Chapter 17

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Myles' POV 
So it's Monday and today is the day me and Trevor star the plan hopefully it works and goes well. So we're on our way to CDC and i'm very excited but very nervous what if it doesn't work, What if Briar hates me for it what if "Dude, stop thinking about the what if's" Trevor says snapping me out of my thoughts "How'd you" he cuts me off and says "I know everything" he's so obnoxious "Yea right" i say rolling my eyes when we finally get to CDC i get out of Trevor's car and walk in to the studio. As soon as i walk in i see Briar down on the floor stretching i'm snapped out of my thoughts when i hear Alan's voice "This week we'll be working on partner work. I'll pick your partner and post it on a list later on today, got it" he says loudly "Got it" we all repeat in unison. I'm just talking to the guys waiting for the list to be posted out of the corner of my eye i see Abi walk in and she walks over to the girls, their just talking and i'm beginning to get worried what are they talking about. "I'll go see what's going on" i hear Trevor say as he walks towards them, a little while after Trevor got there Abi starts walking towards me and Briar's just staring at me with a very confused look on her face.

Briar's POV 

Me and the girls are just talking when this girl walks up to us, I haven't seen her around at all "Hi" she says with a wide smile we all say "Hi" back and she continues "My name is Abi, I haven't seen you around before are y'all new" Is she new i kept wondering in my head. "Hi, my name's Jordan" "I'm Brittany" "I'm Alex" "I'm Victoria" "And I'm Briar" we all say as we give her a polite smile "We've been here for about a week, so i guess you could say we're new" Jordan says with a wide smile she smile back and says "Ohhh" but there's something off about her and i don't know what it is. "So what do you think of the boys here" she says with such an innocent smile that i can't help but think is fake, "They're cute" Alex says as she starts to turn a deep shade of pink i can't help but smile. "So do y'all have your eyes set on any boys in particular "Well Alex, Vic, and Jordan already have boyfriends so,  yea they do" Britt says as she winks at the girls who are giving her an 'i'm gonna kill you' face. "How about you 2" she asks which is totally unexpected i smirk as the words come out of my mouth, "Well Britt over here has her eyes set on Trevor" i say with the most mischievous voice ever "And Bri over here is in love with Myles Erlick" she says as i elbow her "So Trevor and Myles, huh" i look at the floor quite embarrassed but Britt's looking at the floor to. "I wont tell i promise" she says and i sigh in relief then Trevor starts walking towards us "Hey Abi" "Hey Trev" "Let me guess your here to see Myles" he says with a lazy voice in which she replies "Yes" "He's over there" he points at Myles and as i look at him i can see he's looking over here. When Abi walks off to Myles side i suddenly felt noshes and felt something in the pit of my stomach, what is this feeling? "What just happened" Brittany asks super confused I was thinking the same thing then Trevor starts "Ohh, that's Abi" we look at him like 'duh we know that' he soon finishes his sentence "You know, Myles ex-girlfriend" "What!" i said loudly and everyone was now staring at me i blush a lot and whisper out "sorry" when people are done staring at me Trevor continues. "Myles broke up with her but she was still after him even after the break-up she's never stopped bothering him" I look over at Myles and he's talking to Abi the pit in my stomach just grows stronger and i'm starting to get frustrated. This is bad in so many ways i mean #1. Myles might still like Abi #2. What will she do to me now that she knows i like Myles #3. I'm about to burst out in tears, shall i continue no you get the point. 

Trevor's POV 

I look over at Briar and she looks mad and sad i think my plan might work after all.  Brittany pulls me aside and asks "Was this your plan" she says a little pissed off, ok maybe a lot pissed off I can't let her know this is the plan, what if she tells Briar to make her feel better  what do i say. "Honestly i had nothing to do with this" I lie "My plan was to get them to agree to let me set them up with 'a secret admirer' and they would end up on a date together" "Really cause that doesn't sound like a plan that involves Jealousy" oh shot i told her that dang it!!!!! "You din't let me finish, they would never allow me to set them up so i would've said 'Well i wonder how Jealous Briar or Myles would be if they saw you on a date' that was my plan, they would agree to make each other jealous" that would've actually worked why didn't i think of that before. "Then what's Abi doing here" "What she usually does stock Myles" at this point i'm actually not lying this girl can hide it all she wants we all know she still likes Myles well except for Myles, he's clueless. As she walks back to the girls i walk back to Myles to tell him, well everything he seems so upset knowing that Briar might already be Jealous, then he begins "What if" immediately cut him off and say "No what if's got it" I say quiet annoyed by him and the what if's "Got it" he repeat after me and then Alan walks in and posts the list on the board and quickly says "Your duets are due this Thursday" he then walks off i rush over to check the list and i see this.......

Isaac and Victoria 
Lamar and Jordan

Isaiah and Alex
Trevor and Brittany
Myles and Briar................ ETC

Yes i got the duet with Brittany this will be fun and Myles is partnered up with Briar, see even Destiny wants them together.

Myles POV

Me and Briar are partners but i'm kind of worried cause Trevor told her that i use to date Abi, i mean i did but he didn't have to tell her that, well technically if i wanted the plan to work she had to know what if she never talks to me again. "Myles, are you ok" I hear the most angelic and beautiful voice ever ask "Uh yea I'm fine" "So i guess were partners again" she says smile on her face and that puts a smile on mine "I guess we're just way to good of dancers we can't be paired up with anyone but each other" i say obviously joking and she giggles a bit and as i hear her laugh i can't help but like her even more, it took us a while but we finally realized that we've been staring at each other for the longest time. When we snap out of our trans we notice no one else is in the room "I guess we're rehearsing here" looking back at her and she has this sad look on her face "What's wrong" i ask as i put my hands on her shoulders she's just looking down at her feet, she's so adorable. "I'm just curious" she starts off "Trevor told me that you use to date Abi, i just wanted to know if, you, still, you know, like her" she said as she played with her hands and stuttered over her words. Trevor told me what to say in case she asked this question but i don't know if i can lie to her, atleast not a lie this big "NO!!" i say pulling her chin up so she's looking me in the eyes she's so beautiful. Trevor's gonna kill me for not saying what he told me to, but i don't regret anything.

I hope y'all enjoy this chapter i decide to post Myles new music video serious, on top so y'all could watch it in case y'all haven't and so you could listen to some music while you read Hope you enjoyed leave a comment and vote on my story if you could please.

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