Videobomb p2

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3rd Person POV

"I've never been so bored in an airport before. How much longer until he gets here?" Y/N groans. It has been five minutes since the last time she asked and the twins have stopped answering her.

Another couple minutes pass and Harrison finally messages Harry. He jumps up from excitement and tells his two other siblings where to meet their friend.

The twins have to be honest, they have never seen Y/N move so fast in their life. One minute she is laying down on the floor and the next she is half way across the airport.

Since Harry is taller than Y/N, he could see where Harrison was behind the crowd of people. He turns on his camera and stands off to the side to watch his sister reunite with her boyfriend. Sam does too, he doesn't want to ruin the moment either.

When Y/N finally spots Haz, she sprint over to him and jumps into his arms. Literally. Harrison grabs onto the back of her legs while Y/N holds onto him around his neck. They both lean down and share a powerful kiss. To be fair, this is the first time they have seen each other since they have been dating.


The Holland's house has been quiet all day. Harry didn't understand why. He knew his parents were out doing some shopping. Sam is no where in site. There might be a chance Paddy is with Tom at Tom's flat, or he's outside playing football. Then he can't find his sister anywhere.

Harry finally decides to check the spare room full of couches for Y/N. It is one of her favorite spots in the house besides her room.

After Harry grabs a quick snack from the kitchen, he walks into the spare room to see his sister and Harrison laying together in the couch. Both of them are asleep on the couch and both of them are drooling on each other.

With a bowl of crisps in one hand and a camera in the other, Harry takes pictures of the couple sleeping together. He got at least five pictures in before Y/N shifting her body around in Harrison's arms. She settles down again doesn't end up waking up from her nap.

Harry places a crisp on Harrison and Y/N's forehead, then leaves to go back upstairs to his room. At least when they wake up they will have a small snack to eat.


"Harrison," Y/N whines, standing at the bottom of the tree. "Can you please grab the apple for me? I'm too short to grab it."

Tom overhears his sister talking to Harrison, who is talking to him about acting jobs. His hand smacks Harrison's shoulder, then points at Y/N. The blond boy groans again. This is the fourth time Y/N has called for Harrison to help her with grabbing an apple from a tree.

From behind a bunch of trees, Harry has his camera out once again and taking a video of Harrison walking towards Y/N, picking her up, and letting her grab the apple. It makes Tom and Harry laugh every time they watch their sister attempt to grab apples with Harrison.

"You getting all of this?"

"Who wouldn't?"


"Y/N, you don't want to do this. I have a non-waterproof phone and if you throw that water balloon at me, you have to pay for a new one." Harrison warns, sticking his phone high into the air so water can't get on it.

She lightly bounces the balloon in her hand, pretending to think about her options. "Well, Androids suck anyways, so I'll just buy you an Apple phone." The water balloon is thrown at Harrison's body and breaks when it comes in contact with his skin.

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