It's Alright

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"I'm so sorry." Nick said as he quickly backs out of the house and to his car.

Daphne closed the door as Puck wrapped his arms around Sabrina and placed a light kiss on the top of her head. He rubbed her back in small circles which started to calm Sabrina down.

After Nick left and Sabrina calmed down, Puck decided that is was time to finally end it with Nick and after today's events, Sabrina agreed. Tomorrow Puck and Sabrina will go meet up with her lawyers to file for a divorce. But until then Puck and Sabrina decided to go on a walk to clear her head. They had walked in a comfortable silence until Sabrina broke that silence.

"I feel bad about blowing up on him today. It was wrong for me to do that. I just couldn't hold it in anymore. It was like I was a ticking bomb that would only explode when the key phrase was said."

"It really was, I watched you go from fearful, then to willing, to anger, and finally fury. Remind me to never be on your bad side." Puck said with a slight chuckle.

"Just to remind you, that was once you on that side." Sabrina smirked at him.

"Right." He said the word drawn out slowly and carefully.

As the sun started to go down, Sabrina and Puck headed back to the cottage. They found Daphne asleep on the couch and crept past her up the stairs. When Puck started to go towards the guest room Sabrina grab his hand and pulled him towards her room. Puck's eyes widened at the action but quickly went with it. As he entered the room he noticed little hints of pink throughout the room, the same shade of pink of his wings.

"I like the hints of pink throughout the room. Where did you get the shade it's very pretty?" Puck asked with a devilish smile on his face.

"I'm not sure, I really like it though. Why are you smiling like that?" Sabrina was puzzled at Puck's grin.

"Oh I don't know..." his voice faded as his wings grew out of his back.

"Oh," Sabrina said sheepishly as a blush appeared on her face. "that must be why I like it."

Puck started laughing so hard, he fell on to the bed. Sabrina followed him and laid down right next to him. They laid there for a while not saying anything, just staring at the ceiling. Soon Sabrina's eyes fell closed and Puck started to get off the bed. Sabrina's hand shot out and grabbed Pucks wrist.

"Stay." That one word was all Puck needed for convincing him to stay with her. Puck laid back down on the bed. Sabrina lifted the covers for him to get under with her, as he laid back down, Sabrina quickly wrapped herself around him, feeling the warmth coming off of him. Puck place a light kiss on her head and they settled in the bed, Puck felt his eyes get droopy and fell asleep.

"No, come back..." Puck's eye shot open at the sound of Sabrina's voice, the room was dark, he over at Sabrina laying next to him and found her a little ball with tears running down her face. "Don't leave me here, I need you."Sabrina whispered softly but still asleep. "Puck! Don't leave me here, I want to travel with you, bring me along, don't leave me here alone. Please Puck, please!"Sabrina started shivering and thrashing about. Puck quickly grabs Sabrina by the shoulders and shook her, not knowing any other way to wake her up. "Granny, let me go! Let me go, don't let Puck leave Daph. Granny let me go. Please, I love him." Puck continued to shake Sabrina, now calling her name trying to draw her out of the nightmare.

"Sabrina I'm right here. I came back, there's no need to worry anymore. I back, Sabrina come on!" Sabrina's then shot open, quickly realizing where she was and who was with her.

"Puck..." Puck didn't let her finish and just pulled her into a tight hug, wiping away her tears from her face.

"It's alright, I'm right here, no need to cry anymore, I came back and I'm not leaving ever again."

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