Chapter 8

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Picture above is adorable 😍

Your point of view

It's been two weeks since I came to Berk. And I haven't once thought about leaving, I realized this is my home. I got new clothes, a new house, it's a new life for me. My new clothes are black leggings, light brown furry boots that almost go to the bottom of my knees, a gray long sleeved shirt with a light brown furry vest, a thin brown leather belt around my waist, I also braided my hair to one side (short hair keep it down). I hopped on Midnight and flew to Dragons Edge, I didn't know that they were there so I was surprised to see all of them in the training arena. I blushed as I watched Hiccup, my intense staring almost made me fall of of Midnight, as I wasn't paying intention. Yes I now admit it to myself, I may have gotten a small crush on Hiccup... Fine! I big crush. But I don't have to worry about it because he doesn't like me, he couldn't could he? I land in the arena next to Astrid and Stormfly. "Hey guys" I smile. "Hey (y/n)" everyone says. "What are you guys up to?" I asked them. "Training" Ruffnut and Tuffnut say, their dragons Barf and Belch make a cloud of smoke and make it explode. We all glare at them. Arrows suddenly wiz over our heads making us duck to the ground. I turn my head to see a shop coming around from the right side of the ocean. "Dagur!" Hiccup growls. Everyone told me about Dagur and the fights they've had with him, but I've never thought about what it would be like to actually meet him, it just never crossed my mind. Another wave of arrows fly over us and all of our dragons growl, we make our way to a safer place to decide what we should do. "How did Dagur find the island?" Fishlegs whispers petting Meatlugs head. "I don't know" Astrid says. Hiccup looks around the corner, "Come out Hiccup! I know your here!" I voice that just be Dagur calls out. "Ok everyone, keep your guard up. He might not attack us, he might just want to talk" Hiccup says. "Yeah right" Snotloud sneers. Hiccup glares at him before taking off on Toothless, all of us following behind. As we fly into the air the many men just watch us fly. We all hit the ship with a thud. "What do you want Dagur?" Hiccup growls. "What? Can I not just come say hi to my little brother" A man with red hair and a scar, Dagur, says. Hiccup scowls at his brother. Dagur a eyes land on me "And who may this young lady be?" He smirks. "Leave her alone! Why did you come?" Hiccup yells surprising me. Dagur looks to Hiccup and to me again and smirks. "I came to take the dragons eye" Dagur says. "You'll never get it" Hiccup yells. "Well then" Dagur and his men lunge at us. Dagur swings a large axe at me, I reach for my sword. But I know it's not fast enough, I close my eyes and ready myself for the axe to hit me. But it never did. I opened my eyes and saw Hiccup using his sword to block me. The dragons start to fight as well, but Dagur releases dragons of his own. But they aren't in their rightful mind, their eyes glow red. Everything was happening so quickly. I stabbed right, then left at the many men attacking. I avoided hurting the dragons, it wasn't their fault. They were being used. A burning pain went through my left shoulder. "(Y/n)!" Hiccups yells. I see him getting attacked by two men, I look over to Midnight that is getting held down by two dragons. I look up just in time to see a knife handle stick out of my shoulder, I hiss from the wave of pain my movement brought me. Someone picks me up and roughly shoves me towards someone else. I whelp in pain. "The perfect bait". Dagur. He pulls me up and I see Hiccup trying to get over to me but he gets tackled by a few men. "Help!" I shout as Dagur pulls me to the other side of the ship. "(Y/n)!" Hiccup yells once more. I struggle against Dagurs grip, but the butt of a sword hits me in the head. I don't fall unconscious but it darkens my vision for a moment. Dagur grabs me and hops into a dragon. That's when everything starts to go dark, blurry, quiet, then complete blackness....

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