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1st Person POV

"Two days, alright you two?" Tom says, trying to act as serious as he can. "Can you not blow up the Montreal House, eat my rice cakes, or have sex while I'm gone?"

Haz and I roll our eyes at him and nod our heads. "We promise," we say at the same time.

"But I thought you hated rice cakes?" I ask, handing Tom his carry on bag that I have been holding for the last thirty minutes.

"Well yes, but they are still mine," Tom said, pointing his fingers in my direction. He then turned over to Haz and did their "secret" handshake before Tom waved at us one last time and left for Edinburgh.


"Y/N . . ." For the past hour Harrison and I have been in the Montreal house, he's done nothing but whine. "I'm so board, and lonely, and I miss my husband." He said looking like a lost puppy. Yes, it was both of their ideas to call each other "husbands" since they are best friends. I hardly understand their friendship sometimes.

"Haz, I'm sure your husband missed you too," I said, giving him a kiss to his temple. "Now, go take a shower and change into pajamas, I'm going to make you some hot tea." Harrison nods his head and smiles up at me.

He trudged his way to our bedroom, softly closing the door behind him. My poor little boyfriend.

As quietly as I could, I took a bunch of pillows out from the closet and placed them up against the couch. Then I took blankets as well and set them all around floor.

Before Tom left, I made sure for him to leave Spider-Man: Homecoming hidden in a box of tissues. I knew this would happen to Haz, but this time sooner than I thought. Then I made my way into the bedroom, after hearing the shower turned on, and changed into pajamas myself. Red and blue plaid pajama shorts, a "Penguin Spice Latte" loose shirt with a penguin inside of a coffee cup, and fuzzy penguin socks. My "lounging" clothes.

The shower turned off, so I rush out of the bedroom and start making tea, well England Tea. I also hide tea from England in case of emergencies, which is now. I take out of the cupboard mine and Harrison's mugs, a Batman and Ms. Marvel one.

Our coffee pot fills up with hot water, so I pour the water into each mug. I dunk the tea bags into both cups, and pour milk into our mugs, it's what we do!

I place the mugs on the small coffee table in the living room area.

"Hey Hazzy," I ask, knocking on the bedroom door and opening it open a bit. Harrison lifts his head up from his phone and smiles at me a bit. "I want to show you something, and I have tea." Haz is wearing our matching red and blue plaid pajama pants, cliché I know, but than again, that's all he's wearing.

Harrison follows me out of the room and walks behind me, still acting like a lost puppy. When he sees all the pillows, blankets, and tea sitting out in the living room area, his face immediately lights up and he smiles widely at me. He wraps his long arms around me into a giant hug and sets his head down on my head.

"Thank you, kitten," Haz pecks my head and ruffles my head. "Now, you promised tea?"

I look up from his chest and smile, "all the way from England."

"Fancy," he smiles, pulling me towards the couch where everything is set. "Also, did you really get Tom to get you Spider-Man so I wouldn't be sad?"

"Maybe," I said, sitting down in front of my tea mug. I pat the spot next to me, "come here, I'm cold."

Harrison laughs and sits down in front of his mug, he takes a blanket out from beside him and wraps it around the two of us. I put on Spider-Man, on Harrison's command, and snuggle up close to him.

By the time Ned found out about Peter's secret, our tea is just about gone, and I see Haz yawn out of the corner of my eye.

"Are you tired, Batman?" I ask, yawning myself.

"I think you are the one who's tired, kitten," Haz laughs, rubbing the side of my arm.

"You wanna cuddle with me?" I ask, looking up at Haz.

"I thought we already were?" Harrison asks, making a funny face.

I shake my head, "no, this time, you lay on me instead of the other way around."

"But wouldn't I crush you, I mean I'm like a head taller than you!" Harrison exclaims, making me laugh.

"Please, let me do it this one time," I beg with a pouting look on my face.

Haz playfully rolls his eyes at me and nod his head. "But if you start dying from lack of oxygen, tell me."

I roll out from under the blanket and lay down on the giant mound of pillows. A couple seconds later, Haz crawls on top of me with the blanket draped on his back. He lays his head down on my chest, facing the television, and runs one of his arms behind my back as I hug his head.

"Are you still missing your husband, or do you like hanging out with your kitten?" I run my fingers through his hair as I feel Haz yawn again

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"Are you still missing your husband, or do you like hanging out with your kitten?" I run my fingers through his hair as I feel Haz yawn again.

"No, no," he says grinning, "I love hanging out with my kitten, but this is better because I love how your boobs are like pillows." Harrison sniggers, pinching the side of my stomach.

My face heats up, "you're dick sometimes, I hope you know that."

"Yeah, I know," Haz says in a cheer tone.

For the next five minutes, we lay in comfortable silence until I hear him do a very loud yawn. Obnoxious much? Very.

I begin to run my fingers through his hair more often, which causes him to yawn more often than he expected to. Its always been my trick to make Harrison fall asleep fast when I want him too, and it's always in the hair. I feel Haz snuggle closer into me, and a slight snore escaping his lips.

"I love you too, Batman," I whisper, kissing the top of his head. The last thing I remember is seeing Happy's unhappy face, and a cute boyfriend laying on top of me, before falling asleep myself.

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