Chapter 20

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Briar's POV

"What did you say" Myles asks once more, "Nothing" i say as i just turn around and try to rehearse when he grabs my arm and pulls me to him, i hit his chest and we are literally centimeters away. He asks once more "What did you say" but he silently whispered it into my ear this time, i flinch at the touch of his lips on my ear "Nothing" i say looking down and he pulls my face back up and says "Sure don't tell me but i'll find out sooner or later" he whispers again into my ear sending tingles down my spine. "Let's get back to rehearsal, shall we" he says pulling away from me, i just blink many, many times and go to my position.

Myles' POV

We finished rehearsal and i loved it i mean it seems like the plan might actually be working that's actually a surprise, i had not hope in this plan. When i get home i go straight to my room and take i shower a pretty long one, then i go back down stairs to say hi to my mom who just got home. "How was rehearsals today" she asks as she puts down some grocery's she was carrying "He loved it" my little brother Kingsley says as he walks to the kitchen "Really anything interesting happen" my mom asks with a weird tone. "Myles flirted with a girl" Kingsley says my mouth drops open, what, how does he, i didn't flirt with, what is happening. "Oh Myles, do i know her" she asks "Uhhh........" as i open my mouth Kingsley speaks again "It's Briar" "How do you even know all this" i ask him quite frustrated "I have my ways" he says confidently "Briar huh" my mom says with a huge smile. Here we go "So you like her, Does she like you, are y'all dating, how did y'all start dating" my mom starts asking me all these questions "Yes, Yes, No, and he hasn't asked her out yet" Kingsley says again, OK this is getting weird how does he know all this. My mom pulls Kingsley a side and tells him something but i can't hear but it must be bad cause Kingsley has the sketchiest smile on his face. He then runs up to me and asks "Myles can we go to the park" "Why" i ask assuming this is apart of the plan, he then gives me his famous puppy dog eyes and he knows a can't say no. I sigh heavy and say "Fine" he just up and down and pulls me out the door "Be back before dinner" i hear my mom say before i get in my car "OK" Kingsley shouts as he waves bye, what are they up to.

Briar's POV 

I'm clearing the air with the girls right now so they stop asking me all these questions but i don't tell them the whole truth cause that would just cause way more questions. When i'm done telling the girls they don't believe me i mean they do but they know that's not the whole truth, but luckily the don't ask cause they know i don't want to talk about it. We are in the living room watching Pretty Little Liars again and we are now on season 4, when someone knocks on the door i rush out of my seat and say "I'll get it" the girls look at me so confused but they just shrug their shoulders and continue watching TV. When i open the door i'm very surprised to see Myles' mom standing at our door, "Hi" i say nervously "No need to be nervous i just came to ask you a question" wow she's really nice, this is my first impression it has to be good, technically second impression but it still has to be good. "OH sure go ahead ask what ever you want" i say pretty cheerfully "Do you like Myles" she asks me, i just freeze up i don't know what to say but the look on her face, she already knows the answer i would've given her. "Well i would like if you could join us for dinner tonight" she says so peacefully, Tonight, as in today what do i say i can't say no but i can't say yes, just follow your heart Briar, just follow your heart. "Sure, i'd love to" as the words come out of my mouth i'm actually pretty relieved i give her a graceful smile and she says "Great, you know i really like you" she says and gives me a hug, of course i hug her back and say "Thanks, you're a great person also" she smiles so widely "I'll see you at 7:30??" "I'll be there" i say extremely happy. She walks into her house and as she leaves my smile just gets bigger and bigger at the thought that Myles' mom approves of me and that i'll see him again tonight. I close the door and start walking to the stairs to see what i could wear, "Who was it" Brittany asks and all the girls turn to look at me "Myles' Mom" i say while a smile grows on my face, the girls immediately surround me. "What???" they ask super curious, "Yea she invited me to dinner at her house and i said yes" i respond as the smile grows even bigger, on all of our faces. "That's great if his mom approves of you there is nothing in the world that could ever brake y'all up" Brittany responds "Actually" i say with an even bigger smile Jordan and Vic gasp "She already approves of you" Jordan says with a huge smile, "Yea" i quickly respond. "You 2 are totally meant to be together" Vic says and the rest of the girls say "FOREVER" while they awww at the same time, i just stand there and blush, "Come on, we have to pick your outfit" Alex says as she drags me up the stairs the girls right behind me. 

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