Chapter 15

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A/n: I almost cried writing this. The ending isn't the best, but I tried my hardest.

After you had returned, everything seemed to go back to normal. Your friends spirits heightened, everyone seemed to be happy again. Especially Hiccup.

After you two got together, he was the happiest guy in the village. It didn't take long for the two of you to bring up the topic of marriage. Even then, it was still a surprise when he asked you for your hand in marriage.

You got married shortly after in a beautiful ceremony along the waters edge.

Your family started to grow. First, it was the Dragon who saved you, who you named Hali (sea), then her three little eggs hatched. Two girls and one boy.

You became pregnant a few months after the eggs hatched. The two of you were so excited to become parents. So were Toothless and Midnight...

The two dragons showed you a nest of three, beautiful light grey eggs. They brought back the memories of you as a young child, holding Midnight when she was still an egg. Remembering how you had made a nest in your dresser caused a giggle to escape your lips. You were happy that these future baby dragons would have a real nest, with parents, and siblings.

Ara, Cordelia, and Bayou, the water dragon babies (You stuck with the water themed names). Couldn't wait for the eggs to hatch either.

When they did it was one of the best days of your life. They all hatched about the same time, which was good, because everyone wanted to hold the baby Night furies. Midnight looked just like her mom, all grown up and a mother. There were two boys, Kovu and Kodiak, both had Midnights icy blue eyes. Then there was one little girl, Naida, she was tiny. She had Toothlesses eyes, and a grin to match.

But the day your daughter was born was the best, but most chaotic one yet. After a long 12 hour labor (poor you), you held a little girl in your arms. Immediately all of your friends and your dragons, wanted to see.

The adult dragons acted like she was their young. And the youngsters thought the baby was like their sibling.

(Daughters name)(I can't decide on a name) was going to be loved, very loved. All of her siblings there to be with her.

When (D/n) started crawling around with the dragons, you knew how close they would be. Crawling turned into walking, and walking turned into riding the dragons.

The first time you saw your two year old clinging onto a dragon, flying through the air, you almost had a heart attack. Sure, they were only like 5 feet off the ground, but you were a caring mother, scared for her child's safety.

But when she was a bit older, Hiccup made a saddle for her, so she could ride safely.

But (D/n)s favorite way to ride a Dragon was to be sitting in front of you or Hiccup. She loved feeling the wind on her hair, and snuggling up against her parents.

She had a wonderful life. She had her dragon siblings, her uncle Dagur, her grandma Vulka, and all of her parents friends. She didn't have to worry about the harm Dragons could cause.

She was, (D/n)(M/n) Haddok.

The end.

I just wanted to thank everyone for all of the comments and support. You guys truly mean so much to me, as writing is my dream and passion. If you made it to the end, of you stuck with me this whole time, thank you ❤️

Feel free to check you my other stories, I have a lot!

I hope to see you guys again! Love you guys!


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