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3rd Person POV

"God dang it," Y/N mutters into her boyfriend's side, "what time is it now?"

"Already two hours pass boarding time," Harrison responds, stroking Y/N's hair while she rests her head on his stomach. "How you holding up?"

Y/N shrugs her shoulders, nuzzling further into Haz's stomach. The two of them were supposed to be on their way to Montreal, but the weather was not on their side. It's being rainy all day, then it got worse with thunderstorms. So now no flights have been available all day.

"Stupid London," Y/N mumbles. "Why couldn't the weather go bad after we left?" Her phone and Harrison's phone have been on the charger since they got there. They were going to play games, but now they are just waiting for a new flight or the weather to stop. "Why are we leaving again?"

Harrison sighs, smoothing his girlfriend's hair once again. "Tom needs me— needs us back for more assisting. Well, he needs us back tomorrow morning, but judging by our delay, it might not be until noon."

Y/N groans again and smacks Harrison's knee. He sighs, knowing that his girlfriend is tired. She likes to playfully punch him when she's tired, and Harrison thinks it is hilarious.

Harrison reaches over to Y/N's bag and takes out her travel blanket. It's small enough to fit Y/N's entire body, and warm enough. The best part about it, it had the Batman symbol sewn in the middle of the blanket.

The blanket was a gift from Harrison while the him, Tom, and Y/N were all traveling to New York. They were in the same situation they were in now, except Y/N fell asleep on Tom's shoulder while waiting. Harrison has never heard so much whining from Tom in his life. "She should be sleeping on you, mate!" Tom would exclaim while trying to make himself comfortable. Instead, Harrison just stood their and took pictures. Then he left them to go grab some coffee and tea, but ended up with a blanket when he came back.

"I'm gonna kill Tom when we see him next," Y/N grumbled. Usually, when Y/N punched Harrison 'cause she's tired, it was followed by threat.

He just smiled to himself, this is his girl and no one else's. "Just go to sleep, love. I'll wake you when our flight is called." Harrison began running his hand through Y/N's hair, loving the way it felt in between his fingers.

Y/N grumbled again, but she finally grew closer to her boyfriend and fell asleep almost on top of him.

we are still waiting,
mate. still no flights
called for us😑

bummer, but lemme
guess, has Y/N punched
you from lack of sleep yet?

even better, she
threatened to kill you

remind me before
I pick you two up to
hide the knives

I have to go back now,
text me if you guys get
a flight

of course

Harrison clicked his phone off, groaning himself from lack of sleep and annoyed at the airlines. Why did he think it was a smart idea to leave at night? Time zones would have been different. Everyone much rather be asleep right now. And the worst, he really had to use the bathroom.

It didn't help that whenever Y/N moved a bit, Harrison groaned even more. Not from waiting, but from discomfort. Now he REALLY had to use the bathroom.

"Flight 11B to Montreal has been open, Flight 11B to Montreal has been open," the speakers said over the huge intercoms. Harrison sighed in relief, they could finally leave the place.

He gently shook Y/N, hoping she would wake up in a non-grouchy way. "Love, hey love, our flight has been announced."

She shook her head, "nope, I'm good right here."

Harrison let out a cheerful laugh, "I'm not carrying you to the gate like last time. Get up, love, or I'm leaving you here and you really will be stuck in London."

Y/N had no choice, but she groaned again before finally getting up. They dragged their bodies throughout the airport, Harrison carrying all the carry on bags while Y/N carried the phones and plug ins. She also had the blanket tied around her neck like a cape.

Whenever Harrison turned around to look at her, he would laugh at the sight in front of him. Only his girlfriend would wear a batman blanket as a cape in an airport.

On the airplane, Harrison put the carry on bags above there heads and sat down next to Y/N. She was already cuddled up on the seat with the blanket over her again. This is going to be a long eight hours.

The plane didn't take off for over forty minutes, people were afraid they would have the wait longer. The rain picked up a little heavier, it caused the plane to loose time again.

Harrison had to role Y/N over in order to buckle her into the seat. Luckily, nobody bought a ticket to sit on the other side of Harrison, it just would have been awkward. He turned on Toy Story to watch while his girlfriend slept, since he had no one to talk too, might as well entertain himself.

Only about ten minutes in, he remembered about having to use the toilet. Harrison paused the movie to leave, but Y/N grabbed his wrist.

"You're a little monster, I hope you know that," he laughs, walking to the back of the plane. The little monster shrugs her shoulders and steals his headphone, watching Toy Story herself. Who know how long Haz will take in the toilet.


"Alright, alright, where's Tommy boy at," Y/N growled. Harrison and Y/N made it back to Montreal in one piece, but they had no time to rest since they had to quickly meet Tom over at the set.

"No, nope, I am going to keep you far away from him until further notice," Harrison tightly holds Y/N around her arms, making sure she can't run off. She squirms around in his arms while Harrison dragged Y/N around the set.

"Yo, Nick Jonas," Y/N yelled out. With that being said, he did turn around and wave at me and Harrison. "Where's Todd Hewitt, I need to kill him!"

"Isn't that my job?" He laughs, but points across the trees to an open area where other people are standing.

"Snooze you loose, Davy Prentiss Jr. Onward Harrison," Y/N waves back and Nick while Harrison brings them over to Tom. He was in need of assisting.

With all the yelling going on, Tom can hear it all. He just quietly smiled to himself, hearing Y/N's threats from lack of sleep.

"Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, you need to chill the fuck out, missy," Harrison says, picking up his girlfriend by her legs so he carried Y/N wedding style. Her arms fold across her chest, knowing that Harrison has beat her. When Tom came into view, he smiled at his best friend and his girlfriend. "So, did you hide the knives?"

Tom groaned, "I forgot."

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