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Soon time passed as if it was nothing. Daphne was passed out in the chair and Sabrina asleep on Puck's chest. A piece of hair fell on her face and Puck moved behind her ear. He gave her a soft kiss on the forehead. She's beautiful even when she's sleeping. Puck thinks as he drifts off to sleep.

Sabrina wakes up her head on Pucks chest. She laid there not moving just listening to Puck's breathing, his chest rising and falling. Sabrina slowly got off of Puck's chest without waking him up. Sabrina saw that it was early in the morning because the sun had just begun to come through the windows. Sabrina decided she would start working on breakfast and went into the kitchen. She got out the ingredients to make pancakes and went to work. Soon she had flour spots all over her sweats and pancakes on a plate. Next she put on a pot for coffee and the smell took over the kitchen and traveled into the living room.

Puck smelled the coffee first, then started to peel his eyes open to find the source of the coffee, his legs were the first to move then his whole body followed the smell into the kitchen where he found a steaming plate of fluffy pancakes on the table, a cup of coffee on the counter and Sabrina covered in flour.

"Good morning Puck." Sabrina said her voice quiet but sweet. She picked up two cups of coffee and handed one to Puck. "It's about time you got up."

"Oh really?" Puck teased and gave Sabrina a kiss on the cheek before sitting at the table and eating some pancakes. "What time did you get up this morning? I didn't hear you get up."

"Just around sunrise. I guess the sunlight woke me up." Sabrina shrugged.

The two of them sat and ate breakfast in a comfortable silence a smile on both of their faces. Soon Daphne walked into with major bed head and pour herself a cup of coffee and sat down with them.

"Morning." mumbled Daphne.

"Well look what the cat dragged in, it's one of the troll dolls!" Puck started laughing and soon Sabrina laughed along, all awhile Daphne's face turned into a scowl.

"It looks like it a grumpy troll." Sabrina chimed in and another round of laughter filled the air. Daphne sat there the scowl still on her face. Eventually Daphne gave into the laughter and started to giggle along with them.

The pancakes were gone within a few minutes of Daphne getting there. So she went and took a shower followed by Sabrina, then Puck. Once everyone was dressed and showered they made a second pot of coffee and went and sat back in the living room.

"So I need to go back to NYC in the next week, I can't be away for much longer it has been close to a month at this month." Sabrina nodded as her sister explained that she need to leave.

"Don't worry Daphne, I'll take care of Sabrina."

"Are you sure? You're not going to leave her again are you?" Daphne smile but curiosity still was in her eyes.

"Definitely not. I'm never leaving Sabrina again." Looked at Sabrina as she blushed.

"Good." Sabrina replied, as another round of laughter filled the air. The three of them could've laughed the rest of the morning but a knock on the door silenced the laughter. "I've got it." Sabrina got up from the couch and walked over to the door. Without a second thought she opened it.

"Hello." Sabrina said as she opened the door and looked up only to see it was a disheveled version of Nick.

"Hi honey."

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