My Valentine

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2nd Person POV

Maybe putting a tiny maid costume on was a stretch for Valentine's Day. You knew Harrison has been working hard with helping Tom with his acting, then he has been memorizing his own scripts for a show he's going to be apart of. There just isn't time for himself anymore. You decided that for Valentine's Day, you would dedicate it all to him.

This morning, you woke up extra early to make his favorite breakfast: pancakes. You got all the ingredients out and mixed them, then, while the pan was heating up, you snuck into the bathroom and put on the maid outfit.

The whole story behind the maid outfit. It has been a running joke between the two of you where when one of you wants to "impress" the other, they would wear the outfit. Nobody truly has seen Harrison if they haven't seen him in a maid costume.

You pour Haz a cuppa, put all the pancakes onto a plate, and snuck back into the room you two share. "Excuse me, Mr. Osterfield, but I'm going to have to ask you to please wake up. Otherwise, the food is going to get cold." The sound of your sweet voice immediately woke Harrison up. He heard everything that came out of your mouth, but didn't expect the view he got with it.

Once he sat up from the bed, the tray with tea and pancakes gets placed on his lap and you began to "work" around the room. The entire time, his eyes follow you as you clean up the dirty clothes, organize the stacks of scripts, and throw away trash from the floor. Just to make the teasing worse, you poke out your butt for Harrison to take an extra long staring at.

"You're staring again, Mr. Osterfield." You say with a calm voice, staring back at Harrison in the mirror. He looks back down at his breakfast for a quick second, but goes right back to staring at you from the bed. "Well, if you are going to continue this, I'm going to run you a bath."

Harrison makes a small noise, sounding excited for a bath, or maybe something else he is thinking about. No, he only gets a bath.

The hot water immediately steams up the entire bathroom, and with the added bubbles to the bath, it smells wonderful. The scent is black raspberry and vanilla, it is truly amazing.

Before you leave the bathroom, you set up the speakers to play Harrison's "calming" music from Spotify and light a couple candles. Just as you were placing the fluffy towel down, the man of the hour walks into the bathroom with a smirk on his face.

"Mr. Osterfield, I see your staring again. Please feel free to get into the bath as I will set out fresh clothes for you to wear today." With a quick turn on your heels, you left Harrison a little shocked with your words. He didn't think you were completely serious with this act for Valentine's Day, and now his goal is to make you crack.

Harrison came up with a small plan while he undressed himself and sat in the bath. It felt nice. For a couple minutes, he completely forgot about the plan, you in the outfit, and all of his worries for tomorrow. The smell made his noise tingle, the music sounds amazing in his ears, and the heat is just right. He knew you were magical, but not this magical.

"Oh, Y/N," Harrison chimes out. You could hear him, clearly, but you continue fixing his jeans on the bed by smoothing them out. "I know you can hear me, Love, please come over here."

"Yes, Mr. Osterfield?" You shout back, laying the nicely folded shirt over the jeans. Once you were done, you stomp your way over to the door and open it just enough for your head to fit. "Did you need something?"

Harrison moves his entire body to lean over the edge of the bathtub, spilling water over the sides. Soapy water. "I would like to make a special request for you to feed me grapes while I'm in the bath, or you could come join me. Your choice, Sweetheart." He's smooth, way too smooth.

You ball up Haz's pajamas off the bathroom floor and rush out of the bathroom. Of course your going to feed him grapes, he can't win this battle on Valentine's Day. All of his dirty clothes get thrown into the hamper, then you rush into the kitchen to take out a long vine of grapes.

When you return to the bathroom, Harrison is leaning back against the tub with his eyes closed. "What are you waiting for, Darling?"

Feeding Harrison grapes became boring after a while, and you could tell he was getting restless from the cold bathtub water. The vine of grapes finally come to an end (with your help) and you begin to leave the bathroom, already feeling his gaze on your butt. "I wouldn't stay in there for too much longer. There is towels neatly folded for you near the sink and fresh clothes laid out on the bed, I expect you in the living room in five minutes." You knew you could get so much courage from a silly little maid outfit.

Harrison pulls the plug from the bathtub to empty the bubbly water, then wraps a towel around his waist and wipes down the rest of his body with the other one. The clothes you picked out for Harrison was one of your favorite outfits to see him in, and he couldn't help but smile when he saw them laying there.

On the other hand, you are in the guest bathroom changing into a cute outfit (one of Harrison's favorite outfits of yours) and hiding the maid costume for another day. It always seems to come in handy. Last night, you packed a small picnic basket full of sandwiches, fruits, and desserts for the two of you. It would be a medium sized lunch in a "secret" park that you and Haz like to visit monthly.

Just as Harrison came into the living room, you stuffed a dark purple blanket into the basket and smile warmly at him. "Happy Valentine's Day, Hazzy!"

The smell of blackberries and vanilla lingers on him as he wraps his arms around you and kisses your forehead. "Happy Valentine's Day, Y/N/N!" He gives you one last kiss on the lips before pulling away completely and stuffing his hands into his pocket. "Thank you very much for this morning, but I seem to see another thing planned right behind you?"

"Yes!" you grab the small basket and show it to him. "For lunch, we will be having a picnic outside in our special park place. I will be driving and you will be relaxing in the passengers side." One of his eyebrows raises at me in confusion and delight. He hasn't seen you drive in months.

For the entire ride to the park, Harrison held onto your hand. His thumb rubs over the top of your knuckles and every couple of minutes, Haz would kiss the top of your hand.

"You're cute," he whispers.

Your eyes stay focused on the road, but your cheeks blush furiously. Harrison can tell too. He turns his head back towards the road as well and keeps his hand with yours, smiling with himself the entire time.

Harrison makes sure to get out of the car first so he can open your door for you, such a gentleman. When you get out of the car and open up the boot for the picnic basket, Harrison wraps his arms around your waist and places kisses down your neck. He continues doing that the entire way to the picnic area, didn't let go once.

"I love you, but you have to let me go so I can put the blanket down," you use your free hand to push his arms off your waist and place the basket on the grassy ground. Harrison grabs one side of the blanket and you grab the opposite end to smooth the blanket down. As soon as it touches the ground, Harrison is laying on top of it with his whole body.

"What's for lunch, my Valentine?" Harrison chimes, reaching for the basket near his head. You sit down near his head and grab the food before he could get his hands on it.

You open up the basket and reveal sandwiches and fruits in an airtight container. His eyes grow wide with delight, immediately digging into the fruit. On the other hand, you take one of the cucumber sandwiches and begin munching on that. Harrison sees the small sandwich in your hand, ditches the fruit, and takes out another cucumber sandwich from inside the basket.

"Y/N, you are a legend," he says in between chews. The small sandwich is gone in seconds, so he digs back into the basket and fines another one to eat. He also fines the cake you packed. "Can I have that instead?"

"At least wait until I'm done with my first sandwich, Haz!"

Happy Valentine's Day to me and my lonely self ☺️💞

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