Paid Vacation

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3rd Person POV

"Do I really have to go on this paid vacation with you?"

Harrison raises both of his eyebrows at his girlfriend, who is sitting next to him on the airplane. "I don't think we can go back now. We are literally going to leave the country in five minutes. Besides, haven't you always wanted to go to Greece?"

"Yeah," Y/N whines sadly, "but we have to actually do stuff and not enjoy the country." Harrison smiles over at Y/N, then wraps his arm around her shoulder and lays his head down on her head.

Last week, Harrison got the opportunity to travel to Greece with Joshua Kane to promote his company. He gladly accepted and asked to bring Y/N along, who also likes wearing Joshua Kane outfits. Y/N knew there wouldn't be another opportunity to fly to Greece, so she accepted the offer Harrison made.

Since this is a paid vacation, Harrison and Y/N have to actually do things and not truly enjoy the country. That is what Y/N thinks at least. Harrison was able to talk to Joshua Kane to ask for an extra day in Greece. It worked. Y/N doesn't know it yet, but when she does, she will be the happiest girl alive.

The next time Harrison looks over at his girlfriend, she has fallen asleep against his shoulder. Harrison takes the time snapping selfies with her, posting a couple to his Instagram stories.

For the entire trip to Greece, Harrison could not sleep. He tried closing his eyes, watching random movies, and even playing stupid games on his phone. Nothing worked. Y/N slept for most of the time. She finally woke up thirty minutes before the flight ended, but he desperately wanted to go back to sleep again.

"No, Y/N, you can sleep at the hotel for the night, we have a big day tomorrow." Harrison lightly shakes her body, hoping to keep her awake with small movements.

"But I want to nap," Y/N whines, stretching her limbs across Harrison's body in the small airplane chair. He slides Y/N closer to him in the small seats, not bothering if their seat belts are fastened or not. They had to check anyways. One of the flight ladies walked past the couple, giving them a nasty glare. Harrison and Y/N go right back to sitting in their respective seats.

Getting out of the airport is very slow. Plus, Harrison couldn't find some of his luggage for at least twenty minutes, which scared the shit out of both of them. That piece of luggage had the Joshua Kane outfits in it.

"Dear God, Joshua would have killed me," Harrison wipes pretend sweat off his forehead after he sits the luggage down on the floor next to the bed.

"I would have killed you too, my favorite shoes are in there!" Y/N quickly unzips the front pocket of the expensive suitcase, bringing out the gold heels. "Oh, how I have missed you," she lightly kisses the side of the right heel, being careful not to smudge the gold.

Harrison sits on the edge of the bed and rolls his eyes at Y/N. "Glad to know I'm loved, Darling."

Y/N gently placed the shoes back into the case, then take a running jump on to the bed next to Harrison. "Is it bed time now?"

A small laugh escapes Harrison's mouth as he scoots back on his butt and lays down next to his girlfriend on the bed. "Yes, but we have to wake up at eight in the morning by the latest." Harrison closes his eyes for a split seconds, but opens them again to look at Y/N. "In the mean time, I'm ordering room service. You want something?"


"I thought so," Harrison leans over to kiss Y/N on the forehead. She smiles at him, then moves over herself to kiss Harrison on the lips. "I love you."

"I love you too."


"Harrison, I need more pictures of me in my heels!" Y/N points her gold heels towards the ground and watches them flicker in the sunlight. Her romper isn't as shiny as the heels, but damn, that gold outfit she is wearing is crazy shiny all together.

Harrison pulls out his phone out of his back pocket and opens it to begin Y/N photoshoot. In his eyes, Y/N looks like an absolute goddess in Greece. She feels like a goddess in Greece.

"So, Haz," Y/N says after doing different poses for Harrison and his camera. "When does our flight leave tonight for England?"

"In two days," Harrison says in a very nonchalant way. It totally takes Y/N off guard. She turns her head very fast towards Harrison, almost making her head piece fall off of her head. Harrison flashes Y/N one of his famous grins at her. "I might have been able to convince Joshua to let us have two days extra in Greece. How does that sound?"

"Yes, yes, yes," Y/N cheers, jumping up and down and hugging Harrison. "I actually get to enjoy my vacation to Greece. I have my dream Greece vacation planned on my phone, so now we can actually put it to use! Unless you had things planned already."

Harrison keeps smiling, but shakes his head at his girlfriend. "We can do whatever you want to do. Don't let me be in charge, I am not good at planning trips of any sort."

"I know, Sweetheart, I remember exactly when you tried to plan our day to the zoo. I still don't understand why we didn't get kicked out that day."

"Because I wooed them over with my insanely good looks!" Harrison laughs, stuffing his hands into the front pockets of his pants. "So does this mean we payed for our vacation in the end? We basically got paid to fly out to Greece, and now we are paying for the rest of our trip."

"I guess it does. Oh well, we get to explore Greece! Oh my— I'm just so excited!"

"Y/N, calm down! If you don't calm down, I won't give you any kisses for the next two days!" Harrison threatens, giving Y/N a warning glance.

Y/N immediately calmed down after that.

She wanted her Harrison kisses.

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