Chapter 4

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Your point of view

We've been flying over the ocean all night now. Midnight rumbles from below me and I can tell she is getting tired, "we need to get some rest soon don't we girl" I say leaning my head against hers. She grumbles from below me, as if she's saying yes. I close my eyes just resting my head against hers. But my eyes open wide as I hear an all to familiar sound. The song of a Nightfury's wings cutting through the air. I quickly lift my head up, it isn't Midnight, she's slowly gliding. I pinpoint the noise from below us. I see a glimpse of black through the clouds. 'There can't be another Nightfury! Can there!?' I tell myself. But I know the sound to well. I just thought there wasn't any left... I wait a moment before speaking to Midnight, "I promise we'll go look for them but you need some rest" I say just loud enough for her to hear. Soon enough we find an island and Midnight quickly glides to it hitting the ground and collapsing. "You ok girl?" I ask worried. I don't get an answer as she's already sound asleep. I grab our few supplies from the pack strapped into Midnights saddle. I proceeded to make a small makeshift camp. I know Midnight will be hungry when she wakes so I go off trying to find some food, I search around the lake for any animals but I quickly decide fish would be a better option. "Bud let's get some fish!" I hear mans voice. My heart skips a beat as I gasp and turn to face Midnight. They'll see her. I get up and run to Midnight but I wasn't fast enough because I hear the man come out of the thick brush into the small cleared off area of the lake. I turn to face him. He looks around my age, 20. He has emerald green eyes and shaggy reddish brown hair. I see him look at me to my dragon, holding a knife. "Is that a Nightfury?!" He says loudly. I step in front of the now just woken up groggy Midnight. "Please don't hurt her!" I say. I can't let him hurt her, I know what Vikings do to dragons... "Hey I'm not goi-" he's interrupted as a Nightfury shoots out of the trees and lands next to the man. "Going to hurt her" he finishes as leaves fall into his hair. My mouth opens wide. The Nightfury has a saddle?! We all stare at one another for a moment. 'He has a dragon?'. 'She has a Nightfury?'. The other Nightfury comes closer turning his head to the side in curiosity, by now Midnight is fully awake, from the shock of their being another Nightfury. She to moves closer making small noises as she does. They both look at each other as they circle one another, before finally settling down in one place and smiling at each other.

 They both look at each other as they circle one another, before finally settling down in one place and smiling at each other

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So cute!!!... Whoever made this is amazing!

"Umm hey... I'm (y/n)" I say awkwardly. "I'm Hiccup, also known as Hiccup Haddock the third" The man I now know as Hiccup reply. "Sorry I'm not from around here so I wouldn't know you" I say. "Oh where are you from?" He asks. I really don't want to talk about this. "I don't really want to talk about it, it's just really far away" I say. We both stay silent for a moment. "You have a Nightfury" we both say at the same time, we both chuckle a bit. I start "Well her names Midnight, and I thought she was the only one left but..." I turn to Hiccups dragon. "Oh that's Toothless, right bud?" He says and Toothless comes running to him before licking his armor. "Hey! You know that doesn't wash out!" Hiccup says. I laugh a bit "It doesn't does it?" I smile. He smiles back at me. "Are there more dragon riders where your from?" I ask curiously. "Yeah, we all are" he says. I feel a sharp pain spread throughout my heart, his people love dragons, my people hated them, they killed my family because of it and it's all my fault. But I force a smile over it. "Oh that's cool, I haven't met a dragon rider before" I say.  "Oh well please come to Berk with me, you could met everyone there and all the dragons!" He says petting Toothless. It all sounds so amazing, but I haven't properly talked to many people in years. But fresh food, a warm bed and some new clothes sound great. "Sounds great, but Midnight here is tired" I say, but Midnight is already as my side and wagging her tail excitedly. "Well... ok then" I say hopping on her. "Ok bud to Berk" he says hoping on Toothless. We both take off into the clear sky. The two dragons cut through the air making the used to be feared sound of the Nightfurys wings, they collide perfectly together and I can't help but smile. As sad as I am to know that there are people that love dragons unlike my old village, and I know my family could have been safe here. But I am happy to start a new chapter of my life, and this time my dragon and I are not alone...


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