Chapter 15

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Briar's POV 
I was about to tell Myles that i liked him but i got interrupted maybe it was for the best everyone that everyone that had a duet starts coming on stage i really hope we win it would mean a lot. "3rd place goes to......" the announce says but i am so relived  when it's not me and Myles or Brittany and Trevor "And second place goes to" I am shaking so badly right now I'm so nervous I'm holding Myles' hand and praying we won 1st "....... Trevor and Brittany From Canadian Dance Company" they look so happy but they also look worried while looking at us. "And 1st place goes to" the announcer says super slowly and it makes me even more nervous "Briar and Myles from Canadian Dance Company" he shouts out and i hug Myles so tight and we receive the trophy and run off the stage, I was so happy the team was so happy they congratulated us, we won first in every category we entered everything was going great until....... "Briar, you have to tell Myles you feel" Brittany says pulling me away from the team "What do you mean 'how i feel" I say with air quotes "We mean you have to tell him you like him" Trevor says from behind me and it scares me, they want me to do what?!? "I don't think i want to do that, what if he rejects me, I'm sorry but I'm not ruining our friendship by telling him i like him, no, plus my feelings will go away, eventually" i say the last part to myself but they still heard me, i turn around confidently and start walking towards the rest of the team. All of a sudden Myles runs up to me picks me up from my waist and spins me around, really Myles this isn't helping me get over you. 

Trevor's POV 

"She needs to tell him she likes him cause i know for a fact he wont do it" I say "Well she's stubborn that way" Brittany says with the biggest smile "I have away of making her tell him" i say "What? how? and why do you have that devilish look on your face" "Oh, nothing but you'll know what the plan is soon enough" i say trying to hide my scheming face. All of a sudden I decide to ask "SOOO, do you like anybody" "Yea, actually i do" she responds "Really, who?" "Wouldn't you want to know" She says with the biggest smirk "Actually i would" I said crossing my arms and leaning in closer. "Well, he's cute, nice, sweet, and a good kisser" she says listing a bit more but i was just focused on those 2 words that came out of he mouth, What!!! she's kissed this dude! I'm furious right now i just give her a confused glare and as she looks at me and i say "Good kisser, huh" i say trying to hide the anger in my voice "No, i was kidding did you not hear me say 'No i'm kidding' pay attention" she says snapping her fingers in my face "Oh thank god!!!! Opss did i say that out loud" i say covering my mouth trying to walk away slowly but she takes a grasp of my shoulder and just wont let go. "Why is it such a bad thing if i kissed him or are you jealous" I had my back turned to her, i slowly turn around to face her, change the subject, change the subject, change the subject, come on Trev change the subject "Hey did you know my plan to get Briar and Myles together involves jealousy" i say with a mischievous look as soon as i said that i knew i had changed the subject even if it was for a bit. "Wow, i'm intrigued, what are you going to do" "Again, you'll see" i say walking away from Britt so she wont have a chance to ask me if i was jealous, i walk over to the guys and say "Hey guys" "Hey" Isaac replies "What you up to" "Nothing just thinking where to take the girls on our date" Isaac says with a worried and happy voice "Really, knowing you 3 i would of thought you already planned everything" "You'd think, right" Myles says "Shut up and help" Lamar says they're obviously having trouble with this "How about a movie" Myles says and the guys  repeat what he said in a i got it voice. "Genius" Isaac says with widen eyes "And then dinner" i say and they look at me "Dinner" they repeat they're so stupid "Even more genius" Isaac says me and Myles just start laughing. 

Isaac's POV 

So me, Isaiah, and Lamar are getting ready for our date at my place, Myles and Trevor should've been here a while ago but they called and said they'd wait for us at Myles' house but i don't why so were getting in the car ready to go to Myles' house then we finally pull in to his driveway and we knock, Myles' mom let us in and said he was in his room, we go up stairs and when we get Myles' room it's locked. Myles locked his door, since when does he do that, this is officially sketchy then the door is unlocked and Trevor opens the door. We walk in super confused "What" Trevor asks "Why was the door looked" i ask "We're planning something" Myles says "What is it?" Lamar asks "No offence but we wont tell you cause you'll run off and tell your girlfriends" Trevor says staring straight at me "Yea, fair enough" I say "Oh yea, did you buy them flowers" Myles says and we look at each other and say "NOW YOU TELL US!!!!" we say and start pacing around "Chill out!!!" Trevor says "I asked Brittany for the girls favorite flowers and we bought them they're downstairs did you seriously didn't see them" Trevor says raising an eyebrow "No" we say "Now go and get your girls before they get tired of waiting and blow y'all off" Myles says joking "O.k Bye talk to you later" 

Myles' POV 

After the guys left Trevor told me more about this plan he had to get Briar to admit if she liked me or not, and i'll be honest the plan is smart but stupid at the same time "SO what you think huh you in our nah" Trevor asks me "I'm in bro" I say "Ok let's get to it what should i text her tho" "How about 'could you help us out with something, it involves acting" I say and Trevor looks at me and says "That's actually, great" "Thanks?" so Trevor's plan is to get Abi this girl i used to date and make Briar think that we might get back together, it's a smart plan i just hope Abi doesn't get to attached to her character. A while later "Ha, we have a response" Trevor says holding up his phone "What she say?" I ask "She said YES!!, now for the hard part he starts typing and types 'You have to pretend to want Myles back' "She said What?!?!?" Trev says worried, we have an issue.

Hope you enjoyed this Chapter I know this one wasn't that good but in chapter 16 we'll be hearing all about the triple date💖💖💖💖💖

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