Chapter 27

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Trevor's POV
I just got the best idea ever so me and Myles we're talking my last night about how our dates went and this dummy over here said he forgot to ask Briar to be his girlfriend. What how could he forget that but then I remember, I didn't ask Brittany to be my girlfriend either I then I'm thinking to myself I'm an idiot. So then Myles gave me a great idea after 5 minutes of calling myself an idiot, he says over the phone 'how about we ask them out tomorrow at the studio'. I'm just thinking to myself that's the smartest thing he's ever said except for that one line when he said 'Abi I'm dumping you' now that, that was genius.

I'm getting ready to go to CDC and I'm very nervous my palms are very sweaty, and my legs feel like spaghetti. Why am I so nervous I mean I've asked girls this question before many, many times, the only thing that's different about this time is the girl. She makes me feel these feelings that make me feel weird and girlie, I get in my car and start driving. The whole way there I just kept thinking about the plan and it started to make my brain hurt after so much thinking.

Finally we arrive and I quickly walk in and to my surprise I'm early, how is that possible I'm never early. I look around the room and see the only 2 people here, Myles and Isaac of course Isaac is here early but Myles is always late. Even when Briar was already here, I pull Myles to the side while Isaac starts stretching of course he would r day be stretching. "Dude weirdest thing happened" I say and he soon responds "Yea I know you're here early" "So are you" I say defensive "True, True" he says. "Hey as soon as Brittany's here your gonna ask her or are you asking her in private" Myles asks curiously "Uh, publicly obviously" I say rolling my eyes at him. "Oh" he whispers to himself but not that well "So your asking her privately" I ask "Obviously, I want everyone to know we're dating but I want to tell them not them witnessing it, no offense" he says "No problem"

Myles' POV
Honestly the only reason I'm asking Briar out in private is because I do want to tell the story of how I asked her out but also because, if she says no nobody will see me get rejected. I love Briar and when I ask her out, I'm 100% telling her that I love her, even if I do get rejected. I can't keep it in anymore, she has to know how I feel even if she will never feel the same way.

It's been about 20 minutes when more people finally start arriving, were we really that early, Damn. Ok this is gonna go just fine ask Briar to go somewhere private to talk, tell her how much you love her, ask her out, hopefully she says yes and there you go she's your girlfriend. I kept repeating this in my head over and over again but it scared me even more but it's weird. As soon as she walked through that door all my nerves just went away, I was so nervous day to ask her out, I wasn't afraid of it anymore. I walk towards her and carefully whisper in her ear "Hey, I need to talk to you, in private" she quickly flinched at the sound of my voice she turned around and we were centimeter way. We kept looking into each other's eyes and she finally said "Ok, let's go" she pulls my arm while she walks out the door. Here goes nothing, I need to cross my fingers, wish me luck.

Brittany's POV
Briar just left with Myles and I think I know where that's gonna end up let's just say awww. I walk over to Trevor who is just staring at me with the same smile he had on our date, I hope he really does care about me. "Hey" "Hi" he says and he pulls my arm and we are now standing in the middle of the room, I'm a little scared. "Brittany, I want to ask you something!!!" He says very loudly and now everyone was looking at us, this is uncomfortable. "Yes??" I whisper to him but everyone still heard me cause Well, it's super quiet, "Brittany, would you do me the biggest favor in the world and......" he said once again very loudly and everyone starts aww-ing. But I just stand there clueless I'm so confused but then he says it, the words I wanted him to ask me yesterday. "Will you please be my girlfriend" I swear I started tearing up and dying inside "Yes, of course" I said over the moon I was so so so happy. I hugged him and everyone in the room is just clapping and cheering and shouting "you go Trevor" I just couldn't help but laugh.

Briar's POV
I wonder why Myles pulled me into a separate room, what does he need to talk to me about, I hope it's not anything bad. "Briar, I've honestly wanted to ask you this ever since I saw you the first time outside of your place" he says looking at the ground but then straight into my eyes "Your the best thing that's ever happened to me and your perfect to me in every way" wait is this going where I think it's going. "My mom seriously said the other day, you need to lock that down as soon as possible" he said while laughing a bit and a laughed to aww she said that. "And I'm gonna take her advice" he says getting closer to me and taking no my hand in his, this is definitely going where I think it's going. "Briar, would you do me the honor of being my Girlfriend" he said I look at him and I'm so over joyed I don't know what to say but then he leans in and whispers in ear "I Love You" and hearing those words I had no doubt I loved him to. "I Love You Too" I said and he pulled away and looked at me with complete shock "I'd love to be your girlfriend" I say happily and he hugs and gives me a peck on the lips. I love what my life has become about a month ago I couldn't imagine living anywhere but London and I would never want my life to change I'd do anything to make it not happen. I f I knew my life was gonna be like this if I knew I would have Myles I would go back in time and tell myself "Pack faster, your so slow" that's what I would say. I'm glad we moved to Canada and I know life will have a lot more twist and turns but one thing I know for sure is that Myles and I we, we are forever. Me and my sisters we all found love 'All Types of Love' but happiness is happiness.

Here we are the end, for now, I'll maybe consider continuing this story later on in the future I don't know what do you think comment of I should or not. I hope y'all enjoyed my first story, I'm super grateful for all the people that read my book, I appreciate it. Thank y'all for everything.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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