Chapter 14

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Hey everyone, I'm back with another chapter! I had a lot of fun writing this one! And thank you guys so much for the 1K reads, that means the world to me that that many people are reading and enjoying this story❤️

Word count- 768

Your POV

I don't know when we started the trek back to Berk. But we got there as the sun was about to start setting.

I smiled as I looked at Berk from afar. Dragons filled the sky, flying around the multiple buildings.

As I got closer to shore I saw Astrid riding on Stormfly. And I couldn't seem to hold my excitement in any longer.

"Astrid!" I shouted, waving my arms.

"(Y/n?!)" she shouted.

Astrid quickly landed Stormfly, just as I got off of the dragon. I waded through the cold water to the shore.

"(Y/n)!" She shouted happily.

I had to push her back from crushing the eggs in the hug she was going to give me. But I gave her a hug once I set them down carefully.

"I thought you were dead-everyone did." Astrid said.

"She saved me Astrid." I pointed to the dragon resting in the shallow water.

"Woah, she's beautiful." She smiled in awe.

"And she has eggs." I said, picking up the bundle in my shirt. I gently untied the bottom, revealing the three eggs.

"(Y/n)!" I turned to see Fishlegs and my other friends running towards me. I smiled an handed the eggs to Astrid. They all engulfed me into a hug.

I laughed, but realized someone was missing. "Where's Hiccup?" I asked.

They all stayed silent for a moment, as if they were communicating through their minds.

"No one knows. He's been gone since..." Astrid said.

"Since we all thought you were dead." Fishlegs finished.

I didn't say anything. Where could he be?

"Where's Midnight?" I asked.

"She's probably in your room, she's almost always there." Astrid said. And just like that I ran off to see my dragon.

As I burst into Hiccups house  surprised his mom, who was standing by the door.

"(Y/n)?" She was shocked.

"Vulka!" I shouted, hugging her.

"I thought you were dead." She said.

Thundering footsteps and an excited roar made my turn my head. Running towards me was Midnight. I pulled away from Vulka just in time to get tackled by my Dragon.

"Midnight."I giggled as she smothered me. She kept licking me and snuggling me. "I missed you too girl." I petted her, causing her to purr. "Can you help me find Hiccup?".

In one swift motion Midnight has thrown me into her back, and took off into the air. We burst out of the house, passing all of my friends and the dragon on the way.

"Take care of her, and her eggs!" I shouted down towards the ground. I didn't get to hear them reply, as I was already out of earshot on my speeding dragon.
Hiccups POV

I sat on a mossy rock, looking down to the ocean, crashing it's waves against the bank below.

I didn't know what to feel anymore. Everything has been in a whirlwind inside of my mind. I've been putting myself in over my head thinking it's my fault, that I could have saved her.

But now I know she's gone, Now I have to face it. Because she's dead because of me.

Toothless nudged me with his snout. "Hey, bud, not right now, Okay?" I said.

But he did it again, harder. "Toothless! I'm not in the mood!" I said. He seemed startled by my outburst, but he turned his head to look at whatever was behind me.

I turned my head to see someone I thought I would never see again. I turned around to see (y/n) getting off her dragon.

"But... you died." I said.

She laughed quietly. "Do I look dead to you?" And with that I ran. I ran towards her.

As I hugged her I knew what I had to do. I had to kiss her, I just had to tell her how I was feeling.

So I pressed my lips against hers. She immediately kissed back, wrapping her arms around my neck. I instantly felt all of my emotion that I've been holding in, ever since she got kidnapped, it all escaped me in the form of tears.

She pulled away to wipe away the tears with her thumbs. "It's okay, I'm here now." I hugged her tighter, I just needed her in my arms.
"I love you, (y/n)."

"I love you too, Hiccup."

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