Chapter 12

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Hey everyone I just wanted to say a few things! My ski season is finally (but sadly) over! So hopefully I can update more. Since I will be (hopefully) updating more often I will probably finish a book, and when that happens I was wondering if there's anything you would like me to write? There is so many characters I'd like to write an X reader for. So, feel free to request one! Here's chapter 12! I hope you like it!

Hiccups POV

Everyone started to fly away. I glanced over my shoulder. What was she doing?! I saw (y/n) and Midnight fly back towards the ship. I turned around wanting to fly back and help, but in mere seconds she grabbed ahold of Dagurs hand?! What was she doing? Midnight flew back into the air. As quickly glanced back at the ship I saw Drago and some of his men preparing to launch a net. I don't know if it was luck or good aim, but the net flew right towards them. "No!" I shouted as the net slammed into (y/n) and Dagur. The force tangled caused the net to wrap around (y/n) and pull her off of Midnight. "Toothless go!" I yelled frantically. Toothless nose dived towards (y/n), who was screaming as she fell towards the ocean. Midnight flew right along side Toothless and I, desperately trying to catch (y/n). The intense wind caused tears to come to my eyes. We were so close to the frigid water. (Y/n) hit the water. Toothless and Midnight had no choice to pull up, or they too would fall into the water. I tried to jump off of Toothless, but he wouldn't let me. "Let me off bud!" I said trying to jump off. But Toothless grabbed me. In my heart I knew he was right, that if I jumped into the icy water I too might not come up. But Dagur did something I never thought he would do, he jumped into the waves. I was to shocked to say anything. A watched his body swim under the surface. Quite a bit time passed before he came up, gasping for air. Midnight cried out when she saw Dagur come back without her rider. Dagur pulled himself up into Midnight, even in his intense shivering. "H-Hiccup I am so sorry" he said as his teeth chattered. I was silent for a moment. "It's your fault" I felt the words coming out of my mouth, with no intention to stop them. "What?" He asked. "If she wouldn't have went back to get you this wouldn't have happened" I said angrily. "I pushed Drago off of her Hiccup" he said. "Well? How well did that turn out Dagur?! She's dead because of you!" I said. I just wanted to blame someone, or something for the death of (y/n), I just couldn't stop it. "I never wanted this to happen Hiccup" Dagur cried out, that took me by surprise. "She changed me brother, I just wanted to help! Why else would I jump in the water to save her? Why would I have risked my life to help you guys escape?" He said. His words hit me hard, but couldn't think straight. I knew that (y/n) was gone, and I didn't even get to tell her I loved her. "Toothless let's go" I said. I lead Toothless away from the last spot I ever got to see (y/n). As I fly over the clouds, the wind brought tears to my eyes, but I knew that the wind wasn't the only reason why...

Your POV

What a lot of people don't know is that hitting the water after falling from as high as I did, feels like you hit cement. Because when I woke up, all I felt was pain. But how was I alive? I looked around to see that I was in some sort of cave, and I was dry. I almost screamed as I saw a dark shadow move from above me. It was at that moment that I realized that I wasn't in a cave, I was in a pocket of air, at the bottom of the sea. How could this be possible?! The dark shadow came right up to the bubble. I scooted backwards, wincing as the pain it brought me. The shadow crept into the bubble, it was a dragon. It was unlike any dragon I saw before. It was long, sleek and grayish blue. It had flipper like feet with webbing between its toes. It's tail was slightly flattened, Good for swimming. It had a long neck leading up to its head. It had long teeth and large dark eyes, probably so it could see in the dark water. It was a beautiful creature. But as it made a noise I remembered I was in an unfamiliar place, and would this dragon hurt me. It started to walk closer. I scooted back until I felt the water hit my back, it was freezing. The beast came closer and I shielded my face. I wish I would have drowned when I was asleep, that would be better than being mailed to death by a dragon.  But the dragon sat in front of me and made a sound like purring, a friendly sound. I looked up at it slowly. It looked friendly enough, it's large eyes looked at me curiously. Both the dragon and I stayed silent for a moment. But I spoke eventually, "You saved my life.... thank you". The dragon made a low purring noise. I smiled and started to shiver as the cold water quickly cooled me down, even more than I had been. The dragon slowly walked up to me and curled around me. Heat started to come off of its body in waves, slowly warming me up. The last thing I thought before I fell asleep was. I was safe, and that's all that mattered right now.

Hiccup (HTTYD) x reader Where stories live. Discover now