Best Friend's Brother

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3rd Person POV (somewhat long)

"Why is it that every time I come over here, he has to be with us?" Y/N whispers over to her best friend Charlotte. The two of they sat together on the floor, Y/N braiding Charlotte's hair since Charlotte just braided Y/N's hair.

Being only fourteen years old had some ups and downs at that age. Having hormones, figuring out who you are, being boy-crazy, the usual. But that didn't stop best friends from hanging out with each other, even when her brother is the hottest boy alive.

Y/N can't blame herself for liking Harrison; almost every girl in (High School/Secondary School) had a crush on him. It drove Charlotte mad whenever a girl came over to ask her about Harrison and "can you set the two of us on a date?" in the hallways at school.

Harrison being two years ahead of Y/N and Charlotte, he is practically the king of popularity at the school. His kind attitude, warm heart, and very good looks, there is no wonder why he's top notch at the school. Y/N's just lucky that she became best friends with Charlotte before she met Harrison, or else it would have changed everything.

Charlotte knows about Y/N's little secret crush on Harrison, but it doesn't bother her, it was bound to happen at some point. Actually, Charlotte quite enjoyed Y/N having a crush on her brother, it means they whenever he is around, she got to tease her about it.

"Doesn't he have anything better to do?" Y/N continues to talk, braiding the last few bits of Charlotte's hair.

"No, not really. Eating ice cream in the kitchen, as he stares over at us in the living room, is his job at the moment. Mum and dad put him on 'babysitting' duty because of what happened last time when I was alone." Charlotte giggled, turning around to face her best friend.

"Yes, let's not forget about the time you tried dyeing your hair purple due to our 'emo phase' our parents called it." Y/N giggled after her. It was a rough year a year ago, Y/N tried dyeing her hair dark blue that night and got caught as well. "But seriously, he has to babysit you or I as call it 'watching us from afar, making sure we don't cause mischief' from the kitchen."

There is a slight chuckle from the kitchen that was quickly covered up by a cough.

"And did I mention EAVESDROPPING in that late statement?" Y/N said a little louder than the current conversation she was having.

Another chuckle was erupted from the kitchen, quickly muffled by another cough.

Charlotte rolls her eyes and puts a finger to lip, indicating to keep quite. Y/N runs her fingers along her lip, pretending to lock her lips after what Charlotte is about to do.


He laughs again, and walks over to behind the couch where the two girls sat. Harrison held the pint of ice cream in one hand while the spoon is hanging loosely out of his mouth. He takes the handle and grabs it before it falls onto the floor. "So you're saying I should go upstairs, and mind my own damn business? Well, no, I'm not going to, but instead I will sit over there until I need something from you, just like you said." Harrison said in his smart-like attitude. Just like Harrison said, he walked over to one of the couches in the living room, and continued eating the ice cream.

Charlotte always hates it when Harrison does this, out smarts her in front of her friends. Oddly enough, he rarely does it in front of Y/N, but he couldn't help himself this time. The real reason he does this is because he loves to embarrass his little sister, and it makes her friends fall harder for him. Y/N is a whole other story, she's harder to crack when embarrassing Charlotte, that's why Harrison rarely does it in front of her, it takes the good arguments to make Y/N crack.

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