Chapter 3

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Your point of view

The night Midnight hatched was the best day of my life, she is my other half, my best friend...

It has been a few weeks since the mother dragon gave me her egg before she passed on. The egg was extra easy to hide, being an egg. I was young but I already knew I could never let anyone find out about this egg and the dragon inside. I hid it in the small dresser I had, in a small nest of my clothing to keep it warm. I always would take it out at night. You know how many children would get attached to a toy or a blanket, well that was the same case for me but with this egg. I just felt so attached to it. I sat by my window looking at the moonlit sky with thousands of stars. I smiled as the light from the full moon shine brightly onto my skin, it was so peaceful and quiet at night. I also could take the egg out then, my mother wouldn't come in my room so I didn't need to hide it. Suddenly I feel a shaking sensation in my lap. I jump a bit and look down. Nothing. But it happens again and the egg twitches in my lap, I smile, it's time. The moon light shines brightly onto the egg and it starts cracking. I don't know what to do so I sit and wait for nature to take its course. Suddenly a head pops out. A beautiful baby black Night Fury stares back at me with icy blue eyes. "Hey little one" I whisper moving my hand slowly to its head. It squeaks and tries to hide in its egg, but slowly I keep on moving my hand to the baby, my hand comes in contact with soft scaly skin. Slowly the baby moves its head to take a good look at me once more, they lean into my touch and they make a noise almost sounding like a cats purr. I smile and move my hands to pick the baby up "Shh little one it's alright" I say as they shake slightly. I slowly move the pieces of the almost black gray egg into the windowsill. I set the baby in my lap and their eyes bore deeply into my (e/c) ones. "I promise I will never let anyone hurt you... Midnight" I whisper slightly hugging them. The baby squeaks happily and crawls up so it can rest its little head on my shoulder. I smile and hug Midnight back, they yawn and I feel them start to fall asleep on my shoulder. I smile and walk over to my bed, I hold little Midnight right up to me gently curling and arm around her small and fragile frame. "Goodnight" I snuggle closer to my future best friend...

Keeping Midnight hidden was a struggle, honestly I didn't know how I did it, I was so young at the time. But I was smart, I knew that Midnight would be killed if they found out. I didn't even tell my little brother and sister. But my secret wasn't a secret anymore, they found out one day when I was 15...

I was cleaning the dishes, one of my daily chores. I just got back from bringing Midnight to our hiding spot. She stayed there all day until I came to see her. Suddenly the door opened and the chief of the village and two of his men came in, my mother was shocked, so was I. They walked right up to me "Tell me where they are?" He growled. 'He can't be talking about Midnight?'. "What do you mean sir?" I ask. "Don't play dumb with me child! Someone just saw you with a dragon, a Night Fury!" He yelled at me. My mother gasped and my two younger siblings just stared at me. "I still don't know-" they cut me off my putting a knife to my neck. "Tell me where they are or I will kill you" he growls. I think about how I made the promise to Midnights mother and Midnight herself, I will protect her with my life. "Never" I say calmly. He must see it in my eyes I'm not lying because he growls. Suddenly axes and other weapons are thrown at my family, I scream as the sharp objects imbed themselves into my loved ones. The man lunges for me and I dive out of the way rolling before getting up, hot tears fill my eyes as I escape into the night. I hear the men running after me screaming, but I don't hear what they say because I'm to busy crying and running for my and my dragons life. "Midnight!" I scream into the darkness. Suddenly a 10 year old dragon comes flying towards me and the sound of the Night Fury's flight cuts through the air. She lands in the ground and in a hurry I jump into her and cling on, as she hovers above the ground the three men come running towards us. Midnight turns to face them and they stop seeing her in the air hovering with me on her back. "Kill the traitor!" The man screams and a whole army of my people come running towards us. I see weapons being through towards us before purple light takes over everything, I hear a boom and then we both take off onto the night never to return. I finally start sobbing as realization takes over, I might have just killed my village, and my family is dead because of me. But they didn't hurt the one thing that matters to me truly, the one companion I have left, my dragon, Midnight....

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