Chapter 13

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Note: I'm changing my writing style slightly. I'll go back and change the other chapters soon!

I hope you like the chapter. Sorry it's really short.

Your POV

I woke up to the sound of breathing. It was so dark that I could barley see, but I could make out the shapes of the dragons scales that I was laying against. I shifted my body a bit as I started to fully awake.

The dragon lifted its head and opened its eyes to look at me.

"Hello" I said softly.

The dragon purred at me.

I slowly held my hand out to its nose. Its eyes watched my hand as I moved it closer and closer, finally I rested it gently on its snout.

"Thank you again, for saving my life" I said.

The dragon purred in response.

As I pulled my hand away my stomach growled. It made me realize how hungry and thirsty I was.

The dragon seemed to sense this, they stood up. The dragon proceeded to throw up some fish.

I giggled. She was trying to take care of me. "I'm sorry, but I can't eat that" I said.

The dragon looked at me confused, but ate the fish back up.

I realized that I would have to leave soon, I couldn't stay forever. But how would I get back? Would the dragon help me? "I can't stay here" I said.

The dragon placed their head in my lap and whined. This surprised me.

"Are you alone?" I asked them.

They gave me a look that could only mean yes.

I petted the Dragons scaly head and smiled as they purred once more.

"What if I brought you home with me" I asked.

That seemed to lift the Dragons spirits, seeing as they squeaked quietly. I giggled.

"There are tons of other dragons for you to make friends with, There's all you can eat fish, people to hang out with. And you'll be safe" I said. I started to think off all of my friends back at the island. How long has it been since I was on Berk?

The dragon nudged it's head against me. I smiled.

"Can you bring me home? To Berk?" I asked.

The dragon of course couldn't talk to me, but the noise they made seemed very assuring. But they got up and showed me something that I didn't notice.

They had eggs.

There were three white eggs with grey speckles on them. And by the way the Dragon was nurturing them, I could tell that they were the eggs mother.

"You have eggs" I smiled at her. But this only made everything more complicated. Would it be okay to take the eggs with me? How would we bring them along? I didn't know how to take care of Dragons eggs, or at least water dragon eggs. It's been years since I took care of a baby dragon.

But thinking of that made me think of Midnight. And that made me want to go back even more.

"Can hold them?" I looked at the mama dragon.

She just looked at me reassuringly.

So I carefully picked one of the eggs up. I cupped it in both of my hands, running my fingers over the super smooth shell. How would I bring these eggs back? But then I thought of a plan.

I pulled my long sleeve shirt off. All I had on underneath was a thin tank-top, it wasn't warm at all. I carefully set the three eggs inside and tied the large (body hole?😂) at the bottom of the shirt. I carefully flipped the shirt around, after making sure the eggs couldn't possibly fall out, and then tied the two arms around my waist. I had a large pouch on the front of my stomach, filled with three dragon eggs.

"Can we go now?" I asked the mother dragon.

She purred, but only letting me on after checking that her babies were okay.

So I climbed on the mother dragon, loosely wrapping my arms around her neck, but still tight enough to hold on.

As the dragon walked out of the air pocket she made sure to keep one around me. I made sure the eggs were safe and snug before telling the mom she could go.

So then the mom started to swim. Her tail paddled back and forth through the icy water, propelling her forward. I've never ridden a dragon like this, no one has, at least at Berk.

It wasn't long before we made it to the surface and the air pocket disappeared. The cold air chilled the water on me, making me cold. But the dragon warmed herself up a bit. I just hope the eggs were warm enough against my stomach.

The dragon continued to swim across the vast expanse of water. And I knew in my heart that we would reach Berk soon.
I hope you liked it. And if you don't mind, please leave a suggestion for the name of the dragon. I was thinking Hali, it means 'sea'. At least I'm pretty sure 😅. But I'm not really sure.

That's it for now, I hope I can update soon. Bye guys!

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