Chapter 22

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Briar's POV
I'm up in Myles' room and it's quite nice, I mean it's not messy it's so clean and organized, he seems like such a clean person. He guides me to the bathroom where I rinse my face, and check to make sure my mascara isn't to ruined. When I walk out of the bathroom I see Myles sitting on his bed and he's just looking at me he pays for me to sit next to me.

I sit next to him and we sit in silence for a bit till he decides to break it. "Do you mind if I ask why were you crying I mean you don't have to talk about it but I prefer if you talked to me, about anything that's wrong, with you" he's so sweet. I stay quiet for a while till I know exactly what to say but he says something before I can "Never mind you don't have to talk about it, I completely understand you don't want to talk" no, I do. "So may I ask what your doing here" he says with a confused look on his face "Oh your mom invited me to dinner" he looks even more confused than ever. "Why??" He asks me like I should know the answer to that, "I don't know" but I think I have an idea "And about the question you asked before, I, I do want to talk about it, with you" I say as I play with my hands I'm so nervous. "Well I'm right here to listen to you" he says and gives me a quick hug, I love him- wait did I just, no I don't, do I.

"Well I mean it's no big deal I mean, I was just waiting till you, y'all- y'all got here, I was sitting on your couch and I look over to my shoulder" tears start growing in my eyes again. "And, I see your mom and dad and they look so in love, I just started thinking, thinking about Well my, uh my real family" "Real family???" He says obviously very confused but he still knew exactly what I was talked by about. "Uh, yea, I just wondered if they ever loved each other like your parents love each other, and thinking about my parents made me think of how I got in the foster system, how I ended up with letsy, Remembering how every single one of us ended up in the foster system and the tears just strolled down my face, like right now" I say my voice cracking. I look down ashamed of being such a cry baby and he lifts my face up and whips away my tears, what a gentleman. "You have nothing to be ashamed of" it's like he read my mind "How about you tell me how you ended up in the foster system if it isn't to much, I mean I'd like to know a lot more about you" he said so softly and kind I felt so safe. "I ended up in the foster system when I was Well 1 and a half, and me and Jordan ended up there for the same reason, our, our parents, they uh they died, in a car crash, her parents, were drunk and driving, Well her dad was drunk her mom died while her dad went to jail for life cause he killed everyone in that car crash except for her and him". "I'm, I'm sorry" he says a little sad and scared "You can continue if you want to" "I do, I want to, uh my dad and mom weren't drunk but the person driving the other car was it was a hit and run, the car apparently came out of nowhere my dad he died instantly and my uh my mom she, did later on in the hospital" I couldn't continue because I was already choking on my tears. He pulls me into a tight hug, right now I just want to hug him and never let go, surprisingly he pulls away and he just looks me in the eyes. He begins to lean in, wait is he going to, do I want him to all of a sudden I feel myself leaning in also and it happens, we, we kissed. The kiss lasted only for like 12 seconds, right now I'm super embarrassed but super happy.

Myles' POV
I just kissed Briar, how could I have just kissed her, I, what if, I'm so confused right now but so happy. What if we become a couple what if we get married someday what if we're the real deal, wow I sound like a total girl. "Myles, Briar dinner is ready come down eat" "Ok, we'll be down in a sec" I say assuming Briar would want to rinse her face again.

We head down the stairs and sit down at the table and we eat, I hate this silence between us it is actually very awkward cause technically she didn't pull away from the kiss, she actually kissed back. I just want to ask her dinner goes by very quickly cause I was so deep in thought, I walk Briar to her house and we just stand there awkwardly. Ok this is way to much awkwardness "Briar, I like you" she looks at me with widen eyes she sort of looks scared. "Uh, i got, uh I got to go" she says taking some steps backwards and stuttering Well I guess I know how she feels, wow this hurts 10x more than it's suppose to. She goes inside and I walk back to my house and instead of going inside I go to the backward, I don't know why but I need some peace and quiet. I don't regret telling Briar I like her, what I regret is telling her I like her, I don't like her, I love her.

Briar's POV

What is wrong with me he told me he liked me, why didn't I say I like him to, I mean I do I really like him but I'm so stupid dammit. I missed my opportunity maybe, maybe it's not to late, I'll tell him I like him tomorrow at the studio, yea perfect. I now I just need to survive until tomorrow, my sisters are going to drown me with questions, an interrogation with extreme details. We are so serious about this stuff, seriously we have a light and a desk plus a chair in one of our spare rooms.

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter what do you think about how it's coming so far leave a comment, vote and stay tuned for my new story, coming out October 13.

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