Chapter 18

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Myles' POV

~After Rehearsals~

I'm driving home and when i finally get there Trevor texts me right away, this is bad.

So did she ask, about Abi

Yea, she did

Did you tell her what i told you to tell her???

Not exactly

 What??? What did you tell her?

I told her NO!!!!

Ughh, Myles. I'll fix this somehow!!!!

The only possible way you could fix it is by telling her i was lying

Then that's what i'll do 

NO!!!! Your not going to do that,  I don't want her to hate me plus i wasn't lying

Fine i just thought of something better anyways

Oh no, wonder what he's up to this time, whatever it is it's going to be no good.

Trevor's POV

I just can't believe that this dude didn't listen to me, doesn't he know that i'm trying to help him, how am i suppost to fix this. That's how, i grab my phone and start texting Abi i text her and say 'Hey Abi i'm going to give you Briar's Phone number and you'll text her exactly what i tell you, got it' a few seconds later she sends ok and asks why 'No questions asked' i send her. I send her Briar's phone number hopefully this will fix whatever Myles did.

Abi's POV 

Trevor just texted me Briar's phone number and i have to say all these mean things, I mean i like Myles and i honestly don't want him to be with anyone that isn't me but i can't control what he feels. He likes Briar not me and Briar likes him, but maybe this is my opportunity to get Myles to like me, I doubt it so i start texting and i really don't want to do this. 

Hey Briar it's me Abi, can we talk please 

How'd you get my number????

Oh Myles gave it to me.

Oh, ok what do you want to talk about??


Anything else besides that


Fine, what do you want to know????

How long have you liked Myles???

Not that long

Do you know he use to be my boyfriend???

Yea Trevor told me

Oh cool Trevor is just bossing everyone around lately, but i know why he's doing it and it's nice of him, why couldn't he do this for me and Myles and not Briar and Myles but again when does Trevor do anything you tell him to.

Yea, well I like Myles, You like Myles one of us can have him and my money's on me 
(Not really my money's on Briar but i wish it was me)

He doesn't like me and he said he didn't like you either, i'm not trying to be mean just trying to spare you from the heartbreak. 

Oh honey, did Trevor tell you the whole story or did he just leave that all

What are you talking about????

Don't worry i'm sure he had good intentions by not telling you.

What do you mean???????

Me and Myles are an on again off again relationship, We've broken up 4 times and gotten back together 3 times and i'm planning to make it 4, but this time we wont break up ever again!!!!!
(No we haven't)

But he told me he doesn't like you anymore

He says that every time we break up but we always end up back together

Um, ok i wish ya'll the best of luck

Trust me we wont need it 

I sound like a total bitch right now, but honestly it's true we wont need luck, cause we wont get back together, man i hate Trevor why'd i get myself into this situation, why'd i say yes, i'm stupid as soon as i'm done texting Briar i feel like an awful person. I text Trevor and say done this dude responds with a good, what is he talking about NOTHING THAT I JUST DID IS GOOD!!!!!!! It will all be worth it when Briar and Myles are together in the end.

Trevor's POV 

Ok that's dealt with hopefully i didn't go to far i texted Myles telling him my idea and how it went, he wasn't to happy but he'll thank me when he's dating Briar. Now we just wait till Tomorrow and hope everything goes well and i don't have to do anymore mischievous things.

Briar's POV 

So Abi just texted me and she was being kind of mean i don't know why Myles gave her my phone number or why he dated her she's very mean. Hearing Trevor say that they use to date literally broke me it hurt so bad, but when Abi said she would be the one that ended up with Myles and not me I just wanted to cry so bad. I held back my tears and walked back into the living room where all the girls are just sitting on the couches and talking, mainly gossiping. When they notice me walking in Jordan asks "What's wrong" is it that obvious that i want to cry "Nothing" as soon as that word came out of my mouth i wish i hadn't of said anything, "Briar are you crying" Britt said as they all rush over towards me "NO!!!!" i said not even believing myself. "Tell us, is it about Myles" as soon as i hear his name i just can't help it no more a single tear strolls down my face "BRIAR what happened" Alex and Victoria ask at the same time as Jordan embraces me in a hug. I take my phone out of my pocket, i unlock and go to messages i show Jordan and Vic, then Britt and Alex rush over to read the messages too, when there done reading they look up at me sympathetically and angry at the same time, "I never liked her anyways she reminds of a slutty version of Miley Cyrus" Britt says which makes me laugh a bit and we all sit and watch Pretty Little Liars until it's time to go to sleep, Oh how i love my sisters.

I hope ya'll enjoyed  sorry if this chapter is kind of horrible and sorry i haven't posted like regularly but it's cause i'm working on my second story coming out on October 1st ya'll should go check it out i promise it you wont ever not be intrigued please leave a Vote and a Comment!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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