand then looks at Nick.

"Nick please come to my house to pick up your stuff." Sabrina says with bitterness in the back of her throat. Nick nods, he's been extremely quiet throughout the entire process.

Puck and Sabrina get in the one car and Nick into his, they drive home Puck keep up small banter not trying to press to hard on the subject. They pull into the driveway, and start walking up to the door. Nick follows behind them, they lead him up to the bedroom where his stuff is already packed into boxes thanks to Puck. Sabrina sits on the bed as Puck leans against the wall arms crossed watching Nick gather his stuff. Nick piles up the box and heads downstairs where Daphne is sitting on the couch carefully watching Nick. He heads out the door and to his car. Sabrina and Puck stand on the porch and watch him pack up his car. Nick finishes packing his car and gets in.

"I'm glad it's over." Puck says to Sabrina, he has one arm wrapped around her rubbing arm arm gently, "I'm glad he's leaving." Puck looks back at the car and notices that Nick hasn't even started the car he's just sitting there. "Actually he's not leaving, why is he not leaving?" Puck's voice starting angry.

"Let me go see what's up." Sabrina says walking off the porch towards his, car. Nick sees Sabrina coming toward his car, and quickly gets out. "Nick, what are you doing?"

"I knew this was coming but I didn't expected it to be so soon. Sabrina, I'm sorry for everything, I see now that it was meant to be, but I still don't understand why you kept the entire fairy tale world from the start, had you told me in the beginning maybe this could've worked out I would've understood." Nick confesses standing in the driveway.

"Nick I kept that from you because I was afraid of my past, I didn't want what happened to me as a child happen to you now. Think about it, on our first date what if I had told you everything, 'Oh by the way I'm immortal, I will live forever. Oh and every fairy tale character you've every heard of is real. I also dated a fairy for a while, battled giants, and my parents were kidnapped by evil villains out to get the Grimm family. Imagine if I had told from the beginning would you have believed me then? Huh? No, you wouldn't understand. They only people who will ever understand are Puck, Daph and the Everafters. You could never understand." Sabrina now full of rage that Nick would have ever thought that he would understand everything. "Nick this is goodbye, I wish you well, just know that the things you now know can not be understood by anyone from the outside world, and if you ever try to tell people Daph, Puck and I will hunt you down."

Nick was shocked and surprise at Sabrina's outburst. But didn't fight back, "Okay, then this is goodbye, Sabrina." Nick go back in his car, starts his engine, and pulls out of the driveway and drives away.

Sabrina walks back up to the porch where Puck stands shocked, "Sabrina, you just went off on him and it was amazing, but I wish you would've just punched him." Sabrina laughs at Puck's quip.

"Don't worry I was thinking about it if he had anything else to say." They walk inside Puck's arm draped across Sabrina's shoulder. "Do you want dinner?"

"Of course I do, who would I be if I didn't." Puck says quietly laughing.

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