Come On

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1st Person POV

There's nothing better than waking up in your boyfriend's arms, especially mine. Tom has been off traveling all over America again, meaning that Haz is off traveling as well, also meaning that I'm traveling as well. It's just a common thing for the three of us to be traveling, since we are all best friends, yet, one of them is my boyfriend.

"Love, what time is it?" Harrison asks in his morning voice, my personal favorite. His arms tighten around my waist as I reach over on the nearby nightstand to check the time.

"Only . . . half past eight, and we have to meet up with Tom to head over to place place," I yawn, not caring about the end of my sentence anymore.

Harrison lightly chuckles to himself, "we have to head over to place place?"

I nod my head into his chest and slowly close my eyes to try falling asleep again. I can feel Harrison lightly poking my sides, probably trying to get me to wake up.

"Love," he asks again, now poking my face, "we have to meet Tom down in the lobby in thirty minutes. Please, we need to get up, and I can't get up, because you're on top of me."

"Good, that means I get more time with you," I muffled into his chest.

I don't hear a response from Harrison, but I feel his hands being run through my hair. "You know, I bet there's coffee down in the lobby we can- and there you go." He laughs, sitting up a little bit in the bed.

As you can tell, coffee is my weak spot. I'm not the usual British person, I drink more coffee than tea, because honestly it just taste better.

"Wow, up out of bed in half a second, that's a new record," Harrison laughs again as he watches me dog through my suit case.

"Speak for yourself, you haven't even managed to get out of that uncomfortable bed," I said, walking over to his suit case next. "Well, here's some jeans, a plaid button up, and a plain shirt. But I'm stealing your sweatshirt for the day in case I get cold, love ya." I threw his outfit at him, hitting him in the head in the process, and make my way to the bathroom.

"Love ya too, sweetheart," Harrison calls out as I close the door. A couple minutes later, Harrison shouts for me again, except it's in his whiny voice of his, meaning he wants something. "Y/N . . . where'd you put my phone?"

"Me?" I yell back, putting a comb through my hair, "you're the one who stuffed it under the pillows last night when you gave me a kiss attack!"

"Found it!" Harrison yells in his excited voice. I roll my eyes and begin to lightly put on makeup to cover up my circles under my eyes. I mean hey, I didn't get a lot of sleep last night!

The next thing I know, Harrison walks into the bathroom next to me with four of his buttons unbuttoned. He tries to desperately take my makeup brushes out of my hands, but I swat his hands away.

"Come on, love, you look beautiful with, and especially, without your makeup on," he says, attempting to take the brushes again. And due to his long arms and tall body, he does end up reaching around my entire body and taking the brushes. "You will get these back never." Harrison smirks, running out of the bathroom.

"HARRISON FREAKING OSTERFIELD GET BACK HERE," I yell, chasing him out into the main room of the hotel room. When I run out, I see Harrison just laying on the big bed, not bothering to move. The makeup brushes were out of his hands, and probably hidden. "You little bitch," I mutter at him and walk back into the bathroom to think of another way to put on makeup.

"But I'm your little bitch," he calls back, making me laugh. "I'll meet you down in the lobby, Tom says he's leaving his room now and doesn't want to be alone. So come out when you are ready!" Harrison says, jumping up from the giant bed.

"That's what she said!" I shout back as he opens the hotel room door. "And save me a cup of coffee please!"

"No promises, love," Harrison says as I hear the door slam shut. I let out a loud groan and try to finish my makeup for the day.

About ten minutes later, I finally head down to the lobby to meet up with Harrison and Tom. They sat together near a window, talking amongst themselves, each with a coffee cup in their hands. Tom's back is towards me, meaning that Harrison spots me first when I walk up to them. His smile is quickly covered up by a devilish smirk, causing Tom to turn around and smirk as well. What do they have planned?

"Did you ever find your makeup brushes, love?" Harrison asks me as I sit down in the seat next to him.

"No," I said grumpily, resting my chin on my right hand. "Did you get me my coffee?" I ask back, giving Harrison my puppy eye look.

"No," he says copying my actions. I roll my eyes at him and reach out to grab his cup of tea, his favorite, but he pulls the cup back. "Y/N, remember what happened last time you played this game?" Harrison asks in a teasing way.

"Haz, quit teasing your girlfriend," Tom said raising is eyebrow a bit as he took a sip from his tea.

Harrison let out a small laugh before nodding his head towards Tom. Tom reached beside him and brought out a steaming up of coffee.

"I made him get it for you," Tom said proudly.

"Did not," Harrison fought back, "I did actually get it for you, I just . . . desd t hid t." Harrison said as he took a sip of his tea.

"Remind me why I fell in love with you?"

Anyways, I'm here because Haz doesn't get as much attention he should, I mean look at him, he's BEAutiFuL

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