Chapter 23

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Briar's POV
Yesterday was a total nightmare worst interrogation ever, I had to tell them about the kiss and that I was crying. It was all very emotional we took like 30 minutes to go around and tell our story even though we already knew all of them by heart, we just cried and got emotional. We spent 45 minutes re-living the whole night and then an hour trying to make me spill every little detail.

We are on our way to CDC and I'm actually super, super excited I'm telling Myles that I like him and we may start dating oh lord what if he asks me out In front of everybody that would be so romantic. We finally arrive at CDC and the girls prepare me for what I'm about to do, we also spent 30 minutes figuring out what I would tell him today. I can't believe it Myles might be my first boyfriend, and honestly I wouldn't want it any other way. We walk in and the girls are squealing behind me and talking and all I was prepared to tell him how I felt, I have to say the girls prepared me very well. Although they didn't prepare me for this, I see Myles in the corner talking to Abi and he has his hands around her waist and she has her hands around his neck. I quickly turn around to the girls who are looking at me like I'm crazy " Go tell him" Brittany says shuwing me away "I think he's taken" I say looking down at the ground and they quickly look at Myles who is still with Abi. "No way" Jordan says clearly pissed I just hope she doesn't do anything, I walk to a corner to stretch and I'm so sad he just moved on like that. When I start stretching with the girls he sees me, he caught me staring at him, but as soon as he sees me he moves his hands from Abi's waist. Abi looks at me with quite the angry face, she whispers something into his ear and that makes me extremely mad but I just swallow it down and ignore them, well at least I try to ignore them.

Myles' POV

When I see Briar sit down in the corner and start stretching with the other girls I just quickly want to get away from Abi. Ok there's a perfectly good explanation for this you see, actually I got nothing, Trevor made me do this he asked me to stand here like this cause he wanted to do something I'm pretty sure this involved Briar. I haven't told anybody about yesterday but I really want to but the thing I would change from that night is the park if I knew Briar was coming over, I would of made Kingsley come home way earlier. Abi whispered something in my ear that made me snap out of my thoughts "Do you want to make Briar jealous" uh no what's the point she doesn't like me. I pull away from her completely and say "of course" I say sarcastically and she just smiles then I finish my statement "NOT" her smile quick vanishes. She opened her mouth to say something but someone else's words came out "So I wanted to inform y'all that there will be a party tonight right here, you are welcome to join and we will be celebrating Well, y'all should know already" Alain says to which we all clap for it's CDC's anniversary since it's opened. I look over at Briar and she just looks completely lost but I can't blame her she hasn't been here that long. Hopefully I'll see her tonight, but I doubt she wants to see me, though I really want to see her.

After rehearsals
Briar's POV
"So are we going to this party tonight" Alex asks "of course we are" Jordan answers "Yea Briar is gonna go and make Myles drop his jaw" Brittany says which makes me laugh " No she's serious when Myles sees you he's gonna die" Victoria says and Jordan walks in the room with something behind her. I hadn't noticed she had left the room " This is how you'll blow him away" Jordan said reveling the beautiful dress behind her. It's gorgeous "it's beautiful thanks girls" I say even I'm blown away with how beautiful it was.
The Dress

I can't wait to see the reaction on Myles face when he sees me in this dress, I know he's going cause he left a while ago

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I can't wait to see the reaction on Myles face when he sees me in this dress, I know he's going cause he left a while ago.

Myles' POV
I'm just waiting for Briar to arrive but if I'm honest I don't think she's coming. "Hey, don't worry Briar will show up bro" Trevor assured me "How do you know that" I ask "She has no reason not to come" he states. "Yes she does" I whisper very low but he still hears me "What do you mean" he asks very serious. "She might not want to come because, what if she thinks imma be with Abi the whole time" that was a nice cover up. "Trust me bro, that's the reason she will come" what????? Then I see her, and wow she looks perfect, beautiful, gorgeous, breathtaking just wow. As I try to walk over to her Abi gets in my way and she holds my hand and snuggles in to my shoulder, ok this is very uncomfortable. Briar seems super upset and angry at what Abi's doing and I just super confused and uncomfortable, hopefully she can see that. "Hi Abi, can I borrow your date for a while" Briar asks politely but doesn't even wait for Abi to answer or me she just pulls me towards the door. After a while of walking it seems like we arrive at our, Well her destination, "Are you serious" she screams at me. "What???" "You know what, you know exactly what!!!!" She says even louder than the last time. "Me and Abi aren't here together if that's what you mean" "Whatever, I don't understand you, you say you like me but next thing you know you're here with someone else" she says angrily. "Ok once again I'm not here with Abi, and even if I was why would you care I told you I liked you and you didn't even say oh I'm sorry I don't feel same way no you just closed the door in my face" I say and now I'm shouting. "I'm sorry I just, I didn't know, I don't know what to say" she says her voice softening "Can you just answer me, Do you or do you not like me" I ask "I like, you" she says lightly and slowly. She likes me, she likes me, she really likes me, I walk closer to her and lift her head up so she's looking into my eyes and I kiss her. This kiss lasts way longer as I feel her kiss back, you can't images how happy I am right now. When we finally pull away I we are both smiling like crazy, the rest of tonight is going to be just perfect.

What do you think of this chapter I actually had a lot of fun writing it, next chapter will have a little more Trittany. Hope y'all enjoy vote and leave a comment of what you think.

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