Chapter 5

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Your point of view

We have been peacefully soaring through the sky for some time now, maybe an hour? We've been talking quite a bit, or at least it seemed like it to me. I haven't talked to anyone in so long. We'd ask each other questions about dragons, mostly our Nightfurys. We both thought our dragon was the last of its kind, it's great to know there's others. "Here it is... Berk" he says. I look back in front of me and my jaw drops. Wow. There are dragons of every species and color that I can imagine. They fly around alone or with a rider. Vikings are living in harmony with dragons. Buildings stretch out along the island shore to shore. "Wow" is all I can say. Hiccup chuckles next to me "It really is something isn't it". "Hiccup?" I say quietly. "Yes (y/n)?" He turns to me. "Um I haven't really talked to anyone in years so I don't really feel comfortable right now" I say almost ashamed. "Oh! Hey just follow me I know where to go" he says. I smile softly and follow Toothless. We fly over the island and a few dragons follow us, I can see them all giving respect to Midnight, even if she is new. We fly over to a round dome shaped building, we flew inside. There were a few other people and what must be their dragon companion. "A Nightfury?" A blonde and lets face it on the chubbier side man ran up to Midnight. She narrowed her eyes as if trying to say 'Hey not to close!'. "Who's this?" Two people say, they look almost the same, besides one beings girl and one being a guy, twins probably. "Guys this is (y/n)" Hiccup says looking at me. My eyes meet his before I glance back at the others? I can't help but feel a bit nervous. "I call dibs, she's hot" a guy from the other side of the room says walking closer, he has dark hair and an orange Monstrous Nightmare. I cringe in disgust a bit as he puts an arm around my waist. He's around my height and does not smell good at all. "Let me show you around the island hottie, maybe even my bedroom" he leans closer. I spin and elbow him hard by his neck nocking him to the ground. "In your dreams" I smirk before along away from him, closer to Hiccup. "That was awesome" the twins said. The guy gets up from off the ground rubbing his neck "Playing hard to get I see. I like that" he winks at me. 'Oh my fu-'  my thoughts were interrupted by a girl with blonde hair. "Leave her alone Snotloud" she says, she then looks at me "I'm Astrid". "Let me introduce everyone" she says. "The twins are Ruffnut and Tuffnut, the blonde over there is Fishlegs and you've already met Snotloud and Hiccup" she says. I look at everyone else matching them with their names. "It's nice to meet you all" I smile a bit. I look over to Midnight and see her playing with the other dragons. I only smile wider, Midnight has never had another dragon companion... And I haven't talked to another person for 5 years... Until now...

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