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"Puck..." Puck didn't let her finish and just pulled her into a tight hug, wiping away her tears from her face.

"It's alright, I'm right here, no need to cry anymore, I came back and I'm not leaving ever again."

Puck held Sabrina in his arms the rest of the night. Soon sunlight was peeking through the curtains and Sabrina was back to a peaceful slumber. Puck decided to let her sleep and left the room seeing how he wasn't falling back asleep soon. He quietly flew down the stairs, worried the stairs would squeak under the pressure of his foot, he landed in the kitchen hoping to find some food but instead he found Daphne asleep with her head on the kitchen table. Surrounding her were a bunch of papers. Puck tried to silently walk out of the room but accidentally ran into the door frame waking Daphne up.

"Huh, what? Oh hey, Puck, I was just staying up to finish up some work, what are you doing up?"

"It's sunrise and Sabrina had a rough night last night, so I thought I would let her sleep in peace."

"It's morning? I must've passed out last night." Daphne rubbed her eyes trying to wake up.

"What kept you up so late that you passed out at the kitchen table?" Puck asks curiosity getting the best of him.

"Oh just work stuff, you know."

"Not really my last job was at Red's Pizza, so what's going on?"

"Oh, I'm just trying to hold onto my job in New York. My boss sent all of this paperwork along with a letter staying if I don't return to the station by the end of the month I'm going to lose my job." Daphne slowly put her head on the table. Puck sat down next to her.

"Let me ask you a question then, do you love your job?" Puck stared at Daphne completely serious.

"Yes, I love being a detective, it reminds me of grandma and our days as fairy tale detectives."

"Then go back to New York, I here for Sabrina now. I'm taking her to see a divorce lawyer today and then Nick will be out of our lives for good. Go back to New York, live your dream."

"Thank you, Puck. Really thank you."

"All in a mornings work." They chuckle as Puck gets up to make coffee."


Later in the morning Sabrina came downstairs and joined Daphne and Puck at the table. She didn't have as bad bed head as her sister did yesterday but it was still pretty bad. Puck tries to withhold a chuckle when Sabrina gives him a glare.

"Not a word from either of you on my bed head." She then glared at Daphne who also seemed to be trying to withhold a chuckle. Sabrina walks over to the coffee machine and grabs a mug filling it to the top. "What time did you get up this morning? I didn't hear you get out of bed." With that Puck gave Daphne a glance who just sipped her coffee eying Puck up then glancing over to Sabrina.

"It was right around sunrise."

"Oh got it. How about you?" Sabrina glanced at Daphne.

"Oh it was around the same time, Puck ran into the doorframe trying not to wake me up. I fell asleep at the table last night."

"You did, why?"

"Work stuff." Daphne quickly said debating with her self if she should tell her sister that she had to leave within the next couple of days. "Actually I needed to talk to you about that, I have to go back to New York within the next couple of days otherwise I'm going to lose my job." Sabrina sat there silently for a heartbeat.

"If you must go, then I support you. You need to stop worrying about me, things seem to be falling into place here finally. I'm starting the divorce process today with Puck. And I don't think he's ever leaving me again." Sabrina gestures to Puck who slightly blushes. "I know you love your job in New York. So go, go back to New York." Daphne got up and gave Sabrina a big hug as she whispered in her ear.

"Thank you so much, sis."

"No problem." With that Daphne got up from the table and went upstairs to start packing her stuff.

Sabrina sat at the table next to Puck in another morning of comfortable silence until Puck broke it with the question that's been sitting in the air for a while now.

"So, are you ready to go the divorce attorney today?" Sabrina knew she wasn't ready but the time was right. Nick and her were never gonna work and she knew that the last fight had been the final one.

"No I'm not ready, but is anyone ready for divorce? I don't think so. I think it has to do with timing more than readiness."

"Then why don't you shower and get ready, then we will head into town."

"Alright and Puck?"


"Thank you for last night, I guess I need the reassurance."

"No problem Sabrina anytime." Puck smiled as Sabrina headed upstairs too.

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