Holiday Cookies

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2nd Person POV

"Y/N, you've been moved into your apartment for three months now, and you still haven't unpacked everything yet?" Your best friend, Rosie, says to you. This is her first time visiting your new place in London, whilst she lives in Manchester.

You wipe the palm of your hands on the green and red striped apron you're wearing. "With work and now the holidays coming up, I have no time to unpack. I'll just make it my New Years resolution to clean up my flat." You crack another egg into the bowl of flour, and stir it into the mix with the other ingredients.

"Yeah, I doubt that." Rosie dips her fingers into your bowl of batter and brings it up to her lips to eat it. "Add more sugar to that, it tastes icky."

"Hey, hey!" You smack her hand after Rosie tries dipping her fingers in again. "Keep your dirty hands out of my cookie batter. I'll add more sugar into it."

"What are you doing with all these cookies anyways?" Rosie stands back from the counter to reveal the seven pans of cookies all around your kitchen. You are on your eighth pan now. Some of them were cut as trees, others gingerbread men and ornaments, and even stars.

"I'm going to decorate them," you take the cookie batter out of the bowl and roll it out on the table, "and eat them all myself."

"Y/N no."

"Y/N yes."

"Okay, no, together we will decorate the cookies, then you will go give out all these cookies to your neighbors. You've probably haven't even introduced yourself yet to them!" Rosie walks around you kitchen, putting away dirty dishes in the sink and collecting frosting for the cookies.

"Yes . . . yes I have introduced myself to them!" You claim, using the first cookie cutter shape in the top left corner of the batter.

"What are their names?"

You paused for a moment, "Mad—le? Yes, her name is Madle because that is definitely a name."

"Y/N," Rosie grabs a can of sprinkles and slams them on the counter, "that is not a name."

"Yes—okay it's not! I'm been really stressed lately and baking helps me calm down." The next couple of cookie cutters were slammed into dough, then aggressively put on the empty pan. "Work sucks, my rent sucks, and cable tv sucks, and I'm just a really lonely person without my pet dog! Mum and Dad won't let me keep her here until I am 'finically stable'."

"Okay, let's take the sharp tools away," Rosie comes over and grabs the knife off the table, then takes the scissors away from you. "How about we go clubbing tomorrow night to take your mind off things?"

"No use," you place the last piece of dough on the cookie sheet and throw the pan into the oven. "I'm better off eating these cookies and watching Netflix on the couch."

"Not all of them!"


It took many hours of decorating and snacking, but the cookies were finally done. Rosie took some to go, you made sure to save some for yourself, then Rosie made you take the other thirty five to some of your neighbors.

To start off easy, you put seven cookies in five different containers to give to five neighbors. It is a good start to getting to know your neighbors, and nobody can reject fun shaped cookies.

The first two apartments were good. They thought it was the sweetest thing, then they wouldn't stop talking to you about the holidays and it became an awkward mess. A nice elderly couple lived in the third flat, but they flat out rejected your cookies.

At the fourth apartment, you quietly knocked on this person's door and waited patiently. The door swung open and you began your speech, "Hello, you might not know who I am, but I am your new neighbor. I might be a little late with introductions, but my name is Y/N and I have Christmas cookies— I MEAN holiday cookies for you. They are sugar cookies too."

"Wait, are they Christmas cookies or holiday cookies?"

Your head moved really fast up to look at this person, who just happens to be a really handsome man. His bright blond hair was slicked back with some sort of gel, and his crazy blue eyes glistened back at me.

"Also, cute cooking apron."

"Um, thanks?" you blink your eyes rapidly at him, trying to take in this whole situation. "And these are 'holiday' cookies, because I don't want to assume everyone celebrates Christmas."

The boy nods his head, "that makes sense. Well, Y/N, my name is Harrison and I will gladly take your holiday cookies. Sugar cookies are one of my favorite kinds of cookies."

You set the box of cookies in Harrison's hands and wipe the palms on your apron. "Yeah, I live down in apartment seventeen if you ever need me."

To save yourself from anymore awkwardness, a situation you find yourself in a lot, you turn around to begin the walk about to your flat. From the distance, you could hear Harrison open up the cookie box and call your name.

"Hey, Y/N! I could actually use your number in case I need more cookies! These are really good!" He shouts with his mouth full of food.

"Sure," you turn around again and walk right back to him. "I also make amazing spaghetti and fresh bread."

Harrison takes his phone out of his pocket and smirks at you. "We will have to see about that spaghetti part. Me and one of my best mates have this friendly spaghetti competition going on, and you might be our next competitor." He unlocks his phone and hands it to you, flashing a cheeky smile.

This boy will probably be the death of me.

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