Familiar Life

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"Sabrina, Puck cares about you more than you will ever know. The fact that Nick hasn't shown up since you told him the truth tells me that he was never the right person for you and if you can't see that then you need some desperate help." As soon as Daphne finished there was a knock at the door.

Daphne got up from the couch and opened the door. Standing in the doorway was non other than Puck.

"Hey Daphne. How's Sabrina?" Puck asked still standing in the doorway

"Why don't you ask her yourself?" Daphne gave him a slight smile as his face light up. Daphne step out of the doorway to let Puck in. His eyes lock on to Sabrina as he made his way to the couch. Puck walks in front of Sabrina and crouched on the floor.

"Hey Sabrina, how are you doing?" Sabrina didn't look at Puck instead she just looked at her hands.

"I'm okay." She lied, she wasn't okay, Sabrina was no where close to okay. She felt the tears coming, she let them just fall. Puck watched the tears falling and grab her hands. The warmth from his hands spread through Sabrina's body. She look at Puck's face, His eyes had bags under them yet he still had that glow. He looked good, but he seemed like he got just as much sleep as Sabrina had in the last 25 days. He saw her studying his face and started chuckling. His chuckling made Sabrina smile. She smiled for the first time in 25 days. Puck's eyes seemed to to say (I) it's okay. I'm here now.

"Sabrina, I know I'm not the person you wanted to see right now, but I'm the one that came back." Sabrina nodded knowing that the possibility of Nick coming back, gets slimmer and slimmer each day. "I also know that you could use a shower." Puck and Sabrina burst out laughing. Sabrina nodded her head. Puck helped her off the couch and into the bathroom. Once Sabrina was out of the shower, she put on some sweats. She went back downstairs where she found Puck and Daphne in the kitchen. Daphne had made spaghetti and set it out for them to eat. The Spaghetti tasted close to Granny's from the past but, not quite. Daphne updated Sabrina on how the town had been, there had been no problems with any magic since Nick, which means he didn't spread what he learn. She learned that Daphne had taken on a family vacation at her job in NYC so she could help with a sick family member. Soon Puck was telling jokes, and Sabrina and Daphne were laughing right along. It was like they went back in time to when they were all living at Granny's. At some point during the night they all went out onto the porch and looked into the woods.

"Puck do you remember our first night in town." Sabrina asked

"Of course I do, I sent my pixies after you two, I found it very funny." Puck replied with a ridiculous grin on his face.

"I for one, did not find it very funny." Daphne who was bitten the most, said trying to remain mad but it was very hard to.

"Do you guys remember when I kidnapped you and brought you to my hideout?" Puck said the ridiculous grin still plastered on his face.

"Yes, I remember you trying to shove me off the diving board because we 'trespassing' on 'your' land." Sabrina smiled back at him. Soon Daphne had to take a call so she left Puck and Sabrina on the porch, alone.

"Sabrina, I want to say how sorry I am. If I had never come back none of this would have ever happened." Sabrina held her hand up to Puck silencing him.

"Puck, if you had never come back then I would have been living a life of lies. If anything you saved me from a worse downfall that was yet to come. If Nick ever comes back, I don't think that he would want to take me back." Sabrina's head dropped. That was the first time she said the realization out loud. Tears were fighting the invisible wall she had built up.

"Hey, hey, hey. Sabrina don't cry. If he can't understand the real you then he doesn't deserve you." Puck said wiping the tears off of her face. "Let's go for a walk, okay?" Sabrina nodded. Puck led her off the porch and into the woods.

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