Babysitting Nightmare

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1st Person POV

"Thanks again, sis, I owe you big time for this. And trust me, you are gonna have quite a fun time with my kids." Milo, my older brother, tells me as he exits my kitchen with his three kids trailing behind him.

"Auntie Y/N, Auntie Y/N," all three children cheer when they see me standing in the kitchen. Sydney is the oldest daughter, age six, and Madison the youngest daughter, age three. Then there is Quinn, he's the middle child, age five.

And they are crazy children.

Last time I watched my nieces and nephew, I almost, almost, caught the blankets on fire. We, sort of, sat too close to the fire place with our blankets and pillows. It was cold outside . . . OKAY!

So this time Harrison "offered" to help me this time when babysitting, but he honestly has no clue what's going to happen.

A couple seconds later, Harrison came through our flat door with three tiny backpacks for each child. That's right, they are staying the night.

"Alright, Milo, go have a fun time doing what-ever-you like," I said smirking at my brother. "If you know what I mean."

Milo let out a loud laugh and made a B-line to the door, "Y/N, you honestly think I want another monster running around my house? Well you're sort of right, but, it's for me to know and you to never find out. Goodnight Syd, Q, and Maddie."

"Goodnight, daddy," all three children sing back to their dad as they hug my legs tighter. As soon as they all heard the front door click shut, that's when they knew it's time to cause trouble.

I made my way to the kitchen immediately, only to be followed by Sydney. Quinn and Maddie stayed behind to climb all over Harrison like a jungle gym, what did my brother give these children?

Haz came into the kitchen with Maddie in his arms and Quinn hanging onto his leg. He gave me a tired smile, "we have an order for dinner, Chef Auntie Y/N."

"Mac and Cheese!" Quinn yelled from the floor, but quickly jumped off of Haz to run over to me. "Please, Auntie Y/N!"

"Yeah, Auntie Y/N!" Maddie cheered in Harrison's arms.

"Please, Auntie Y/N?" Harrison pouted, just like all the other kids.

There was a little knock against my hip, and it was Sydney with a pot and wooden spoon. She gave me big doe eyes and saddest smile. I hate it when she does that.

I nod my head, taking the dishes from Sydney's tiny hands. "Okay, you four children need to go into the living room until the Mac and Cheese is done cooking." All four of them giggle and run into the living room, leaving me behind like always. "And there will be vegetables with your dinner!"

"Auntie Y/N, how dare you!" Sydney whines. None of the kids have ever liked their veggies, just like my brother was (and still is).

While making the Mac and Cheese, I could hear the tv playing My Little Pony on it. Most likely, Sydney is watching the little kid show. She in the My Little Pony phase at the moment. Otherwise, I could hear Harrison playing with Maddie and Quinn quietly. It sounds like Barbie and Marvel dolls/action figures was what they chose.

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