Mister Sparkles

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1st Person POV

"Don't I look stunning, damn!" Harrison continues to strut around our bedroom, showing off his sparkly face to Instagram story. "My girlfriend has definitely outdone herself today."

In the past couple of months, Harrison has been really into sparkly things. Sparkly rings, jackets, pants, and even a sparkly phone case. He has even stolen my sparkly blanket that he gave to me as a gift.

Harrison continues talking to his phone, "Now I need to put on my suit and Y/N needs to apply sparkles to her own face. Until then, I'll see you guys at the premiere for my new movie!" He waves his hand to the camera and uploads the stories to his Instagram. As soon as it uploads, Harrison throws off his shirt and walks towards the closet where his suit is hanging up. "My god, I'm so excited for tonight."

Last year, Harrison got a role in a new movie as the main character. This is literally his movie, his big break, and his night to shine. Harrison really wants to shine, that is why he is wearing a suit made of sparkles and sparkly makeup on his face. With that being said, he pleaded for me to match with him and wear sparkles on my face as well. I couldn't say no to him.

"How do I look?" Harrison asks shyly from the bathroom. I turn around to see his head poked out from the bathroom and a small smile on his face. The rest of his body follows him out of the bathroom and I am instantly blinded by glittery light. It is so bad I have to put a hand in front of my eyes.

"Like a disco ball," I giggle, taking my hand away from my eyes to get a better look at him. "It looks very good on you, I am still in shock that Joshua Kane made this for you."

"I know right! This suit truly is amazing," Harrison beams, smoothing out the fabric between his fingers. I turn my body back around and finish the final touches of glitter on my face. Harrison and I have the same half circle down the left side of our face, but I have a little extra sparkles as eyeshadow to really pop out my eyes. With Harrison and I together down the red carpet, we compliment each other nicely.

As soon as I finish my last eye, Harrison's arms wrap around my neck and he lightly kisses the top of hair. I put down my makeup brushes and stare up at him through the mirror. "You look like you are ready to go, Mister Sparkles."

"I am, can we go now?" Harrison asks me eagerly. "I'm so ready to show off my new movie to everyone, especially to you."

"Yes, a movie about my boyfriend being an astronaut and possibly dying from the lack of oxygen on the moon is all I ever wanted." I hear Harrison chuckle from above me, then kiss my head again before unlatching his arms from my neck. He walks over to our bed and picks up the heels I bought from the store last week. "Oh, my knight in shiny armor." I tease, getting up from the small chair I sat in. Harrison rushes over to me and sits me back down in the chair. I was about to ask him what he was doing, but he began to put my heels on for me. "Why'd you do that?"

Harrison latches the final strap on my shoes and looks up at me with a bright smile. "So we could leave faster. No offense, but you are the world's slowest person that puts on shoes."


"Harrison, Harrison, look over here!" Cameras flash from every direction as the star of the movie emerges from the limo. Quickly afterwards, I follow Harrison out of the long car and link arms with him.

So many people gasp out loud when they turn to see Harrison's sparkly suit and our matching glittery faces. Their focus was all on us and nobody else.

At one of the waiting platforms, Tom Holland is standing there with a microphone and a silly look on his face. "Look everyone, it is the man of the night, Harrison Osterfield, and his girlfriend, Y/N L/N." Tom shoves the microphone in Harrison's face, waiting for him to say something.

"I see this is payback for all the times I pretended to interview you." Harrison laughs, adjusting the cufflinks on his wrist. It is a nervous habit Harrison does during press events. "No, but I am really excited to share this movie with the world, I've been working really hard on it and ah— I'm just so happy!"

Tom licks his lips, a nervous habit he has as well. "Anyways, I am very proud of you, Haz, and I can't wait to see this movie. Now if you two don't mind, I'm going to go interview your costar over there." In a swift movement, Tom leaves the platform and walks towards Naomi Scott.

"What are we going to do with him?" I shake my head at Tom, he really does love his Disney Princesses.

"Let's keep going," Harrison whispers into my ear before kissing the side of my head.

Tons and tons of more pictures are being taken of us the further we move down the carpet. Harrison did have to answer some questions every couple of minutes. Most of the time, he would repeat his answers. The interviews really have no taste in Q&A questions.

I could tell some of the photographers were getting irritated that I was connected to Harrison's hip the entire time. I can't blame them, I would want pictures of the star of the movie by himself and not with his gorgeous girlfriend. No hard feelings to them, besides, my head is a little dizzy from all the flash photography. "I'm going to go talk with your family over there, I'll catch up with you in a couple minutes." Before he could respond, I kiss the side of his head and strut my way towards Charlotte. When I turn back to look at Harrison, he is staring at me with his mouth open like a fish.

"Close your mouth or you're going to catch flies!" Charlotte yells in her brother's direction. He hears her and quickly closes his mouth, then continues to walk the carpet. "He's like a lovesick puppy."

"A very cute looking lovesick puppy."

"Ick, never mind."


"So, Harrison, we are minutes away from seeing this movie, and we only have one question." The interviewer readjusts the microphone in his hand and smiles over at me and Harrison hugging. "What inspired this look for tonight? I don't know about you, but seeing you two makes me want to wear a full suit of sparkles too."

I step away from Harrison and take the microphone out of the interviewers hand. "I got this, also, sorry for taking the mic from you. Anyways, a couple months ago, I came back from a trip to New York with an expensive belt that is full of sparkles. I have only worn it once because Mister Sparkles over here took my belt and used it with all of his outfits. His addition to sparkly things grew from there." I hand the microphone back to the interviewer and rewrap my arms around Harrison to hug him.

"Is this all true?"

"Most definitely."

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