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Puck and Sabrina went back to the bedroom, neither of them comfortable with calling it theirs yet. With PJs on, they climbed into the bed. All was silent until Puck called out the elephant in the room.
"So who's gonna call Nick?"
Sabrina pondered this for a moment, knowing Puck would if she didn't. If she called Nick it would be awkward for both them. But if Puck called him, Nick would take it the wrong way.
"I will." Sabrina said, "I'll call him in the morning and tell him where to meet us."
"Okay, that's settled then."
They fell into a comfortable silence again and soon fell asleep.
Sabrina woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon flowing from downstairs. Her eyes fluttered open and took in the room. Early morning light seeped in from the windows, the pastel colors of her walls reflected the light and the small pink accents stood out among the rest of the colors. Sabrina rolls onto her other side to find Puck sprawled out on the other side of the bed. His hair falling over his eyes and his mouth open. Sabrina stifled a laugh at the sight and moved to get out of the bed, but as soon she did Puck woke up.
"Ah what is going on?" Puck exclaims rubbing his eyes and sitting up quickly.
"Good morning sunshine, it smells like my dear sister made breakfast."
"Oh! Pancakes and bacon. Let's go!" Puck hopped off the bed and ran downstairs faster than a little kid on Christmas morning. Sabrina rolled her eyes and followed him out of the room.
Downstairs Puck takes a large stack of pancakes and sets them down in front of him on the table. Sabrina walks in and follows suit.
"Good morning love birds. You're totally welcome for the breakfast no need to thank me."
"Thank you, really thank you, Daphne."
"No problem."
The rest of the breakfast was quiet, the sounds of chewing filled the room.
Sabrina and Puck clean up the kitchen after Daphne went upstairs to get ready. Soon the sink was filled with suds and dishes and Sabrina's arm was covered up to her elbow. Puck had a towel over his shoulder and was drying the dishes. Sabrina decided to flick some suds from the sink at Puck as he put away the last dish.
"Hey!" he exclaimed, the suds flying into his hair. Quickly Puck threw the wet towel at Sabrina where it landed on her face.
"Oh, okay that was gross." she exclaims. She takes the towel off her head winds it up and whips it back at Puck.
"Okay, now that was just mean." Sabrina had a devious smile on her face, Puck stared at her blatantly and then they both just started cracking up filling the kitchen with laughter. Sabrina moves towards Puck eyeing his soap covered hair. She moves her fingers through his hair combing the suds out of his golden locks. Pucks look down at Sabrina's face, he moves his hand up to Sabrina's face and pulls her closer, leans down and lightly kisses her.
"Alright, love birds time to break it up," Daphne said laughing from the doorway of the kitchen. "I believe one of you has a very important phone call to make."
"Yeah, that's right," Sabrina said regret covering her voice. She leans into Puck as he holds her for support. "I'm gonna go take a shower." Sabrina walks out of the kitchen without another word.
"Is she ok? I mean divorcing can be hard especially since she had been with him for so long." Daphne asks Puck just looking for answers.
"I think so, either way, I'm going to be with her every step of the way." Daphne nods lost in her thoughts. Puck exits the kitchen leaving Daphne to her thoughts. He walks upstairs and into the bedroom Sabrina and him have shared these last week or so. He opens the closet to see all of Nick's clothes, Puck realizes that he never came back for them. Puck searches the house for a box, quickly brings it upstairs and starts to pack up Nick's things. Soon the closet is half empty all of Nick's stuff in a box. Puck hears the shower stop and sits down on the bed.
Sabrina comes out of the bathroom to find Puck sitting on the bed, a box at his feet and the closet open. Sabrina looks into the closet and finds it half empty and stumbles back in shock.
"Puck, what did you do?" Puck looks up realizing that what he'd done was wrong.
"I couldn't stand you in pain like this and thought that ..." he was at a loss for words unable to collect his thoughts.
"You know what, it's fine I've meant to do the same but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Thank you." Sabrina goes over to Puck and embraces him in a large hug. Sabrina couldn't help but let a few tears fall as she was embraced with such warmth and comfort. "Thank you again, and as much as I would love to stay here, I have a very important call to make."

"I know, go on I'll be here when you're done." Puck watches Sabrina walk down the hall, and sits down on the bed. He takes a deep breath and relaxes once again.

Sabrina picks up her phone and heads towards the porch. Ring Ring, Ring Ring, "Hello?"

"Nick? It's Sabrina, please meet me at Sheepshank: Family Law tomorrow morning. We need to get the papers signed. It's important so we can both finally move on."

"Okay, I'll see you there-" Click

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